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Craig Harrison Jul 2015
Society as we know it couldn't exist without control
from force to manipulation
we've built ways to destroy our sole
fear is what caused the weak to take control across every nation.

History used force
the present used manipulation
future technology will create new levels of control across every nation.
Things like passion, love, thought and independent beliefs
these things can take away the control the weak are fearful of losing
medication is the latest trick they are using
along with advertisements, news and war
turning each of us into a *****.

The fearfull will find ways to eliminate
because they can take away the power they're so scared of losing.
Not my best I know, but something I wanted to write about. Where I used the word ***** I mean in the context of  A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain. This is a meaning of the word that was given on

What made me write this?

Well over the years I have noticed how people that seemed to have independent views of the world and their own independent beliefs that seperated them from the majority of society gradually seemed to lose those beliefs and views and develope new views that seemed to resemble what other peoples views and beliefs were. They seemed to have given up their individuality.. These views and beliefs changed with the changes in medication, advertisements and the news, also due to wars over the years I've noticed also seemed to change a persons personality/views/beliefs.

Also one of the other reasons for these views is because I started to think from a Artifical Intelligence point of view, the ones in the sci-fi movies/shows where they are programmed to protect the human race, but the A.I realises that we are self destructive so puts measures in place to stop us in some way.. Well are thought well the easiest ways to stop us from been self destructive is to manipulate us in some way, and we know we can be manipulated.. And the best way to manipulate us is without us realising, and the best ways are medication we believe is designed to help us, advertisements that we believe us alert us to something we need, the news that we believe gives us independent views, war which (should not exist, I don't care how evil someone is, no one deserves to die) but war increases patriotism which in some weird way increases our effection for our governments.. These things we're how I would imagine an A.I would eliminate our Passion, Love, Thought and independent beliefs so I imagine an other human could also have thought of them..

Our Passion is what gives us the motivation and determination to fight for change (forms of activism) it's also what pushes to be the best we can be.

Love, sadly love is painfull but it is also so amazing but it also what pushes us, our love for fellow lives, our love of exploration, our love for each other. We become and we are protective of the things we love.

Thought, no one likes to be made to feel dumb, but in the world of over 7billion people their is always going to be someone smarter than you. Thought is what took us from a species that was no more different to every other species on the planet into the most intelligent species, we have created some amazing things with the use of thought, but sadly not everyone gets to experience the benefits of those amazing things..

Independent beliefs you only have to look at religion for this.. Athiests and Relgious people they're the two main groups (I have my own views that are accepting of both groups) These groups don't get along, at least not in the way that is show to the world. They may be different but they are beliefs but on the same level they are also someone elses beliefs, some of my favorite people in history were people of both science and religion but in todays world it seems that you are labelled as one or the other. If you tell someone you believe in a God they straight away put you into a religion, many times when I've told people that I believe in a God they have responded with Oh so you're christian.. No I'm not, I do not follow any recongnised religious belief but I am accepting that I may be wrong and someone elses belief might be right.. They usually respond with no, you've got to be a certain religion, you can't just make up your own..... WHY? why can't I make up my own belief?
But I've also tried it where I've said I believe in Science (which plays a big role in my belief structure) I get the response hang on if you believe in science then how can you believe in a God? I usually say well it works for me... Response is usally You can't believe in Science and God at the same time, you just can't.. Why? why can't I? For me Science and God combined works, I might be wrong but at the same time I might not.. I may never find out but while I am alive, if it works for me then that is enough...  So it just seems that Indepedendent beliefs struggle to exist in a world where so many beliefs that are someone elses...

Sorry, got lost in typing their, I hope you enjoyed reading, if not I appologies for waisting 5-10 minutes out of the average of 4.208e+8 minutes with-in a 80 year timeline.. My maths is not that good at higher level so I'm not sure what the e+ means but it is a really really really long time.

Anyway thanks for reading
David Watt Jul 2011
I need to focus and to find,
This desire and obstacle that renders me blind.
Broken images of smiles and laughter,
leaves me sweating fearfull and lonely after.

Eyes wide they drown in passion,
Feel natures design hidden secret and perfectly fashioned.
Her waist so tiny and so small,
Her hair cascading like golden waterfalls.

