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(To the maiden with the hidden face in Abbey’s painting)

The other maidens raised their eyes to him
Who stumbled in before them when the fight
Had left him victor, with a victor’s right.
I think his eyes with quick hot tears grew dim;
He scarcely saw her swaying white and slim,
And trembling slightly, dreaming of his might,
Nor knew he touched her hand, as strangely light
As a wan wraith’s beside a river’s rim.
The other maidens raised their eyes to see
And only she has hid her face away,
And yet I ween she loved him more than they,
And very fairly fashioned was her face.
Yet for Love’s shame and sweet humility,
She dared not meet him with their queenlike grace.
Terry O'Leary Sep 2013
The men, in lines, ***** two by two,
forgetting all the women who
indulged them through a night of tricks
(their lips designed with crimson sticks,
their eyes a wild mascara mix)

and think instead on times ahead
when they’ll be gone, their bodies dead
(some rotting slow’, some mummified)
though once they were their mummy’s pride.

Attired bright in uniforms,
they strew their bombs in desert storms -
like melting sands, the sky deforms
with darkness, death - and doomsday swarms
through ravished lands where fires warm
the corpses, cold and puriform.

Their eyes flash forward towards the backs
of lucky ones who have the knack
of never being in the way
of bursts of bullets as they stray
(effacing phantoms faraway)
and dodging doom’s Redemption Day.

They’re wishing for a foggy morn
or best of all to be unborn,
and peering down to mark the sway
of wings in webs while spiders prey,

they wonder when their time will come
and they can cease their fleeing from
the sights they’ve seen, the deeds they’ve done,
the life they’ve lost, the death they’ve won,

then muse a while upon the child
they killed today when they went wild,
and when they’re finally reconciled
with broken bodies stacked and piled,

they ponder, does she have a kin
to curse them for their burning sin?

And if she does, will god reply
with tooth for tooth and eye for eye?

Or will her clan be mild and meek
and simply turn the other cheek?

They’re counting steps to pass the time
and puzzle if they’ll reach their prime
or if instead they’ll serve the worm
their carnal flesh and aching *****

when soon, perhaps, they sleep in berth
provided by the chilling earth,
and fret about the fate they’ll find
below the stones that slowly grind.

And once or twice will come to mind
a sultry smile they left behind
(the distant past - a tepid trace –
another time, another place),
reflected in the gray grimace
that paints a frightened fading face.

And on they trek through guilt and gloom
to track their own and others' doom
and soon they’ll  grace another pool
with blood of other beings who’ll

inhale no more the evening airs,
unlike the wily Functionaires
who brutalize the fighting men
and send them far away and then

(relaxed, unwound, with victories made)
confer with sword an accolade
on those who’ve lopped bowed heads, with blade,
so someone bent must turn a *****

to hack a hole which then is filled
with all the cloven bodies killed
then cloaked with clay or loamy dirt,
as if to hide the pain and hurt.

Amongst the many are the few
who maim and **** and think it’s true
that purple war’s a parlour game
when really they’re submerged in shame
for crimes for which they are to blame
and can’t expunge with searing flame

while plodding through an endless time,
or pealing bells with holy chime,
or posing in a paradigm
where paradox and riddle rhyme.

And when they die (as die they must),
forevermore their putrid dust,
still soaked with gore and carmine lust,
will conjure thoughts of cold disgust.

And even though torrential rain
(which tastes at times like cool champagne)
can wash away the scarlet stain
which soaks the sands of god’s terrain,

it cannot ever cleanse the hands
that work the guns and burning brands,
or purge the throats that give commands
to him who never understands.

Nor can the raging hurricane
from blackened souls the white regain,
rescind the sins or void the banes
or loose the ****** from Satan’s chains
who line the pits of hell’s domains.

