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John Dec 2012
Images flashing

Played over
By way

Within those
Is a
Deeper understanding
Takes hold
And forms
Arpita Banerjee Jan 2017
The winds
Have travelled in all directions,
Known and unknown,
For the both of us.

Sometimes it has kissed my lips,
Sometimes licked your fingertips.
Such is the brazen insidiousness
That touches our venality.
At all times.

The Stars,
The Earth,
The wind,
Your mouth,
And my fingertips,
Are all essentially,
The same entity.
Decorated in the nothingness.
Of their ******.
Because sometimes I long for you. And they answer my prayers.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
i imagine heaven, as seeing copernicus balancing himself, while riding a bicycle for the first time, seeing how he theorised the imbalance of the geocentric model... mind you: the heliocentric model for writing history... kinda ******, isn't it? not much to go around, landing on the moon, probes to saturn, lovely pictures... to me? we're still living in a geocentric world, since most of history happens in the geocentric model, rather than the heliocentric model of: dwarfing man... plus, readings maps doesn't really help even if you know that the earth isn't flat... o.k. smart ***, you navigate a car across europe, from england to a remote city in eastern poland!

memory is such a fickle faculty of the mind,
made twice as fickle (some for of "natural"
selection) - most assuredly an ontological
anomaly - but i remember this one particular
morning, where i had to take a photograph
of the vanilla / raspberry / rose hue clouds,
while pumping myself for the day ahead
at 7a.m., listening to *jethro tull's

my god - ah, the flute man, i sometimes
imitate it, puffing out clouds of biblical
verse citing: the fire ahead, and the smoke
behind, will guard your path upon
the woken ask for: an exodus out egypt.
after all, i'm all for free speech,
but when a freedom is lacking,
and an insidiousness overcomes a first
comment of a site like you-tube...
       debating bands, "trying" to broaden
the young minds:
   i actually was introduced to king crimson
when i was circa 10 / 11...
      hell, depends who your father was...
people abused by trolls forget one major
point... the adrenaline rush you get
when being slighted...
      you know the effect of adrenaline in
this loser microcosmos?
  you know how powerful it can be?
you have to learn english a second time
even if you already speak it as an american,
or an australian...
              you have to pick out the best
bits: on the continent there's no such thing
as english humour, there's only
the macabre humour, or... dark humour...
prime ingredient?
oh don't be silly, it's not turmeric
(the poor man's saffron) - although that
could 'elp...
   it's? sar-casm!
     the english are renowned for it...
by the way, i once mentioned "chiromancy"
and i.q., i.e. how you hold a pen
or a fork / knife, or how you type without
ever glancing at the keyboard...
better add chop-sticks to the affair...
i prefer to call them pinch-sticks -
since you're most likely pinching your
food, rather than forking it...
and that: they're not exactly drum sticks
            i wonder why high i.q. correlates
to culinary equipment...
        i fiddle with my beard,
scratch my head and state: no idea!
but... have you ever wondered why
thai curries are so much fresh than indian
or bengali? the indians use the base
of onion ginger and garlic,
and very few greens...
                 they're heavy on the stomach too,
but thai curries?
        so easy to digress on,
sorry, digest...
                   and these pinch-stick antics?
    i can't remember the last time i used
but it's always the same cliche:
once you've learned how to ride a bike,
once you've learned how to swim,
once you've learned how to use chopsticks,
you can't forget how to,
even with a ridiculous amount of hiatus.
odd, isn't it?
   well, i find it odd...
see, when you come across a youtube troll
in the comments section,
be sure to turn a reply into a sarcastic snigger -
the english humour type,
recognise the adrenaline rush,
mention a small weener,
i know it's not exactly bungee jumping,
just recognise the adrenaline...
  and **** me it's there, esp. (like me) you've
had a few drinks "too many"...
it's easy prey... you can turn into
the most obnoxious antithesis of a troll
that a troll begins to cower...
   i'm not for safe spaces or curbing a freedom
of speech, but, come one:
you mention a few bands that are the neo-alt.
from the 1970s in the prog rock movement,
why settle on citing a want for kids reading
to led zeppelin... or black sabbath...
no one mentioned deep purple either...
guess what ****** of guitar store workers more:
deep purple's smoke on the water,
or led zeppelin's stairway to heaven?
  oddly enough? the latter.
i just hate hearing the news of teenagers being
"sold" suicide after being abused online -
esp. girls...
        come on, if you're being trolled,
turn into an englishman, become sarcastic,
watch some fawlty towers, some monty python,
and then spin it with things like:
i'm getting a hard-on, or: my ****'s getting wet...
pick 'n' mix...
          the only way to effectively disperse these
"saints" of free speech is to become
a bigger troll than they are...
  and how does one overcome a troll?
one becomes an orc.
Jennifer G Mar 2015
following the quiet unwinding

