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Ashley Askren Apr 2015
& every time I see that smile,
Or hear your voice-
Whether it be full of concern,
Or radiating with joy-
The ice that surrounds my heart.
Slowly begins to melt away.
& every time you tell me a story,
Or share with me how your day went-
The butterflies that once died in my stomach,
Begin fluttering back to life.
Slowly- one by one, they spread their wings and fly.
& every time you smile at me,
Like I am the best thing in the world-
Or how you insist that I am beautiful,
Even when I know I am not-
I slowly begin feeling again-
You bring out the best side of me,
Even when I would rather not show it.
I would prefer you think I am a monster-
It would make things easier.
But here we are,
Miles apart from each other's arms-
& I can't help myself,
Every single day I fall for you a little bit more.
Just promise me one thing-
Don't allow me to walk to the edge-
& free fall into nothing.
Catch me with your warm ebrace.
Because I don't want you to end up being,
Just another love song.
That I cry my eyes out to every night.
I want you to be the anchor that holds me firmly to the ground.
I want you to be exactly who you are.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Your smile actually meets your eyes,
& your laugh is genuine.
Please don't end up being love song.
Lauren Leal Jun 2015
I love you
Oh, so very much I do!
Your beauty is the drug for my eyes
Your laugh is the melody for my ears
Your touch is the ecstatic sensation for my mind
Your sweet loving ebrace is the home for my soul
Oh how much I love you
So, so much I do.
May these things I forever feel
For you my darling I would kneel
Based on a friend that I helped set up the idea so he could propose to the love of his life.

— The End —