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Sarra Mar 2019
Then :

Stigmas shredding this rough frame
Strips of blood
boiling, wanting to explode
I feel their anger
I hear their shrieks, their war cries
I don't listen.
These monsters and me
are at war.
                                                            ­                                                  Now :
                                                               ­    Soft pink caressing this canvas
                                                          ­                                          Calm rivers
                                                                ­             nurturing, bring it to life
                                                            ­                                I feel their peace
                                                           ­  I hear their hummings, their odes
                                                            ­                               I sing with them 
                                                           ­                 my stretch marks and me
                                                                ­                                           are one.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
The crevices of physicality

Sink deeper,

Yet the jewells of originality

Grow steeper.

Erasing the short-comings

Of distancing years,

Ignoring the elderly’s hummings,

And death’s fears.

You stand bold and proud;

Forever young,

Within life’s merry-go-round.

For the joy you have created

Is endless and ongoing;

And the love that you ignite

Is forever growing.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
basic arithmetic in terms of punctuation, otherwise? simply the arithmetic of punctuation: what does (,) equal? what does (.) equal? what does (:) equal? what does (-) equal? what does (;) equal? come on, quick! quick! give me a number!

to *think
, is to not narrate,
                               much of what is regarded as
   "thinking", simply becomes as art
of narration
       that is sofa-bound, i.e. so comfortable
that it feels it has no inclination
toward the use of hands as ever
being idle, it simply replaces
  hands with a tongue...
                    hence: idle speech,
                hence political speech;
so if the "devil" has work for idle hands,
then "god" has work for the idle zunge
but most people don't think,
   because their thinkling is solely about
                  their day-to-day...
               and i appreciate this custom,
in the cognitive realm...
         i really do...
              how many jokes ushered into
the void of one's silence, neither whisphers,
nor hummings, nor whistling...
        wiser still, essentially unchanged...
but heidegger's aphorism no. 285
   really bothers me...
            the reader looking into the narrator
given the existentialist inverted commas
   (iberian inverted questioning
   ¿   ?          that's the first step toward
   an iberian existentialism)
                        said the third person,
    with third party sources, the middle man,
the second person, and then the reader
  of the writer's original testimony?
   if northern existentialism (french / german...
  the english were too reactionary, and
too easily bored by the continental drift)
       encompasses the tool that's "      "
   then the iberian tool has to be the inverted
question mark, i.e.       ¿   ?,
sitting comfortably? no? how about a wheelchair...
let me just break your legs and your spine.
       but aphorism 285: "worldview",
     "grounding", "configuring"...
       i don't understand this allocation of ambiguity,
and an italic stress on da-sein / da-sein...
   aren't all the three descriptive elements /
   adjectives the purposive sentiments for
                   originating the concept of dasein?
i had to counter with an iberian existential tool...
   after all i said, 'he said', "we said"...
                                  it's a third party medium
of supposed ambiguity...
         if there's a santa claus (satan's clause),
then there's pontius pilate's clause,
  found in the existential tool of     double-ditto "     "
  or as the english like to say: inverted commas;
   or the ritual: of washing your hands clean
   from passing the judgement...
   they're citation marks to be honest, come on,
let's be pompous, they donned 19th top-hats
     at ascot's horse races! who's fooling who?
Alice Burns Aug 2013
Just by chance the taxi drove a little too far
Merely by impulse I decided to go inside
The fluorescent entrance was conveniently right in front on me
why not called temptation and my feet obeyed

Just in curiosity I strolled down unnecessary aisles
Simply by nature I left my soul bare
Swarms of negativity and hummings of positivity flew through me
so what my faithful reassurance comforted me

Just as always I returned insult with compliment
Eyes as ever looking deeper than fantasy
And then I saw her, shredded clothes and body worn
look closer winds whispered from a land unseen

Just in loyalty my eyes studied this woman
And in love I recognized purity that I strive to wield
The evil whisperers are hypocrites in their claiming her *****
and wrong they are too for all I see is light
Wee little moors, giant over bog,
Sparkle in the lilles, loll within a frog,
In a flash of dragonflies - fires the sun,
All the meadow rising, spirits overcome!

Wee bright moors, cropping round a meadow,
Songbirds singing dear, hummings in the nettles
In minnows of logged pools - reeds set fire to sun
All the gold of fens rising, spirits overcome!
Wee little moors, giant over bog,
Sparkle in the lilles, loll within a frog,
In a flash of dragonflies - fires the sun,
All the meadow rising, spirits overcome!

Wee bright moors, cropping round a meadow,
Songbirds singing dear, hummings in the nettles
In minnows of logged pools - reeds set fire to sun
All the gold of fens rising, spirits overcome!
em Jan 2014
the hummings you hear
is the tune at work
at binding my heart
to this one true love.
the pedal point that holds our song
courses through my every node
bringing me life
like how your words
give breath to my smile.
this love is true
my heart beats for you
with the steadiest of rhythms
alongside quaver notes
deep in song
as I have found myself
deep in your promising love.
Nemis Feb 2020
The moonlight of the scarlet eclipse,
From the chasm of the phantom heart.
In the void of the bottomless pit,
Wandering in search of attunement within.

Abstruse like the nucleus rigid,
Fragile like the flower petal.
Hummings of the oceans and sky,
Quivering will, the fear occupy.

In the stones of faith to pray,
For the lurking fleshes of past which stays.
Rippling through the time frames,
Turning to the ashes gray.

— The End —