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sophia Jan 2019
opposite me, a window
a crystal thing I see
on it, a raindrop
just as crystal as before it seems.

i stare, i stare blindly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to move just suddenly

changing seats, just me
the raindrop not so active
near it, another raindrop
as crystal as before.

i stare, i stare increasingly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to talk more freelt

from the drop, sobs escape
it's almost strange to hear
startled, i cradle it
intrigued, i hold it to my ear.

i stare, i stare dumbfoundedly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to quiet minisculely

in the reflection of the water
i let a smile grow
gently i kiss it goodbye
for that was all i know

and that was the end
of our silent conversation
where the raindrop cried aghast
and the memory seems too fast.

i sit, i sit a little sleepy
i wait, i wait
(though patiently this time)
for new company again.
Let me tell you about how I run
There are a couple of ways but none of them are fun.

There's a "move the **** out of my way" kind of run
Shot at by some man with a gun
Running over old ladies and children
To get the hell out and save my own skin
Kind of run...

And there's the "cliche blonde running through my head all day"
Where I don't get exercise, but she seems to sweat away
The pounds of brains until I'm dumbfoundedly dumb
And I find myself passed out on the couch with a bottle of ***
And a headache that makes me want to blow my brains out
Cause I can't get some Aspirin and a good woman to ******* out
Kind of run...

And there's the angsty little man that runs from home
Fighting his abusive dad and his best friend "hormone"
When he gets a kick in the nuts named reality
and a left hook to the face named puberty
by Mike Tyson riding a bison
Who leans over and whispers "you lost the fight son"
Kind of run...

Then there are the times when I run my fingers over the typewriter
Making more mistakes than a single stared wasted waiter
Running my imagination that nobody wants to hear on a page
A ******* that nobody will ever notice on stage
Lost in cut out hearts and origami cranes
and on washed out newspapers on old broken trains
kind of run...

However, there is a time when I actually get off my *** to run
But It hurts cause I'm a beached walrus with my *** in the sun
Flopping on land and trying to swim through concrete
Unable to see that I have 2 feet
cause there are 2 feet of fat that is constricting my view
Of who I am and what I'm really able to do
Kind of run...

And this is the part of the poem when I run away to Spain
Clearly, I can’t run that far so I guess I’ll take a plane
And I’ll bring the beautiful blonde with me in a first class spa
And I’ll walk into Spain saying “Su casa es mi Casa
But it will never be the other way around
Cause if I see you on my property you’ll be six feet underground
Kind of run...
a silly poem I wrote in high school I thought I would share
Butch Decatoria Dec 2015
So, grasshopper....
What is love / to someone who is complaining?

Screaming. Wailing /  Proudly prevailing / loudly Reprimanding
Or commanding Bounded feet
Shushing in rushing / Busiest with everyone else's business

Dumbfoundedly Enforcing. Forcing / mindlessly divorcing meaning?
Not knowing /  Rather assuming or presuming
To speak not for himself
Instead for us, lauding law, howling for god

What is it without making / any sense? /
Having no reason?
What is love if only a word /
Sung or graffiti tag on walls / Ave. 3rd / blurbs

So to speak / a word / whispers...
Write or read / Flat screen / one dimensional unexperienced /
Word up /  Another billboard's Loud propaganda
"Unt wonderbar sinfully delicious"
You will OBEY
Says snickers /
Harangue of commands
The replete of a single word / repeat

On and on / carrying calm

And what is forever to an insect? With brief breath
Vampyric      Parasitic     Abuzz
Without purpose but swarm
Wasted waning /  Locust death Landscapes / we barely notice

Cherish just a starving word

So goes my question / Unanswered. Kept
distant. Unproven / underserved
The point is moot /
What is love  / To you?
Without proof Without life
What are eyes without the light ?

What is love if nothing /  If never born
A mind Emotes  /  oceans / swells /

Love ....
The tiniest of tempests

One thought becomes a storm
Felt Like dreams /  Stars for diamond tears
Energy in living form... now asking why / Are we here?
No doubt It is to know love
And so... What is a good word?    

Truth (the word of god)


The eyes wordlessly say
Love light: Our beautiful day.