When through the day to night they pass,
their eyes avoid the looking glass
displaying dim a pale phantasm
plunging deeper down a chasm,
surging through a blood ******,
smiling thin unveiled sarcasm

for the chances lost to taste
the many fruits that went to waste
when each was still a joyous lad,
who went to school and learned to add
and danced in rivers, barefoot clad,

attended church with mom and dad
(which tends the poor and cheers the sad),
to pray for good and curse the bad,
before, in war insanely mad,
he fought the fight (no Galahad)

by flinging flames and slashing throats,
immersing bods in  midnight moats
between the broken battered boats
where babes and booted bodies float,

and leaving bags of bones to bloat
in bullet-ridden overcoats,
and wondered if the goblins gloat
or spot (behind his eyes, the motes),

then strode away without a thought
that mortal lives had come to naught,
sedated by his conscience brought
to nothing more than dripping snot,
while Others sit upon a yacht
and pluck the eyes of fish They’ve caught,

for, when they die, fish seem to see
The Ones behind the tyranny
(with bellies round from gluttony)
in future dangling from a tree
(with leaves as black as ebony),
for that’s, They fear, Their destiny.

At night the soldiers sometimes dream
of many things which make them scream,
                      floating down a gelid stream
             with burning flesh and cold ice cream
             upon their lips, which makes it seem
             as though their salt they can’t redeem
             when looking back at bold extremes
             of valiant warriors’ victory schemes.

Or ofter yet,
                      they sometimes meet
             a broken skull upon the street
             with gaping eyes, its mouth replete
             with swollen tongue that can’t repeat
             mere words of joy when lovers greet,
             or yell aloud or indiscreet’,

             or talk about the grand deceit
             of Those Who live on Easy Street,
             Who plot, destroy and overeat,
             while others bide beneath a sheet
             on bed of steely cold concrete,

             with final gift a flag or wreath
             that soon will wither like their teeth
             when once they’re settled underneath
             a mound of muck on mouldy heath,
             to lurk in Limbo Land beneath.

And ever more before they wake,
appear quaint dreams not quite opaque,  
                      upside down upon a lake
             keeps popping up a pregnant Drake
             who says “there must be some mistake,
             I only have a bellyache”,
             while high above’s a flying Snake,
             (a sight to make a killer quake).

             She cries aloud “for mercy’s sake
             your foresight’s blind, your wisdom’s fake
             the fragile bodies that you break,
             impale or burn upon a stake,
             then stack in layers like a cake,
             reflect a lust that death can’t slake”.

             And turquoise Turtles on the make
             (though taking time to overtake,
             each slurping down a chocolate shake)
             rev up to plead “let us explain,
             we think you men are all insane
            with morals thin as cellophane;

             for, peering through god’s window pane,
             we see quite clearly those you’ve slain,
             enough to fill the Dim Domain
             with blood and guts and tears and pain,
             Chimeras of a frenzied brain.”

             A worn and weary weather vane
             announces floods of claret rain
             that forty days and nights sustain,
             submerging mountains, raising Cain,
             while flushing mankind’s acid reign
             down nature’s evolution drain.

             The Serpent hails a hydroplane
             “because”, she hissed, “we can’t remain;
             behind the hill, the atom’s spark
             has vaporized the palace park,
             reduced to dust the Meadowlark
             and nullified the Rainbow’s arc”.

             And while the others hush and hark,
             a feline Toad begins to bark
             “This plane is certainly Boa’s Ark.

             Let’s flee the Human hierarch,
             forsake all Men to sate the Shark
             which swim within the Waters Dark,
             and purge all traces of the Mark
             in Eden when we disembark.”

             The beasts, in lines, by twos embark.

The dreamers wake, they’re staring, stark,
behind their eyes, a watermark.
You've heard me, scornful, harsh, and discontented,
Mocking and loathing War: you've asked me why
Of my old, silly sweetness I've repented--
My ecstasies changed to an ugly cry.

You are aware that once I sought the Grail,
Riding in armour bright, serene and strong;
And it was told that through my infant wail
There rose immortal semblances of song.

