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brandon nagley Feb 2017
Anigh, is the darkling of the effrontery eagle, effaced, replaced; it's worship towards the devil. Gallons of blood, used as cover, ash and mud; defiling of ****** mother's. Gallizing men drowned in sweetness of drunkened friends. Gamins created by cankered loot, oil fills the pockets; diamonds make slaves to. Gangrels run kingdom's from their ancestral hand-me-downs, gaolers imprison innocents, whilst thy rulers throw ****** for babes at compounds. Innovators; mocking God's name. Mixing men with robotics, keeping the pure obscured, locking animals in a cage. Inorbing creation with cameras as eyes, like rats they scurry, hide; when the truth is knocking. Like a drunkard; This circular hell shalt rock as a ship, many planet's art approaching, none help shalt thou get.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©prophetic poetry.

Word meanings:
Anigh: near.
Darkling: growing darkness.
effrontery: shameless.
Eagle: the united states.
Effaced: erased, forgotten.
Gallizing: add water plus sugar to make stronger wine from grape juice.
Gamins: neglected boy left to the streets.
Gangrel: vagrant, loose built person.
Gaoler: jailer.
Inorb: encircle, surround.
Circular hell: earth.
Nibiru title of poem: also known as planet x/planet 9/ a planet discovered by nasa back in the 80s admitted by them now being covered up by our gvt, its coming in With a blue planet as well , nibiru is being caught on pictures on cam and video all on youtube, if type in planet x 2016 on YouTube see his vids youll see what it is. It brings with it fireballs it latches on to other planet's it tilts pole shifts it has been also causing mass quakes also severe weather changes, though the gvt has been chemtrailing daily, don't know chemtrailing means look it up, my gvt does it daily using military jets and commercial planes that drop over 40 poisonous chemicals in your air which shuts down kidney, brain function causing heart issues in children and adults alike, the Pentagon even admitted to chem trailing though they lie to the American and world public saying it's for (global warming) yes our planet is changing but not because the reasons they tell us( they have controlled weather weapons that blast heat into the air ionizing molecules making the weather a weapon against us, they use darpa and harp to create these storms, up in alaska is one of main bases though have ionizers globally they can can create hurricanes, floods, even have it not rain. Main reason were realizing their spraying chemclouds which leave thick smoke trails left behind in your air That spread out into clouds you see unlike regular plane trails that evaporate asap after leaving the plane. Their spraying heavy to cover up nibirus approach. Bible spoke during the seven year tribulation fireballs would bomb the earth, also a great type of asteroid/meteor type thing during the seven years of tribulation where there will be people who dont accept yeshua jesus as lord and savior will be left behind if not raptured up by jesus, you'll have to endure an anti christ to rule This earth who's here now and his helper the false prophet religious leader now here to and well known who will bring all world religions together as one to worship the anti christ and an image that will be built. Their will be a mark of the beast given to those left behind I personally believe the rfid chip as revelation chap 13 speaks on this, it will be put in right hand and forehead, though can still be saved if left behind but will go through hell andon would have to reject the antichrist mark at that time to be saved in jesus not being ****** to hell. Bible speaks whoever takes the mark of the beast will be ****** eternally to hell. You wanna know how to accept yeshua (jesus) as savior I hope you'll read my post titled ( serious note for all readers) titles something like that, because judgement is coming to this land and things are coming upon.This earth that mens hearts will fail them because of it. Good news is jesus died for all mankind's sins, for jew, atheist, agnostic, scientific minded people, Buddhists, hindus, muslim, it doesnt matter what sins you've done or why or how, christ loves you all dear reader, will you accept him as lord savior today and know you'll be in heaven with him and in a real heaven with real angels real people with things so beautiful you have no idea what's in store for you, all it takes is a seed of faith to come to yeshua. Will you  now? If wanna go read my poem here titled serious note to all readers, do it before late, judgements coming thats not a joke reader. The title of note on this page to read is ( ) if wanna know how to accept yeshua ( jesus) as your lord and savior. I give you truth only hope youll take it before late. You have ?s write me add me (Brandon nagley) on facebook.
Good luck pray you make right decision
‘The time has come,’ he heard them say
Outside his tiny cell,
‘Go in and get the beast to pray
To save his soul from Hell.’
The Priest then walked up to the bars
And stated his intent,
‘Will you confess at last, my son?
Will you, at last, repent?’

