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Michael Ellis Dec 2011
When you see me

You see a peaceful joyful soul

When you see me

You see smiles and happiness

When you see me

You see a strong cheerful young man

When you see me

Yon don't see me like I see me

rorrim gnikool a otni kool I nehW

niap hguorht neeb esohw yob a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

ytitnedi on sah ohw nam gnuoy a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

eb ll'I yas elpoep nam eht ees t'nod I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

erutuf on htiw eruliaf a ees I

When you see me

You don't see the real vulnerable

Brumous Jun 2021
uoy ot gnis I
seuh derettahs fo yballul a
htrow dna ytilaudividni fo snoitcarfer

kni gniyrc neeb ev'uoy
em revo lla deraems
ynnuf s'ti, das os gnikool

I sing to you
a lullaby of shattered hues
refractions of individuality and worth

you've been crying ink
smeared all over me
looking so sad, it's funny

'sit scriptor aspiret invicem'

       Should we?
              we already are.
                     Each other we paint;
                                  "blood from thee."
original look here ->
I don't think
Brumous Jun 2021
uoy ot gnis I
seuh derettahs fo yballul a
htrow dna ytilaudividni fo snoitcarfer

kni gniyrc neeb ev'uoy
em revo lla deraems
ynnuf s'ti, das os gnikool

mecivni teripsa rotpircs tis

                            ?ew dluohS
                 ;era ydaerla ew
          tniap ew rehto hcaE
eeht morf doolb
Steve Jun 2018
tcelfer I rorrim eht nIn the mirror I reflect
yks eht morf rorrim A mirror from the sky
tou ro ni ro nwod gnikooLooking down or in or out
yhw nosaer a tuihtiWithout a reason why
meht ro uoy ro em gnigduJudging me or you or them
ym ni gnikool reveNever looking in my
Written in the mirror, draw an imaginary line down the centre of your screen and let your mind wander through the looking glass...
devante moore Mar 2016
gnorw ti ta gnikool ruoy esuaceb s'ti esnes ekam t'nod sgniht nehw semitemoS
Lou Dec 2017
uoy nehW
nwo ruoy ni gnihcraes flesruoy dnif
,ssalg gnikool
.flesruoy ees yllaer t'nod uoy
flesruoy ni tbuod evah reveN

— The End —