With every storm loud with thunder
A serenity found /  Amidst All Life's blunders

So jump for joy, grasshopper... Being loved is like being found.
Finally seeing the awe and the wonder.
The clarity of a mind's eye, life is the dream
breathless heart you must plunder.

Fight fire not with fire, but with water
that which you can have but cannot hold...

and what is love
if not sharing a drink
like every storm
we all are wet underneath
like every heart must sometimes think
we will wake already ashore

inhale this gift - the perfect time is now

because this is love, grasshopper
and we are the tempest
the hearts who think...

This must be love
having been
given everything?

my cup is filled by heaven's rain
no fear of death, but war and pain...

the storm swims with / in /

But you're a beautiful day.
cresun Nov 2014
dumbfoundedly, i agreed
to play a game that involved
risking the life of my heart
and my beliefs in fairytales

guess i should have known better
than to play with the creator
for someone who had
never played the game before

but i can't back out now
because he took my heart
before i even know it
and now ive got to take it back
without falling down
and hurt my knee
i think im losing
Writing prompts burst asunder
deafening soundcloud roared
with apocalyptic thunder
'course only audible to yours truly,
I did dumbfoundedly wonder...

At o'clock tick tocking wee hours brisk
December seventeenth
two thousand nineteen
simultaneous blinding fiery kindling
quickening xing risk
within winkin blinkin and nod,
I feared full light of day brainstorm
snatched away courtesy invisible whisk

broom all those potential
ideas sprung while
Messiah by George Frideric
Handel's never out of style
within cerebral nooks and
crannies (think Ohiopyle),
whereby Youghiogheny River
bubbles, gurgles, fuels river mile

after mile harnesses and doth generate
approximately twelve Megawatts
of electricity per hour, to alleviate
domestic counting eight
thousand homes necessitate
distributed across western
and central Pennsylvania.

Analogous catching
courtesy goo goo dolls barenaked
ladies hands spawning
salmon slippery as an eel
(if curious don't take my word,

which might not appeal)
though yours truly
offers no guarantee,
you could easily fall

overboard as ye kneel,
which subsequently offers
live human meal
to hungry sharks, impossible mission

to escape no matter
how loud you squeal,
bouquets delphiniums and daisies
designate watery grave site
dissolving blood amidst the color teal.

Aforementioned depiction, whereby current
commander in chief
admittedly no gent
till man nor scholar, and
he cavalierly lent
and nearly fin hushed nearly
(possibly already) rent
asunder high crimes and
misdemeanors, he casually spent

constitutional principles of democracy,
whereby I experience torment
precipitating quasi riptides undercurrent
bigotry, demagoguery, "fakery,"...
misogyny, vanity vetted vice
whereby woebegone grievances
Pandora's box loosed
helter skelter they went.

Anyway... synonymous maintaining
readership attention blinker
necessary to apply unsuspecting
hook, line and sinker
without rousing ire principal

(at Henry Kline elementary
my dear watson Mister Rinker)
long since retired,
he possibly maybe grandfather
of one or more freethinker.
albeit modest word zealot

Writing prompts burst asunder
snap, crackle, and sweet Mary poppin
within me scrambled noggin
witnessing yours truly to blunder
blindly along this dark and stormy night
deafening soundcloud roared
with apocalyptic thunder
'course only audible to yours truly,
I did dumbfoundedly bred wonder...

At some o'clock
tick tocking hours brisk
(quite chilly temperatures)
April seventeenth -Easter Sunday
two thousand twenty two
when Church law
obliges Roman Catholics
to receive Holy Communion
simultaneous blinding fiery kindling
quickening xing risk
within winkin blinkin and nod,
I feared full light of day brainstorm

snatched away courtesy invisible whisk
broom all those potential
ideas sprung while
Messiah by George Frideric
Handel's never out of style
within cerebral nooks and
crannies (think Ohiopyle),
whereby Youghiogheny River
bubbles, gurgles, fuels river mile

after mile harnesses and doth generate
approximately twelve Megawatts
of electricity per hour, to alleviate
domestic counting eight
thousand homes necessitate
distributed across western
and central Pennsylvania
nearly pristine land
where many local legends
never go out of style.

