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Allison Jan 2014
Darling is it bad that I don't feel the sun anymore?
I'm afraid I've broken myself again.
Afraid that someday I'll lay down and feel the need not to push myself to wake up again.
Darling is it bad that I don't see the stars in the sky anymore?
The ones I use to lay in the grass and look up to.
The ones I use to make the same wish on every night they somehow disappeared and I can't seem to remember that wish.
Darling is it bad that sometimes I think the walls are screaming at me when I'm alone?
I don't do all that well in the quiet green room I have when no one is home.
Maybe that's why I found peace in a razor to block out the quiet
Darling is it okay to stop and not think for awhile?
Just lay in one spot and forget about it all?
Darling can I stop and think about you for a while?
I think your the only thing I like thinking about.
Being okay for a little feels good.
Feels like those walls can move and breathe around me.
Darling I'm afraid I'm not good enough anymore.
I can't fix myself like I have been trying too.
It's hard putting the pieces back together when I can't find them.
I would search my soul and my heart for these pieces that I lost but I get so tired, I gave up.
Darling is it wrong that I want to be prefect?
Prefect for you and myself so being alive doesn't have to be a chore anymore?
Darling. Don't leave.
I've already gaven up on myself that I can't have one more person write me off.
Darling would you be mad at me if I leave?
I would never leave you but if one day I disappear you can look up in the stars, that's were I'd be.
I've always found peace in stars.
Maybe I'll be one one day.
Maybe one day you will be looking up at one and it will be me.
Darling maybe you will remember the wish I always wished while looking up at me.
Robin Dziedzic Dec 2017
Jeg vekker verden for tiden går: våkn opp

Vi kan være borte i morgen: stå opp

Jeg vekker verden, fordi jeg vil gi bort det jeg har,

I morgen kan vi miste den gaven

For hver dag er vi nærmere slutten

Som kan være starten av en ny begynnelse.

Så finn det stedet, din mening, din egen bølge,

Gi bort hjertet, gi bort alt,

Elsk,respekter andre, drøm,

Vær kul, vis verden at du er noen

Dag etter dag, tiden stopper ikke,

Jeg lever og vil oppleve hvert minutt.

Verdens farger i mitt blod,

Folkets **** med morgendagens luft,

Jeg skal vekke dere: Carpe Diem.

Stå opp med ordene på tunga, jeg lever

Fra nå av, ikke fra i morgen, fra nå av,

Har jeg ikke tid til å kaste tiden bort,

Skriv livets manus selv, og visk den aldri ut.

Alle har en vei å gå, alle er noen,

Og med hevet hode bærer de stolt sitt kors,

De kan lære deg å tro, vise deg vei.

Ikke vær redd for å kjempe for tilværelsen,  

ikke vær redd for nederlag.

Jeg vekker verden, det er min vei,

Mitt oppdrag, min mening.

Så jeg sier nå til dere alle:

“Opplev hver dag, og bruk din gave.”

Og hvis du tror på kjærlighet,

Sørg for at den er gjensidig,

Sammen stå opp og se alltid samme vei,

Vær sammen til døden skiller dere ad.

DET er gaven.
YoungGentleman17 Mar 2014
My whole life I was the most talked about person there was
I was talked about by people by co workers by friends
I thought one day it would all end
I laugh and smile not to show how I truly feel around people
It not like anybody will care anyways
I was always judged throughout my life In school
And yet they still judge me to look cool
My whole life people told me I'm nothing I'd always be considered lame
So now I've gaven up on t popularity and fame
I feel there's no reason for me to be in this world
I laugh and feel sad as I wath all my cousin and brothers get girls
Nobody understands me not my brothers and even my mother
I guess that's why it shows from others
Nobody understands  my pain my kife my struggles and more
I'm an angel that's fallen that can no longer sore
Nobody understands me only because I'm different
Different by how I act and how I look
I was the kid who had nicknames still today its the same
I still have pain inside
But out of every hurt I felt it never ruined my pride
So that part is good
My Name is Louis Haynes
And I'm misunderstood
Breezy Raye Aug 2013
HAve I t o u t     ,For YoU.
     I n th e  End .
You will never see what has significant value to be coming .
By th e Time your Eye blood
Puddles of mud , , Your height and sights
Set so high in the sky y , with sand AT my side .
     Like a prison tower, with only prisoners left .
After; like, the Dea'R'th, like a soildier with no flag to raise .
                     No human can not no know.,"  no more sorrow ' .  ""
Today sun rose and everything .
But no sigh was the same , like just too much clutter .
Dare to rise with a smile, a n d
kit, kick pretty little bideen perty , she says "HER, to the curbs "
SEnd 'em


^And 2 her surprise , all that incense in the middle .
Like her court, lines of paint for a wire  net, catches*finale.
Advances her evil plan , that will set her free from them .
How could it have belonged for anyone .
Juicy, and just hher guilty please and sure .  
~Thank yOu~
Finding nothing in th e casket
Of an open testament, to her only soul.
Gaven to by none other than A0 mother .
Plown and simpally .
Eric Jul 2019
This pain in my chest is frightening.
The strain of arrest tightening.
I can feel deep down inside of me .
Openly discovering .
Natural habits I couldn't see .
What does it take to believe?
In the light ,
Before the darkness is only perceived.
Clouds of hate with rains that come with a fee.
Every day the spitting image of blasphemy.
It's likely ,
I've gaven every part of me .
Nothing left but a empty blue sea .
Not a boat in sight to save me .
I try so hard to stay afloat of all my dreams.
But soon to be dragged down to the depths
Underneath what is known as our society.
Madison McEnroe May 2015
Save me,
Save me from the agony,
agony of missing you.
Because you were cherished in my heart,
deeply rooted  into my veins like vines grasping for life,
like my blood was your soil.
And you were able to grow and live of the happiness of life.
So why mask away your fears and tears,
from someone who would have gaven there last drop of blood,
last essence of life,
to keep you happy.
Why suicide Shane,
instead of me.
Suicide, is not the answer.
wisefool Jul 2014
I'm a traveler of both time and space
And let me tell you their is no light
At the end of this race
Run all you like
But you'll be running in place
Looking for comfort in a familiar face

I've been everywhere and everyone
Touched the moon and felt the sun
Preached about peace
While carrying a gun
Gaven more when I had none

Smile when you have nothing to smile for
Cry for everything you felt before
Once broken can be now restore
Only if you believe theirs always a door
You walked once, why not walk once more
$10,000 dollars
What can you do with that
Kind of money
Everything around us is close
You cannot travel
So, what would you
Do with that kind
Of money.
My question
To whomever

— The End —