‘The only thing that I repent,’
The prisoner said at last,
While staring at the Priestly face
At length, through double glass,
‘Is how your justice operates,
Your Judge sits on his bench,
Determines guilt before the trial
And brooks no argument.’

‘You have been tried by twelve and true
Your jurors had their say,
Condemned you as a murderer
Before they walked away.’
‘They would have found me innocent
Had he not been precise,
And sent them back to change their view,
Not only once, but twice.’

‘The law’s the law,’ the Priest replied,
‘The verdict said it’s you,
You had your day in court, and now
You’ll have to pay your due.’
‘I’m innocent,’ the prisoner said,
‘I swear it before God!’
‘Take not his name in vain, my son,
It’s time to reck his rod.’

‘Your God is just an ornament
To keep us fools in check,
If he were real, he’d swoop on down
And break the Judge’s neck.
The only God is in my heart
And he knows everything,
He welcomes us, the innocent,
Hypocrisy is sin.’

‘You risk your soul,’ the priest replied,
‘So hold your tongue in check,
For soon it will be silenced as
The rope, it breaks your neck.’
‘How many Nuns have you despoiled,
How many children died,
How many now lie buried, spread
Across the countryside?’

‘You hide behind your surplice, and
Your cassock and your gown,
You say you represent him, but
In fact, you put him down.
You tie us up with ritual
And steal our Peter’s Pence,
Then hide your sins by making all
The laity repent.’

‘I’ve had enough,’ the Priest replied,
Then turned and stepped aside,
The gaolers tied his hands and feet
And shuffled him outside,
They dragged him to the gallows and
Put on the dreaded hood,
But still he called, ‘Repent yourself,
Oh Priest! You know you should!’

It barely took a minute for
The rope and then the drop,
And then just twenty seconds for
His beating heart to stop,
The Priest’s thin hands had trembled
As he walked out in the cold,
And prayed, not for the prisoner,
But for his own poor soul.

His sins lay heavy on him as
He walked up to the nave,
Then knelt before the altar asking
God, his soul to save,
But God was strangely silent
And the Priest had felt like dross,
The morning saw him hanging
From the altar’s Holy Cross.

David Lewis Paget
MV Blake Jul 2015
Do ya feel that?

The rough scratch of air scraping over skin,
God’s calloused hand running over heaving shoulders.
Outside, the wind never stops for a rest,
It just changes pace.

Do ya feel that?

The frantic shedding of desperate sin,
The chains of Tartarus falling like feathers;
An eaglet free of the nest,
Kicking the straw into the gaolers face.

Do ya feel that?

When the prison is broke from within,
And the fields are skies to beating wings,
Disappearing into sunlit clouds,
Lost in the storm of long sweet yellow grass.

Do ya feel that?

The rising wind carries the sound;
The horns of blind men bearing fanged arrows.
The long grass beckons in the breeze
And I’m running, flying.

Do ya feel that?

The stalks brush against my legs,
Weak hands fumbling for a grasp.
I hear my despair in my head,
A stumbled scream caught in the act.

Do ya feel that?

When the prison is broke from within,
And the fields are skies to beating wings;
Ware the fangs at your heels,
Arrows in the long grass.

Do ya feel?

The dogs sniff at the feathers,
Bloodied maws dripping with spite.
A crow takes the eagle’s eye,
The final irony of freedom is chaos.
Shreekant Dhuri Mar 2018
Here I sit, in my sorry cell
Waiting to face the gallows
A scapegoat for all their sins
Those devils with their polished halos.

Blasphemy and hurt sentiments
Such accusations I took in sport
I couldn’t help, but grin, and think
'Man, what a kangaroo court!'

The priests, the politicians and the vox populi
Allied, for once, in taking offence
Demand my blood (and worse, my tongue)!
To force my kin into silence.

I take the stand; I’m ordered to take an oath
'The truth is all that I’ve been telling', I say in my defence
'Guilty', decides that jury of parrots
As the judge signs the papers for my death sentence

The gaolers arrive at my cell
The executioner offers me a dying wish
I ask for a chance to tell one last joke
Before they put me to bed with the fish.

So, the world tunes in to hear
This joker’s dying farce
With that, I begin my end
'A priest, a politician and a jester walk into a bar...'
Robin Williams: Jonathon Winters taught me that the world is open for play, that everything and everybody is mockable in a wonderful way.

— The End —