Bigfoot looms large here,
but other cryptids, or animals
also believed to inhabit the state.

Featured prominently include:
the gigantic Broad Top Snake,
the bizarre Dogman
of Westmoreland County,
and Bessie, Lake Erie’s resident monster.

Reports of giant attacking thunderbirds,
bloodsucking wolfmen, and mischievous,
mine-dwelling Tommyknockers
round out the list.

Analogous catching
courtesy goo goo dolls barenaked
ladies hands spawning
salmon slippery as an eel
(if curious don't take my word,
which might not appeal)
though yours truly
offers no guarantee,
you could easily fall

overboard as ye kneel,
which subsequently offers
live human meal
to hungry sharks, impossible mission
to escape no matter
how loud you squeal,
bouquets delphiniums and daisies
designate watery grave site
dissolving blood amidst the color teal.

Aforementioned depiction, whereby
former commander in chief
(er scoundrel forty fifth president)
admittedly no gent
till man nor scholar, and
he cavalierly lent
and nearly fin hushed nearly
(possibly already) rent
asunder high crimes and
misdemeanors, he casually spent.
Aging baby boomer
no longer fit as a fiddle
accumulating extra adipose tissue
around the middle
ain't no impossible mission
whence thumbs I twiddle
to shed unwanted
weight methinks exorcise to unriddle.

Call to action necessitates
yours truly to acclimatize,
calling fitness trainer
whereby honed toned physique
(tubby synonymous with Adonis – ha)
benefits begetting courtesy  to aerobicize,
nsync dumbbells compliment exercise,
whereby brutal daily grueling
regimen will also comprise
boot camp rigorous discipline

strength to pilot (minus paunches)
shouldering, managing, hoisting crucifix sunrise
to sundown will non verbally advertize,
verily intolerant to chastise,
hence no bully best better mess
mine mean mien guise
will enjoyably capitalize
zing might equals right to authorize
self defense without need to apologize.

Back in the day, I
presented pitiful sight
self worth equated on
par with botanical blight
buffeted along boulevard
of broken dreams
depressed body language
bespoke head to foot
encompassing enfeebled edifice complex
scrawny measly gumby,
hokey pokey height

how I presented such sorry spectacle
courtesy excellent twenty/twenty hindsight
analogous to an emotional black hole,
never exhibiting courage to fight,
rather yours truly immediately took flight
and/or stood dumbfoundedly
in imitation of deaf mute wishing to alight
bajillion miles away, versus
active stance to fight
preferring the incognito
guise pitch dark vested gentry

donning luxury invisible
accouterment shade o' midnight
proffered, though natural camouflage
infrared crosshairs nonetheless did sight,
when scaredy cat sacrificial scapegoat
experienced his sealed fate, a heavy smite
upon me noggin scrambled outlook
seeing stars courtesy topflight -
(bare in) strong arms hoodlums
brandishing razor sharp dagger

type like fangs able, eager,
(think) bloodthirsty 10,000
homicidal maniacs
ready and willing to bite
simultaneously trumpeting
hate speech to excite
curious madding crowd
glomming to render airtight
any possible safe escape,
yours truly turned white
as a sheet.
With eyes closed,
particularly after never
mine lips ne'er touching drink
I experience replete surreal visualizations

vividly pronounced heightened, augmented
mental journey virtual realistic brink
particularly the following link

yours truly (i.e. me)
enters sweeping dream state,
whose (ahem this modest) great human
experienced way after hundredth wink
no mean feet recherché special effects
haint no rinky ****
trick the average kindergartener could think,
quite the contrary skeptical reader!

Impossible mission yours truly,
could never describe for dogness sake
no,... NOT even after I make
transition back into webbed
oft times trumpeted as "fake"
wide world of consciousness

mere seconds eyes of mine ache...
dumbfoundedly blink awake,
yet cerebral impact analogous
exiting hypothetical dark cave
eyes painfully adjust to light
no mutter me noggin I soberly shake

Socratic dialogue - described
even today (across swaths,
where silently occur
metaphorical tectonic Earthquake)
of college/university students far and wide
with mooch hoopla and rave
communicated, viz out fancy schmancy

rhyme nor reason courtesy
one cereal lactose intolerant flake
courtesy within Plato's Republic
(worth rereading even
non political science majors ought
to give revered literature fair shake.