Rap around embrace and bind,
In this ecstacy caught captured and mine.
Bite the lip and scar the skin,
Every weakness invoked by delicious sin.

Till i arrive and rip the curtain,
In actions so precise innocent and certain.
Sterile unfeeling killing all infection,
so quickly so completely it goes without detection.

You pass me by without attention,
**** my control and social discretion!
I came up with the idea for this poem a very long time ago when wondering how people deal with physical attraction in public circumstances, what interested me the most was that in these circumstances you have almost a complete conflict with natural desire and social accepptability, i thought this made an interesting topic.
A B Perales Jan 2014
It was all
so magical,
all so other

It was in
another time
but the
place was

Then your
Younger  like
when we
were at
our best.

I became
by the vision
of you.

I awoke with
a cry and
a knife in the heart.

The dream was
over and I
felt better
off when
I looked around
and didn't
see you.
Abraham Avalos Aug 2018
Endless laughs & smiles
That were shared together
With a feeling so profound
It always felt like summer weather
& a future planed to grow
On your exciting life adventure
**** It couldn't get no better
This feeling is too big to measure

Now you're consumed with butterflies
It sends shivers down your spine
U feel the warmth just taking over
Every time she passes by
Like a new world u have discovered
Loosing yourself within her eyes
Asking yourself if this is real
Or have u been dreaming this hole time
Cuz you've never visualized
A chemistry so divine
She becomes your one & only
A star placed right by your side
& her gourgous magnitude
Always lifting u up into the sky
Thankful life blessed u this way
The day paths had intertwined

Deep within a love
u get to know her story
Of how she once loved another
With a passion but then turned stormy
He left her on her own
Broken hearted & feeling lonely
That wasn't the outcome
She was expecting in this journey
Filled with blue emotion
Wondering where it all went wrong
& how the **** she lost his devotion
But with time she grew back strong
Gracefully flowing just like the ocean
Determined to move on
She found herself feeling unbroken
& so she carried on
That's when life brought u together
Instant attraction from the start
U both embarked a new endevour
Giving this feeling a fair shot

But now the time is rather worrying
U feel she's drifted off
Your future seems quite unclear
You're mind's consumed with fearfull thoughts
That this storm will never clear
& you'll both just grow apart

                                                      -Abraham Avalos
Crucifix Jun 2015
The moon shines cold in the dark hollow, unyielding against the starless abyss. Below iron and neon bellow forth from the rain soaked, pavement.
Silent citizens march quickly through the night, fearfully of the long alleyways that weave their way throughout the shadows.
Fearfull of what the dark might hold.

Screams, laughter. A flash of iron and fire not to far in the distance, death follows the sound as a close friend. Grown men panic scurrying into shadows. A roar of a would be master of men echos into the darkness.

And it echoes on forever. Until the darkness shudders, something twists from liquid to smoke. It whispers warnings in dark tones, fit and full of ill intent. The cold takes hold of the spine, and a shadow descends, black and threatening, blood and bone snap beneath its weight, and death itself retreats in fear of its mighty wings.
It is the guardian of such a place. A immortal soul chained to a mortal coil.
A everlasting spirit of vengeance and the night. Cloaked in the shadow of the bat.
Just for fun gearing up for arkham knight, never realized the lasting effect this character from my childhood had on me
He who doesn't work, works **** or just can't commit
He homeless
He an affair and a **** good fix
****** with a tendency to show underwhelming ****
Twisted into nicety by such anger at the human, the wants
Good at *** when in love
One of my best mates like
Dyslexic thick ****
A problem
Step child and real life son, grandson always, always, grandson
eldest unappreciated, underestimated, paranioder? Paranoidist.
One of the needers of therapists
Panicked by past
Fractured by future
A depressive, doesn't drink, do drudgery like drugs
A fearfull mess mummy's boy
Fathered less
A letdownshowoff
Anxious, ex husband, probable poofter, please Goddot, please, let he be a cheater  
A ex punk, definite *****, pushover, almost poet
So easily hurt, yet never hurts
My love one. (Cary you Guardian)
Too damed romantic
Cant read but by gosh buys books
artistic, Autistic, an idiot and just another bad student
Little Boy
Unable to be alone and not a good flatmate
Justifier of the almighty grey areas,
The cheated...

the Strong willed.
Ginsberg made me do it
rolanda Jan 2014
red** is color of those who are gypsy-heart
it's how rainbow starts
orange is string of saturated nerve
yellow : color for  spectacular or fearfull fellow
green : equanimity is a queen
azure :realm  of elusive dreams
blue: the sadness and melancholy is within
purple is where red and blue melt:
elation of spiritual realm and
the most psychodelic sense, its how the rainbow ends
chimaera Jul 2014
[Dedicated to our fellowpoet, The DedPoet]


We throw up,
our heart
we hang in a rope of tears.