of the strings
of the patches
of the sleeves

for the good of clearing the air
there settled a fine layer of dust

gold in color
stifling in pressure
and silent in insidiousness
things have been weird lately.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
coxswain or "***": a poet upon my shoulder, mind you embarrassing the comparison, twice the defeatist with a devil or an angel: twice the defeatist, still my prime mate! poet the ***! please don't elaborate on the said compliment! eight to an sixteen of oar upon the thames! you *****-nim-whitts! oar! oar! shmoore ore! by ten to 12 that coats about ten *******! you oxbridge falcons need the talk ***** to get a hardon?! trophy ***** awaits! limp ***** of McPhallon; what have they been feeding you: p & n + j all your ******* lives? no wonder you're a waste of time, i'd have more fun trainspotting that pretending to goo it out in gay over your "bulging" muscular-man crescendos... i've seen more anemics with more heartthrob effectuation than this *****-riddle-of-an-effort! at least the anemics get from (a) to (b) without having to pass your ****'s worth of (c)! i swear to god, most of these ***** sportsmen would have learned more in the army, than they ever did, or actually never did, "learn" at college... if not discipline then at least some respect, and if not respect, then at least some discipline... stop thinking about the fate of the ugly girls! row forest! row!*

sometimes, whenever a man couldn't have not have said it better, an orangutan out-mastered the masters of the swing, and gave him a permanent stitched-up kippah as reminder...

the world detests the men of necessary
stature, requirement, posture
and that welcome of adversary -

you wanted equality!
you didn't take it!
            who wants a woman equal a man
in the labour of war,
and who wants a woman equals in elsewhere,
what is there to come back to?
what candy floss dinners? what wish-you
good riddance?
  you are my necessary men...
       that sack-load of the last remaining rite -
but a skim off a skimmer...
the long-lost tattoo...
   i have here by daughter,
i have here my glue -
                   and may death pardon me,
for not living a life into her ageing
into me becoming a grandpa...
               who died: saving oh so worthy few...
and may my country be wed
unto tears, and let my country be
sufficed by the oh so many given,
but the oh so many pacified "grieved" -
and let that bell of the 4th of july
count 24, by noon with it,
and by midnight with all of those
we grieved a charcoaled choke worth of
                      let us all serve the infantry
of the years 1980 and 1990...
      when once we mattered,
we were subsequently left with
a fakery of goodbye...
in the days when we held more love
for our enemy, than our fellow countrymen,
for in those days:
at least the enemy held us in no
contempt: and looked us in the eye,
as sons of the same mother,
with a different pa...
                    and we learned
about the insidiousness of a woman's
desire to upkeep a "household"...
          and we said unto each other,
friend or foe:
         that this be the home of
joke and laughter: and the loss of
a bewildered, begrudging abode of a woman's
          that finally: set aside what's free,
we'd set aside the only freedom of
continuing our bludgeon against each other:
that our native tongue
became our native in translate -
          that we gained more from
fighting our enemy,
than having re-countered our, supposedly free;
we gained from love from our
enemy, than we were ever to gain from
our "citizens free".
After experiencing a severe,
albeit violent near lethal bout
of irritable bowel syndrome
(yesterday night August 30th, 2023)
triggered courtesy dulcolax caplets plus
healthy portion of lentils,
I (a beatle browed, foo fighting,
night ranger needing nirvana)
imperiled me to twist and shout
as a whirling dervish analogous
to F5 tornado bread a deep purple
to kiss earth, wind and fire
hopscotching across terrestrial plain.