'Course aye haint here to lecture
but moostly strive to enlighten
hmm... methinks most likely bore
extemporaneously spewing pablum
also aiming to appeal toward
self accomplishment less or more

before tonight April 23rd, 2020
becombs tomb morrow,
with unbeknownst notion I explore
which aspiration to craft daily poem
constitutes what endeavors apt (guaranteed)

to find thee into deep sleep
cocking mine ear to hear ye snore,
no matter bajillion miles away your
respective dwelling from mine -
now (at long last), similar to the night before,

(Christmas), I hightail out - with minor confession
where Matthew Scott Harris doth
strive to become substance of legendary folklore
(hence no need to utter vamoose)
with cheery bonjour!
Travis Green Dec 2021
Halo hazel captivation
Strikingly luring eyes
Flaming rhymes etched on your lips
The build-up of bliss
In your existence is so spectacular
You are so magical
Like a land permeated with pleasure
You are a maze of entrancement
A quaking earthquake that makes
My nerves so nervous in your world

You spin my dreams
You unleash a rainstorm
Of measureless ecstasy upon me
My hips move to the savage beat
Of your masculinity
My eyes become so confused
So stranded in your romance
I can’t distinguish where I am at now
You lick my body so breathtakingly
You push your chest up against my *******

You rub your hands over my back
Clasp me tighter, smell my sweet and fragrant perfume
As take in your exquisite masculine scent
You devour me like I’m a mouthwatering Thanksgiving dinner
You ******* chin, my neck, my shoulders
You cherish the delicateness of my palace
You slip into an alternate reality of my being
You gape at my magnificent Milky Way
You swirl your fingers over my belly
Down to my portal of private pleasures

You work your magic as you travel inside me
You give me hypnotic heat
I twitch, I breathe your exquisiteness in and out
I stare dumbfoundedly at your thick luscious stick
As you enter inside me, ******* me relentlessly
Give it to me fast, let it last longer than ever
Grip my thighs, observe my elated eyes
Compel a wave of tremendous tingles
To run through my body
Stare at me as you ****** with my womanly wetness

Pound me, smack my *** cheeks
Moan as I moan, call me your creamy chocolate bar
Tell me to say ahh as you pull your sleek, **** pipe out of me
And force it inside my mouth
I **** you slow and sweet, fast and flawless
I lick your attractive sack, I entrance your manhood
****, you know I’m a thrilling bombshell
I give you the most incredible head
You have ever had before
I leave my fiery red lipstick stains
On the immersive surface of your shaft

I got you trembling, feeling so ecstatic
Grabbing my unruly black hair
As you relish the magnificent moments
My tongue all over your **** sausage head
Tasting everything, giving you the sloppiest *****
Concentrating on the rhythm
Seeing the leakage of pre-***
Licking it off, ******* you harder
As you ****** words exude out of your mouth
My objective is to finesse your kingdom
More and more, make you adore everything I do for you
I **** your hard, tasty lollipop so good
That I have your knees buckling
Until breaths escalate greatly
Releasing the hottest pearly juices
On my sultry lips as I swallow it all
(alternately titled: eye temporarily
lost sight of reason.)

Yesterday - March (7th) madness overtook me
toward she, yours truly did marry,
I nearly subjected mine flesh to harakiri.

Yours truly (earnestly and frankly)
got royally zapped!

Last night (exhibiting frolicsome mien),
she hurled an orange at lightspeed,
I yowled and yapped,
cuz red hotted poker raging anger wrapped
tightly around me psyche
wherein dark shadows
(think... a long edge of night) got trapped

as the edge of night (psychologically)
violently overtook mine ordinarily
calm, cool and collected
triggered reaction, whereby I nearly snapped
ready to **** a mockingbird named A* Robin
otherwise (and ofttimes) referenced as missus.

Her countenance turned ghostly white
Count Dracula summoned forth – think twilight
less than twenty four hours ago
to rectify paralyzing pernicious plight,
I wanted to learn the wife a life lesson
courtesy her tarnished rusty knight,
who plays fair and square
on the metaphorical chessboard of life
savoring bloodlust did excite.