But now I've said good-bye to Galahad,
And am no more the knight of dreams and show:
For lust and senseless hatred make me glad,
And my killed friends are with me where I go.
Wound for red wound I burn to smite their wrongs;
And there is absolution in my song
Albert Camus
Kept an Emu
Tied to a potted,
Portable wisteria
To keep him company
Whilst he kept goal
For the University of Algeria.

As Albert was fishing
The ball out
From the back of the net
The Emu mused
On the conversations they'd had
About The Oprah Winfrey Show,
The significance of suffragettes,
Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations
And the ****** orientation
Of Sir Galahad.

Whilst discussing the plots of
The Plague and The Outsider
Warm feelings would suddenly
Well up inside her.

Why should such intellect
Elicit so much love
And even more pain?
My thoughts for this man
Aren't getting any vaguer.

Then Utrecht University
Scored again.

There are no happy endings
With Albert Camus -
Decades later he dies
In his publisher's Facel Vega.

When she heard of Albert's demise
Her initial reaction
Was hysteria
And it comes as no surprise
That a few weeks later
She died of diphtheria

Which is so much easier to do
When you're an existential emu.
Humour nonsense verse bizarre random surreal fantastical Albert Camus Emu football goalkeeper existential The Plague The Outsider
The child alone a poet is:
Spring and Fairyland are his.
Truth and Reason show but dim,
And all’s poetry with him.
Rhyme and music flow in plenty
For the lad of one-and-twenty,
But Spring for him is no more now
Than daisies to a munching cow;
Just a cheery pleasant season,
Daisy buds to live at ease on.
He’s forgotten how he smiled
And shrieked at snowdrops when a child,
Or wept one evening secretly
For April’s glorious misery.
Wisdom made him old and wary
Banishing the Lords of Faery.
Wisdom made a breach and battered
Babylon to bits: she scattered
To the hedges and ditches
All our nursery gnomes and witches.
Lob and Puck, poor frantic elves,
Drag their treasures from the shelves.
Jack the Giant-killer’s gone,
Mother Goose and Oberon,
Bluebeard and King Solomon.
Robin, and Red Riding Hood
Take together to the wood,
And Sir Galahad lies hid
In a cave with Captain Kidd.
None of all the magic hosts,
None remain but a few ghosts
Of timorous heart, to linger on
Weeping for lost Babylon.
st64 Apr 2013
Ye knew not me
As passing by
On yonder shore.

No query of tongue, m'Lord
Canst let scales fall down.

Sired was I nobly
Thy Lady
To Papa.

Desolation reaped
While trust is placed
And honour
Forever lost.

S T, 11 April 2013
Looks like Lancelot was a naughty lad, then....
Michael R Burch Aug 2020
The Song of Amergin: Modern English Translations

The Song of Amergin
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I am the sea breeze
I am the ocean wave
I am the surf's thunder
I am the stag of the seven tines
I am the cliff hawk
I am the sunlit dewdrop
I am the fairest flower
I am the rampaging boar
I am the swift-swimming salmon
I am the placid lake
I am the excellence of art
I am the vale echoing voices
I am the battle-hardened spearhead
I am the God who gave you fire
Who knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen
Who understands the cycles of the moon
Who knows where the sunset settles ...

The Song of Amergin
an original poem by Michael R. Burch

He was our first bard
and we feel in his dim-remembered words
the moment when Time blurs . . .

and he and the Sons of Mil
heave oars as the breakers mill
till at last Ierne―green, brooding―nears,

while Some implore seas cold, fell, dark
to climb and swamp their flimsy bark
. . . and Time here also spumes, careers . . .

while the Ban Shee shriek in awed dismay
to see him still the sea, this day,
then seek the dolmen and the gloam.