Irritable bowel syndrome
in my pinion wracked
lower abdominal area (mine)
bubbled, gurgled and ballooned
sub stomach gastrointestinal tract
vis a vis flatulence crooned
in tandem with subsequent expulsion
explosively eliminated ***** waste
witnessed this scribe forcibly
zipping, sprinting, jetting to bathroom,

self propulsion (a race against time)
nsync with contraction of sphincter muscles'
spasmodically, desperately braced
body electric of mine hurled
at light speed across the universe
courtesy unpleasant symptoms
that mimicked anxiety/ panic attack,
which tortuousness, odorousness, insidiousness,
horrendousness, gaseousness, arduousness...
played mean game of (gastrointestinal
knick knack paddywhack havoc.

Ofttimes in the past
irritable bowel syndrome
affrighted, afflicted, and affected me,
hence yours truly no stranger
to making light of offal plight
and even managing to craft poem
else my alias not mister rhyme stir,
who found himself held hostage
self barricaded in the water closet,
where thoughts about mooning

did not crack a smile,
more explicitly baring derriere
tubby more exact
humor did little to cheer me up -
matter of fact
no source of laughter manifested,
(despite usual presence of chuckles
from this fan of good humor) hijacked
for what seemed a maternity leave
from all mothers tub be

thus envision, a bevy of pregnant gals
aching with cramps heave
ving (times square of the hippopotamus)
with ****** fully dilated key
ping alert, when mother nature ready
to pull out all stops (via umbilical cord)
to deliver bundle of joy followed
in quick succession with after birth re:
placental sack, hence
said effort to expel newborn

the closest scenario
experienced ill suited
to Saint Vitus dance
afflicting this anxiety prone
lovely bones, an all expense
paid (seat of the pants)
accursed bane of proletariat grants
no truce to attend
found me pampered doubled over stance.

Modus operandi to distract
against acute pain crisis
yielded impossible mission
exhibited courtesy haphazard poem  
awaiting unsolicited feedback
across rock of ages woke
beguiling ghostly ***** spectre
courtesy Marie-Antoinette,
(i.e. bride of France's arty choke
King Louis XVI) bespoke

let him eat cake, and (sic)
send back the ****** bloke,
aye suddenly begot idea rye
Jack Corner of zee desk
didst impale and provoke
moderately painful injury
right side rib cage
analogous to intriguing
unfortunate circumstance
mysterious secret shrouded

as dagger and cloak
(think Alfred E. Neuman,
viz MAD Magazine), yes no joke
lovely bones of me body electric,
(particularly right side rib cage)
severely traumatized, nailed, injured...
crucified oft told umteen times,
yet omitting key mirrors and smoke,
significant Dorian Gray parallel,
when former antique,

viz secrétaire looking glass reflection,
spider hairline fractures radiated
resembled bay of pigs in a poke
ham handedly oinked,
quaked, shattered... broke
into bajillion pieces
deafening, exploding,
glowering thunder stroke
jagged shrapnel size shards
unleashed cosmic force
lacerated, gnashed, beribboned...

impeaching flesh with
one engulfed masterstroke,
no rhyme nor reason aiming to choke
off promising poet (ha) of corpse
resembling scrambled egg yolk
posthumous fame besmoke
salvaged mine besmirched reputation
courtesy humble cartoon character
bugs bunny and kinfolk spoke
daffy fully goofily
eulogizing humor did evoke.

— The End —