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First time in my whole life
Over twenty years of my existence
Realizing how beautiful life is
Even there are many hardships
Visiting good memories with someone
Elevate my mind, heart and soul
Realizing no matter what happen in life
More and more good memories will come
On the right time and the right place
Raising my life to **God Almighty
Existence is my greatest blessing forevermore.
I am thankful of who I am and what I am right now.  We are really blessed for our existence. Giving this optimistic poem for those who suffers pain and hardships. God give us challenges to be strong in everyday life.
SøułSurvivør May 2017
This is for the times
You don't know how to feel.
The times you hurt
And there's no reason why.
The days you try your
Damndest but go

H. A. L. T.

H ungry
A ngry
L onely
T ired

If you're feeling this way,

W. R. I .T. E.

W orking
R elease
I nspired
T hrough
E nlightenment

Writing about
your problems,
Gives you a mirror
to look into.

And... R. E. A. D.

R ealizing
E veryone's
A ngst
D estroys!

Some may have problems
Worse than yours. Help them.

Thank you.

♡ Catherine
Realized I've been sitting on
The pity-*** a while. I want
To get up before I have a
Ring around my *****!

Going to go talk to God
Get something  to eat,
Call a friend and apologize
Then go to bed...
In that order.

Dominique Guzman Dec 2013
C ave in toward task
O f goal without
U backing down
R ealizing that you can
A ct and
G o until
E levating and reaching the top
Jade Lewis Nov 2019
D: ays seem to drag on, relentlessly.
E: ventually you feel like you should give up.
P: ersistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness, useless…
R: eality seems to be slowly fading away from your grasp.
E:motions are beginning to get harder and harder to hide from those you love.
S: o, you decide to tell someone about it.
S: adly, they don’t believe that what you’re going through is worth the heartache you feel.
I: t’s okay though, because you expected this reaction to happen.
O: bviously what you’re feeling is stupid and unimportant.
N: ow what?

D: epression sinks in and begins to…
O: verwhelm every sense you have.
E: verything is dramatized and there’s nothing you can do to stop the…
S: ting of words from those around you telling you to just “feel happier, let out the sadness”

N: eeds don’t seem important anymore, you just ignore them.
O: pening yourself up to other people is no longer an option.
T: hey only make you feel worse.

D: eciding to get the help you deserve was the hardest part.
E: very day is a new day with endless possibilities.
F: ocus only on the positive things that happen to you.
I: n hindsight this will allow you to slowly be able to differentiate between the things you have control over and those you leave to God.
N: ever again will I let people dismiss my feelings.
E: ach feeling you have is part of who you are becoming and allow us to be human.

W: hy hold back anything anymore?
H: ow you feel is so important and you need everyone to understand… to become more…
O: pen-minded to the things that they couldn’t possibly comprehend.

Y: ou are worth it.
O: ur lives matter.
U: nderestimated potential shall no longer be a problem.

A: nyone can change their perspective on life, they just need the right support group.
R: ealizing you’re worth it, is the most important thing you can open your heart to.
E: veryone matters.
pea Jul 2020
W hen the silence comes to haunt me,
H ere i am, lost.
Y ou promised.

C omplicated’ they say
A word to describe.
N obody trusted me as you did
‘T oday,not tomorrow’ you begged

I ’m waiting.

F or once, I wonder “is this
O ver?”
R ealizing my mistake, I
G uess I can’t listen to you
E ven your promises.
T oday, just another day..

Y oung and reckless, just like the
O ath you broke
U nlocked, I spill.
an acrostic poem <3
have a great day/night!
also not my best work :(
B - affled that you had to tell me a Fib
E -  agared to listen to what you really did

F - iguring out what the Hell to do next
O - nly to find out you have been seeing your ex
R - eminiscing back on the times we shared

R - ealizing the fact you were never there
E - vidently seeing you didn't even care
A - ware of the fact you are never around
L - eaving me for that ** from downtown

Date: 12/3/2022

— The End —