The Song of Amergin II
a more imaginative translation by Michael R. Burch

after Robert Bridges

I am the stag of the seven tines;
I am the bull of the seven battles;
I am the boar of the seven bristles;

I am the wide flood cresting plains;
I am the wind sweeping deep waters;
I am the salmon swimming in the shallow pool;

I am the dewdrop lit by the sun;
I am the fairest of flowers;
I am the crystalline fountain;

I am the hawk shrieking after its prey;
I am the demon ablaze in the campfire ashes;
I am the battle-waging spearhead;

I am the vale echoing voices;
I am the sea's roar;
I am the rising sea wave;

I am the meaning of poetry;
I am the God who inspires your prayers;
I am the hope of heaven;

Who else knows the ages of the moon?
Who else knows where the sunset settles?
Who else knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen?

Translator's Notes:

The "Song of Amergin" and its origins remain mysteries for the ages. The ancient poem, perhaps the oldest extant poem to originate from the British Isles, or perhaps not, was written by an unknown poet at an unknown time at an unknown location. The unlikely date 1268 BC was furnished by Robert Graves, who translated the "Song of Amergin" in his influential book The White Goddess (1948). Graves remarked that "English poetic education should, really, begin not with Canterbury Tales, not with the Odyssey, not even with Genesis, but with the Song of Amergin." The poem has been described as an invocation and a mystical chant.

I did not attempt to fully translate the ending of the poem. I have read several other translations and it seems none of them agree. I went with my "gut" impression of the poem, which is that the "I am" lines refer to God and his "all in all" nature, a belief which is common to the mystics of many religions. I stopped with the last line that I felt I understood and will leave the remainder of the poem to others. The poem reminds me of the Biblical god Yahweh/Jehovah revealing himself to Moses as "I am that I am" and to Job as a mystery beyond human comprehension. If that's what the author intended, I tip my hat to him, because despite all the intervening centuries and the evolution of the language, the message still comes through quite well. If I'm wrong, I have no idea what the poem is about, but I still like it.

Who wrote the poem? That's a very good question and the answers seem speculative to me. Amergin has been said to be a Milesian, or one of the sons of Mil who allegedly invaded and conquered Ireland sometime in the island's deep, dark past. The Milesians were (at least theoretically) Spanish Gaels. According to the Wikipedia page:

Amergin Glúingel ("white knees"), also spelled Amhairghin Glúngheal or Glúnmar ("big knee"), was a bard, druid and judge for the Milesians in the Irish Mythological Cycle. He was appointed Chief Ollam of Ireland by his two brothers the kings of Ireland. A number of poems attributed to Amergin are part of the Milesian mythology. One of the seven sons of Míl Espáine, he took part in the Milesian conquest of Ireland from the Tuatha Dé Danann, in revenge for their great-uncle Íth, who had been treacherously killed by the three kings of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht and Mac Gréine. They landed at the estuary of Inber Scéne, named after Amergin's wife Scéne, who had died at sea. The three queens of the Tuatha Dé Danann, (Banba, Ériu and Fódla), gave, in turn, permission for Amergin and his people to settle in Ireland. Each of the sisters required Amergin to name the island after each of them, which he did: Ériu is the origin of the modern name Éire, while Banba and Fódla are used as poetic names for Ireland, much as Albion is for Great Britain. The Milesians had to win the island by engaging in battle with the three kings, their druids and warriors. Amergin acted as an impartial judge for the parties, setting the rules of engagement. The Milesians agreed to leave the island and retreat a short distance back into the ocean beyond the ninth wave, a magical boundary. Upon a signal, they moved toward the beach, but the druids of the Tuatha Dé Danann raised a magical storm to keep them from reaching land. However, Amergin sang an invocation calling upon the spirit of Ireland that has come to be known as The Song of Amergin, and he was able to part the storm and bring the ship safely to land. There were heavy losses on all sides, with more than one major battle, but the Milesians carried the day. The three kings of the Tuatha Dé Danann were each killed in single combat by three of the surviving sons of Míl, Eber Finn, Érimón and Amergin.

It has been suggested that the poem may have been "adapted" by Christian copyists of the poem, perhaps monks. An analogy might be the ancient Celtic myths that were "christianized" into tales of King Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad and the Holy Grail.