All the gods
are silent.

And blind.

We watch
a full pain
turning us
a punishing fury,
apocalyptical riders.

And then
we see them,
the children.
So restless,

But they fell asleep.

We watch over them.

And love,
unconditional love,
a forever love kind,
overwhelming love,
makes us understand
we are needed
and we must stay
and we must be able
to learn them,
our children, our own blood,
to trust again.

And we cry
and our tears
are their protection.

And they awaken,
stirred, first,
but we hug them,
the two at a time.
No words are needed.
Just love.
They will know
it is the real thing.
Jolene Perron Jul 2010
You scream, I scream,
it's become a yelling match.
I tried to get over you,
but I am more attached.

You don't seem to get,
nor do you understand.
All I want from you,
is a caring man.

A friend to run to crying,
but he says I'm beautiful.
Holds me 'till I'm calm,
completlely lifts my world.

You want it all back,
your sweater, shirt and gift.
Well honey this ring,
I'm keeping till Earth shifts.

This ring is all I have,
hanging around my neck.
At one moment, don't you know,
what it truely meant?

"Forever Yours",
it was engraved.
But now I'm left alone,
completely betrayed.

When all I asked,
was for a friendship.
What I got in return,
was a complete heart-rip.

Here's the knife,
now dig it out of my chest.
Don't worry, sweetie,
I'll clean up the mess.

Nothing I'm not used to,
the sweat, blood and tears.
You became my worst nightmare,
carrying all of my fears.

The sweater, the shirt,
take it, it's yours to keep.
This ring and neclace however,
it's mine, over which, I weep.

It has memories,
of the man you used to be.
The one to dried my tears,
who really loved me.

But that man's gone,
and here, in his place.
Is a man I do not recognize,
with a fearfull face.

He carries my heart,
blood all on his hands.
Walking away from me,
leaving me alone again.

I'm cleaning up the mess,
but I'm drowning in my blood.
Save me, honey, please,
don't you see what I've become?
Viper Jan 2011
you want some? come get some, that's what I'd say

call it an offer, call it a challenge makes no differance either way

I have held back my fellings for far too long

pushed them into a corner and they have grown strong

no longer in control, now the captive instead of the master

fearfull of the imending havoc they'll bring and the total disaster

you want some come get's their curtain call

if you hang about to see the show it's likely you will fall
copyright/Viper 2011
Erin Feb 2016
Time will heal they say with vigor
But I have found the truth does differ
For time will not mend the broken hearted
Or fix the lovers who have parted
It will not heal words screamed in spite
Or take back wrongs and make them rights
It doesn't provide you strength if craved
Or make the fearfull, in time brave
With day by day and hour by hour
It does not endeavor to empower
Only to create familiarity with pain
In hope one day it shall not remain
G J O'Brien May 2019
Let the promise change you from prying and seeking for reason not,
From fearfull to hopefull the dwellers in the land of none, bond a safe haven of trust and peace within
Then we will decreed a homecoming beginning your souls to travel in this direction for it is a new and weary way.
Raj Bhandari Jun 2018
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
If this is hilarious
or a low water mark

4 year old Girl Scout cookies
1/2 box down fast slam

the Scify channel has a real history
Of fiction on

and i am made up
of cookies from the basement

who've surrendered
to my sharp teeth

"you could be masquerading"
as what
a voluntary ******' poet
my rhyme will destroy you
so you're safe

too bad you insist
on not feeling safe
to the point of paralysis

Still not sure
why that
bubbles forward
oh my need

Not sure
about u

How to write
a reader

to here
thinking " I don't know"
that space

Not sure
in this space between you
and me

how to not be what
you want

Give me

Lines run don't they?
A bowling alley of hope
with fearfull
multicolor *****

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis

— The End —