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CJ M Jul 2015
You say "**** this" when about to quit, and "**** it" when frustrated. You say "*******" whether joke or vile and "**** me" when penetrated.
You put your ******* up as a clear indication. An indication that shows via signals your current irritation.
You say "*******" meaning go away and "**** yourself" means to make this clearer. "******" means persn and "**** partner" a non-serious lover.
Well I say **** life, **** death, **** puerty, **** ****. **** all the things that try to force me to change myself.
**** love, **** hate, **** destiny, **** fate. these things are just emtional, a way of god giving you a slap in the face.
**** dads, **** moms, **** terrorists, **** bombs. Such elements are born to teach and keep straight, yet some cause hate.
**** for pleasure, **** pain, **** loss, hell, **** gain. And from that moment, you'll fing out all the things cleared from your brain.
No, we don't hate these things, we just sometimes don't find pleasure. You'd have a "****** up" relationship when you refuse to be together.
All these things were easy to say, digging for words sometimes'll get you stuck. Which is why I believe there's no better created word than a summary word like "****"
an old poem I made back when I used to always try to rhyme. it's a poem, isn't it lol
Belle Victoria Apr 2015
an emtional wreck
is what you can call me these days
tears touching the cold hard floor
thinking about our memories together

I'd wish my heart was smaller
that there was no room for you
it would make things so much easier

and maybe I was stupid
and all of this really was my fault
but you can't blame me for being in love with you
the truth is all I ever wanted was for you to like me
not because I am pretty just for who I am

when she was around him
the world began to open, it was something magical
every single little bird in the sky was singing
these were the melodies that I would never forget

and it is okay to be crazy in love with someone and to get hurt
and it is okay to cry your eyes out and to feel like an complete idiot
you are only seventeen, be dramatic, be angry, be dumb, be young

but please remember my little girl
you can't be broken forever, you need to get up
look into the sun and embrace the beauty of life
count all the stars in the universe and sleep on the grass
get way to drunk and party way to hard

be your beautiful self

because you are worth so much more
than just some ****** up, blue eyed badboy
its late and Im tired and I dont want to cry anymore. *******.
Jeremy Lowry Aug 2019
why is there so many faces of hate, so many reasons not too but follow the ones who taught you, to, hate. we are not born this way, to live a life filled with angering decay>our first breath was made for love crying for what , so many peopl run from. yet our human path was set, we  the life as good as death. fake plastic people revolveing door in the labor and delivry room , revolving door at the cementary and morgue. We lived this life striving for what?. to be cast down and judged. I fought my whole angasnt your hate and racism. I wonder would it been like if i wasnt hated for the color of my skin. i wonder what it wuold be like if i wasnt hated for the clothes i wear, or the tattoos that tell a story. I wonder what if would be like aif iwasnt hated for being alive.Never will the wounds of your hate and the words you say, beable to removed the scarsof your way. i m fovever changed , marked tattooed internally, emtional brutality , The worl have somany people on it most have different faces, rarely do we see these their faces of love. i wonder what it would be like if i wasnt hated , but loved. A true love like from above yet able to touch . I know i thought i experiecned humans abiblty to love, but it was a dream , a lie i chose to belive . This human race with forever hurt eachother rather then love. Its sounds crazy, that  our humanity uses fear to gain wealth and popularity. for selfish end , the common man , turn thier back and say  **** a friend. what is your price i ask you to think , is your comfortable Hate really what you wan to believe .Take off your mask , unviel your face, take a good look at love in all the human race, for how stupid can you be, to hate a whole race of people, because of a lie you choseing to believe. I wonder what it would be like to live this life not being hated for the color of my skin, i have experienced thier hate, and racist ways. yet i still stand , i still fight.... i will not laydownand walk in the masses of lies,, even though my skin is white. A white man?over privledge, white boy, always has an easy life?Now thats a lie i ask you all to dispize. it would be wise for us rto open our eyes, see the lives, like mine
Jn Jan 23
Colour me impressed,
I'm stuck,
I've been lured in,
You've got my attention.

I'm hooked,
To your embrace,
That soft voice,
That calls to me.

Colour me surprised,
The way you change,
The way you sway me,
The way your body controls me.

Your scent,
Takes me places,
I can still smell you,
On my body.

Colour me entrapped,
Even when you say it's not your design,
That there isn't a plan,
That it's natural.

That's worse,
But she doesn't seem to realise that,
She doesn't know she's poisonous,
And it's addictive.

I've let her in,
Into my crazy world,
She's now a bad girl,
And it's tempting me to be bad too.
#dark love #lust

— The End —