Keywords/Tags: Amergin, song, translation, Ireland, Irish, Celtic, Gaelic, Gaels, Milesian, Druid, Banshee
Fools may pine, and sots may swill,
Cynics gibe, and prophets rail,
Moralists may scourge and drill,
Preachers prose, and fainthearts quail.
Let them whine, or threat, or wail!
Till the touch of Circumstance
Down to darkness sink the scale,
Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.

What if skies be wan and chill?
What if winds be harsh and stale?
Presently the east will thrill,
And the sad and shrunken sail,
Bellying with a kindly gale,
Bear you sunwards, while your chance
Sends you back the hopeful hail:--
'Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.'

Idle shot or coming bill,
Hapless love or broken bail,
Gulp it (never chew your pill!),
And, if Burgundy should fail,
Try the humbler *** of ale!
Over all is heaven's expanse.
Gold's to find among the shale.
Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.

Dull Sir Joskin sleeps his fill,
Good Sir Galahad seeks the Grail,
Proud Sir Pertinax flaunts his frill,
Hard Sir AEger dints his mail;
And the while by hill and dale
Tristram's braveries gleam and glance,
And his blithe horn tells its tale:--
'Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.'

Araminta's grand and shrill,
Delia's passionate and frail,
Doris drives an earnest quill,
Athanasia takes the veil:
Wiser Phyllis o'er her pail,
At the heart of all romance
Reading, sings to Strephon's flail:--
'Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.'

Every Jack must have his Jill
(Even Johnson had his Thrale!):
Forward, couples--with a will!
This, the world, is not a jail.
Hear the music, sprat and whale!
Hands across, retire, advance!
Though the doomsman's on your trail,
Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.


Boys and girls, at slug and snail
And their kindred look askance.
Pay your footing on the nail:
Fate's a fiddler, Life's a dance.
Louis Brown Jun 2010
She brought to mind

The one who loved my Dad

A Guinevere in modern times

And me her Galahad

But that was the illusion

Of a non-mind reading lad

I mistook her pounding heart

That evening in my pad

We watched a film with Richard Gere

The man who drove her mad

When I misread her lust and drool

She slapped this randy lad
Coyright Louis Brown
Pat Villaceran Jul 2020
She who dives
down the thorny road
in search for apothecary
to cure the woes

She who didn't
know what she would
find. Is apparently


Then one day  
a Galahad would
come bump her toes


Inevitable, at least.

This blasts a loud boom of happenstance

Helpless ****** in the face of
the egoist

Both come to terms
and apparently
It has to be

It simply has to

The battle is not won or lost
But I am finished with it
Sword hanging limp in hand
Armour bloodied and bent
Once Galahad, now Gawain
Young yet wounded, I stand and stare
An errant knight without king or cause
I spur my horse with weapon raised
And prepare to charge again
Universe Poems Sep 2022
"Droplets rained over me
they were made of poetry"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2023
3 days in Vienna
All that beautiful snow
2 days in Tel Aviv
A wedding, doncha know

Don't really have friends
Grateful for my dad
Time tick tocks
Sweet Sir Galahad

Vegetarian nachos
Basketball tv
In my solitude
Wasn't meant to be

In this life of
Galahad again
his wife feels a
rush that ballet
while homecoming
does suggest their
program is done
fullhanded and
with simpatico
that always is
finalist in bra
or cone shaped
whip that Tanzania
and Zanzibar are cleavage
underwire awhile in deportment
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2023
It's just religious emotion
I have it too
It comes and goes. Overflows.
Rhapsody in Blue

The rain is peaceful sad
Peace for Muslim, Jew
Sweet Sir Galahad
Doo wah Diddy do

               Seattle U.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
It's true I write from Elsewhere
A country far star away
And next to the cemetery
I live from day to day

March Madness is near and nearing
Then April. Then Mary May.
Susan Darlene Meek
Still lookin' for the words to say

             Yea, verily. Way!
I have a hideous secret
That I can never tell
It’s heavier than bundled lead
And I can’t put it down

It hides the sunrise in heavy clouds
Makes rainbows disappear
Makes me walk in muddy shoes
Across the spotless floors