Within flash doggone mailer daemon
(inside me noggin) became docile as a whelp.

After sense and sensibility returned,
I felt mortified at such murderous zeal
dumbfoundedly blinked
after dialing down the terrorizing wheel,
ceasing (once and for all)
poetic antics of generic schlemiel
hearty victuals for tri county newsreel

finding yours truly locked
even sentenced to life in prison
deadly rupture (regarding
motherless grown daughters)
time could never heal
self made widower for justice,
he would not appeal.

Urgency arises to air
aforementioned shellshock with Renee Cardone
the Springford therapist my soul I bare
lest yours truly could (hypothetically)
strapped (ohm my dog) to electric chair
despite no premeditation to declare

insanity - nasty, short and brutish existence
not forgivable courtesy loosed beast
prompting rhetorical question pertaining
to trying circumstances human err
well I could (lamely) blame outburst
on prominent solar flare

nsync with mine jammed cognitive gear
linkedin with rational thinking
necessitating appropriate healthcare
til death do me part
cue wizened old man holed
in walled dank lair

feeble minded kept within
jail cell hermitage amazingly enough
sixty plus shades of gray matter
offers yours truly ample time
to experience and/or accept personal prayer
and meditation reading, and playing solitaire.
Graff1980 Aug 2021
I'm a porch distance
from other witnesses
trying to commit this
human wisdom
to other men.

I'm a poet
always writing,
inviting others in
to a shared understanding
but it doesn't matter
if I master
the technical skills,
if I can't relate
to what other people feel.

Then I'm still
just a second-rate hack
wearing an off-gray hat,
a Mayberry man
with two hands
on my gun belt
as I shoot myself,
whilst dumbfoundedly
wondering “how am I
going to come back
from that?”
Travis Green Jan 2022
I desire to see what’s in between your thighs
Pull down your Polo Ralph Lauren boxers
Stuff your supreme ***** ******* down my throat
Taste your hardness, your manliness
Guide my fingers around your awesomeness
Bask in your strong ****** voice
How you stare down at me
Revering the spectacular tricks of my tongue

I move slow, then speed it up
Let you be dazzled by my stroke game
I can feel your body convulsing
I can see your chest flexing
Your senses are scatterbrained
I know you love how I put it down
How I grab your huge *****
And solidly chocolate ***

Drift into your ample heat
Delicious wet thighs
Sculpted seductive legs
My supple fingers cover your entire frame
Leave nothing unattended to
I hunger to please you
Marvel at your body movement and ****** expressions
So lovestruck by your power

I don’t think I can get away from you
I extremely love your world
It’s so intoxicating
I am so dickmatized
You don’t understand
How my body craves you
How my fingertips stay fused on your V-line
Feed me your thick meat thermometer

Slap my face, stretch my jaws
Tell me I am a bad *****
Grab my throat, choke me
Set my kingdom aflame
Drain my vigor
Rev the engine of my vehicle
Kiss me dangerously
Take my masculinity

Make me feel so gay
In your exquisite embrace
**** my thoughts up
Say I can have your *** drum stick anytime
Overwhelm my realm
I am your prisoner
I promise I will never leave thee
I am so obsessed with your muscularity

You make me gaze dumbfoundedly at your enchantingness
So tall, firmly stacked, grippingly glorious
My hormones are accelerating
I crave your dictation
You know what I want
You know how to give it to me flawlessly
Let me be bound to your crunk *** chopper eternally
Travis Green Feb 2022
In my dreams
You lie next to me
I rub my hands on your chest
You give me your masculinity
I press my delicate, delicious lips to yours
You envelop your arms around me
I look at you dumbfoundedly
You slide your mouth on my neck
I grasp you tighter
You lay your head on my sultry, curvy *******

I can’t get over how breathtaking you are
You look at me with your bright commanding eyes
I admire your delightfully defined physique
You set your hands on my creamy, silken thighs
I am so highly sexually aroused
You continue to kiss me and nibble at my *******
I am so awestricken
You ensnare my world
And give me the most incredible ecstasy ever

— The End —