It eats at me like hungry fleas
It’s hard to hide the welts
The music has gone out of tune
And poetry won’t scan

It stands before me like a bull
And I am dressed in red
It rumbles like a logging train
And I’m tied to the tracks

It rides me like a cowboy
Like I’m some broken horse
It digs its spurs into my side
And pulls the bit up hard

No Galahad will rescue me
I’m strictly on my own
I have to hoist it up each day
And stagger on alone

I’m crippled by the effort of
Protecting such a lie
That I can’t tell a single soul
Until the day I die.
Don't even ask.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
Fear of abandonment
I've got it bad

Because of the breakup
Problems with my wife and dad

Sweet Sir Galahad

Knight errant
Reading mad

Spanish moss
Irish lads.
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2024
Bruce Springsteen's music
Concert in Detroit
All the softfall snow
Somewhere Across the Border

55 and falling
Sinful proclivities
American despair
Please, baby, please

Gratitude for my sons
Try to be a good dad
Un pequito fun
Sweet Sir Galahad

Time is the Cross
Watch that river run
The Buddha sits in silence
Susan. La Florida.

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
Time to debunk myself
Nought but an aging fool

I miss Seattle ferry boats
I miss Sage Ridge School

My children at the waterpark
Me alone and sad

All I really want to be
Is a loving dad

             Sweet Sir Galahad
Qualyxian Quest May 2023
........Life is so sad.........
I hope I'm gently mad
   Sweet Sir Galahad
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2021
Back to the ordinary
Be a long distance dad

Friend to Mark and Bob
Everybody gets sad

I remember he said
Best time he ever had

When we were all together
Sweet Sir Galahad
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2023
He compares Ratzinger to Nixon
Two deceptive thugs
I read Persepolis
Like those Persian rugs

Me in the library
Robinson Middle School
Reading The Fall of Baghdad
America the Cruel

Yo soy un isolato
I reach out but do not reach
Walls closing in
One night I reach the beach

Waves crash and break
Somewhere somehow the Whale
Sweet Sir Galahad
Finds the Holy Grail

Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Most of the theology
Is really really bad
God remains Unknown
Sweet Sir Galahad

I dream she takes me lonely
To her daddy's church
Then to Boston town
I tell her of my search

Trinity Episcopal
Chapel of the Cross
If life comes from death
Love comes from loss

Good comes from evil
Has to be reversed
Movies, music, poetry
The breaking of the curse

Deer on my drive home
Thai Iced Tea
A little miso soup
A little Let It Be.

           xie xie ni
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
Once I was a teacher
Now I'm just a dad
Cycling sunlit Stockholm
Best time I ever had
Coleridge bipolar
William Blake gone gently mad
My sons in Wetheral
See Sweet Sir Galahad

Aditya Roy Aug 2019
I met a traveler
Form a game that can't feel
Maze lives in the belladonna leaves
Icarus turn those wings into rust, gold my ashes, my medical soul on my broken boulder
It's so tough to be a better person, like a world-less prisoner
He' my life, oh ye my breath take lazy life, got your head on a dinner on the spirited dinner
He needs a talk, for a typewriter
my life caught on to you like a pushy burrow
Childish dreams left in the grateful lackadaisical
With the bone, breaking with anticipation
,left with mad lake and the angel singer
I end a badge to marker my badge oh wise sinner
With orgiastic life, within the graces of molasses that malice
Novena, we art thou in the Garrett in the chalice
If you take me on a holiday on the sun
If you are breath, take my life away
In kindness as gesture, is frenzy and the freak that reasons
The lad that takes our pries away, and our judged prairies
The laughter takes the ostensible mad cap, in the praises of June and July, April's frugal rage and jejune nature
often the hen and the cage go away together, as we live in the setting sun of the rooster day,
We need you to fight this right, where halycon coniferous trees tease the bullish flags, in the wasted landslide
Take my breath,  toast my roses and my your tassle for my gown
And the glasses on the Mildred, chicken, toad, gully boy when we fell in love with a pastor
I search for gist
I find your head in the list
What's you number on coffee town, and the gestalt of the grocery roses
I love, I loved my hips to marry your handles
The plumber said war is hell on the falling doltish to the emanates scent with nature
I'd w03space
I want your festering war, not your love I want your litter
I want the sun, but you got the iridescent garrisoned moon in your eyes instead
I like the rain, to hide the clouds
A simple heart to warm the clouds
A thunderous clap to start the rage, Harrison the ark
The years of twenty slaves
Brought rage
Often his life will be taken, and take hath will
Portage him in leeches
Beseeches to turn into an earthworm, some parts still made
Us so ugly, but, so evil
us so beat, laughter turned endlessly ugly
Your so hello together, in the farewell of Novembers of rain, there is the year of the Marks, the coin of Allegiance
Brought down the heart of the JD Town
I really never, take the path that lead
The speak wilting flowers, friends that fall with the start of gully pads
Deli pads, that Galahad brought on boughs and stare
Here and there
Stare and stone roses, stony ******* turned to red earth
Take my rain, Singing rain burn my world's fire
My hearts bleeding to earth, but, my mind wants your flail thistle, whistle
Whistle, with the wind, resonant stars with the innocent picture

Peace is always, innocent picture is peace
The protest march laughs at the approval of consolation
Is your name a falling star,
is your mandrake root cat, hot innit roof your name in fallacy, and I can't have your name.
But, I want your toys in the yard.
Maya, In a torn nation good clothes are laying baby's than a cold lie in the heart of darkness.
If you leave your **** on, I want you to leave your hat hanging.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
It was not created for us
It will endure without us
That's what Stephen Jay Gould said
She and I and Life of Pi in our lover's bed

The moon was glowing yellow
Misty clouds above
My son on his way to Magic
Cool grey City of Love

It had to be poetry
Just had to be
Motorcycle taxis

Let it be ambiguous
Let them call me mad
Let her see the truth
Sweet Sir Galahad

    Thank you. Thank you, Dad.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I associate poetry with women
Sent many in the mail
Does true love prevail?
Does she think I'm mad?

Once I was a teacher
7th grade English
A little world history
Now I'm just a dad

Taught Julius Caesar
I am Cinna the poet!
Republicans don't know it
Sweet Sir Galahad

Rome on my honeymoon
Contraria Sunt Complementa
Her dress was magenta
She is why I'm sad

       Best time I ever had
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
A little sleep
Brings a little relief
Xie Xie

Still have gout
In my elbow
But I live to write
Another day

Lu Lu in the Navy
A bona fide Batman fan
Wanna play with Fire, Scarecrow?
Run to you and I ran

Wyoming Catholic College
Men become hermits. Women go mad.
Once I was a teacher
Now I'm just a dad

             Sweet Sir Galahad
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2023
Panic attacks
Atrocious remorse

I try to do
The best I can
But I do not
Of course

Please peace for my sons
Thank you, life, for my dad
Lady of the Lake
Sweet Sir Galahad
Qualyxian Quest May 2023
Fog on the Golden Gate Bridge
Tidal pools in Monterrey
My boys still so young
xie xie xie xie xie xie

Fog on the Golden Gate Bridge
My life flies on by
My mom in Sacramento
Me and Scott and Ry

Don't like Jean Paul Sartre
Do like Albert Camus
Paris on my honeymoon
Sacre Coeur to view

Basketball at night
Please protect my dad
Please energy to persist
The Green Knight, Galahad

Qualyxian Quest Aug 2022
Religion is a form of mental illness
Truly, this I know
Jesus was also mentally ill
The Bible tells me so

Almost ran out of gas tonight
Had to call my dad
California Coast
Sweet Sir Galahad

Almost ran out of gas
But made it to 7 11
To be remembered with love
The one and only heaven

Death is annihilation
But we'll never know it
Edgar Allen Poe
Inner Harbor poe-t


— The End —