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sky tallen Apr 2014
your hart is like a star
shining so bright
hiding behind all the light
imagene what you would be
not what you could be
makeing all the haids tern round
dont you here that soud
some peaple brack peaples harts hopes and dreems
well at least that what it seems
well what do i know im gust the girl in the back row
st64 Oct 2013
bildings in roowins
I rite with brokin-hand

it is the year of the unlord-tyms 2085
and skool hadbin abolishd since fyv decades
evrything in disrepair -
                    no hospitills no parks
                    no creche no greens
all grey and dark

now here I lie amid the rubble
I see they took my legs for under-market
what else did they take?
**** *******!
belly rumbles
the last I'd eaten was 2 days on
a chunk of hard-bread whose colour would turn envy in its boots
with artifishal-milk whose curdled smile greeted the back of my arid existence

**** bastarrrrrrds! they put me under, sawed off my legs
left me hobbling with jagged wounds and smirk-pain like hot-rods searing my brand-new stubs
elementary-bandage of an old sheet torn into strips...

wait, I must use this anger as fuel to get me going
she told me so
many, many times..

(I can remember my mother reading to me
reciting from her memory
they had burnt evry-single-book Man had ever known
                My eyes have never been graced with a book
she tort me words with stick in sand
and counting with stones
and there were many stones
               she fed me poetry when there was little else to eat
with fainting-body and starving-belly
my mind took pleasure in her ultimate-care
               she told me of a time when childrin took poor-interest
in the blessings of a book.. wen their minds were swallowed wholemeal by what they called media, I think
when they were not saddled with the worry of their next meal's magical-appearance
                (I can spell 'their' at least, yes.. she made sure I knew the difference)
the only pictures I saw were the ones she drew for me
in the volcanic beach-sand when we ran away from the parasitic-city
                I knew nothing of the world but what I saw around me
                        - decay, decay, decay
until she brought me colour - rite into the hart of me -
                           blooms that hurt at first, so bright and giving
                           that it saturated every molecule in my parched-centre
                           and I became a rainbow-suffused capsule in a otherwise drab-society
such wonder she spoke with open-eyes and loving-tones

and I also remember.. the day they took her..
I remember.. too much)

I crawl forward like a snake in the .. wait, what was that expreshin again?
I'll think later when I find a place to harbour my broken-body
                     thought is a luxury here
thers a horrible smoke in the air
          stings me so
and I miss her so
I have nobody left
but I cannot feel forsaken, as so many do
and succumb to self-pity
she made sure my armour grew
                 from the inside.. first
and I took it with disbelief painted on my face
the things she told me about..

                I cannot believe there once were -
green fields and trees with chirping birds
a blue sky
blue? not possible
I've never seen a blue sky
I think she was being kind to paint me portraits of psychedelia
   to entertain and distract me
   from the horror of our lives
I heard tales of things called flowers - daisies and things
like vegetables and fruit
it seemed funny to me - little beings in the ground,
                                       standing rooted, awaiting harvest-hands
               just for people??
no..  such depth of kindness I can hardly imagine
for we have had only *
-earth.. most concreted
and drank only brack-water from collapsing pipes
no, an unforgiving-scene is all I know
     she is so kind to feed me such fantasy-tales of deep-imaginashin
     pity she could not tell any others
     for any tenth-of-a-whisper of this to any wrong-ear
and her head would roll
in the gutter.. where we lived in contest with rats
she could only rally my mind and relay things which would die with her
things that she bequeaths
to me

what will I do with it? this legacy of forgotten-paradise..
what can I do?   this wonder-clad heresy..
                I now know thers a way out these city walls
                ther is a life beyond
with valleys and rivers and salty-seas
I must try to find a river
she told of oceans which live - which heave and swell and move!
she said these things too .. they exist
what quaint-things, indeed
oh, for dreems..

but now, I must off the streets
for a double-darkness has begun to fall
when red-eyes will scour the streets for scraps of flesh
        anything is worth a barter
        even a dead-man in a lane whose eyeballs are gone
        harshly-hacked out living - by a previous-visitor
becomes a piece of currency for seekers of the dark

I don't know what they've done to her.. or where she is now..
yet, she always said - keep moving
                                   keep searching
for blue-sky and flowing-rivers and yellow-flowers..
(I wonder if it's real
I do believ her - I must)*

now I scrape on in haste into a darkening-alley
towards a derelict-bilding
whose sinister-interior is the only welcome it can afford me
             I have little choice
             no time for sentiment
plus, I feel a fever coming (perhaps this is all the dreem.. and she is the only-flower I know)
the night-Rats will come out soon
and I hate their stink
it doesn't help I leave a trail of blood..

only hoap lives
in hobbled-soul

as I rite on with brokin-hand
onto the back-pages.. of my mind

S T -  5 octoblah
awoke with a feeling of piece of broken-building teetering and wanting to fall on me..
with legs gone,
junk, junk feeling :(

(anyway, it's just a nightmare.. I thought I'd plug that energy into this poem)

hoap.. hold on, alright? please :)

sub: thanks be

to the grey of skies I never see
to the squalor of the seas no-one can smell
to decay in every nook you can't tell

thanks be to the beauty of our times
and where none of such deep-calamity
touches our lives


(where love-tryst equals getting tangled..
in the stars)
bob peachey Nov 2012
i dident make the first team
i dident win the cup
or pass exams  
or stand for parlement
or be called great
or won medals
i helped raise two wonderfull children
and whatched them grow
i am a proud dad my greatest words to heir  
are i love you DAD
bob peachey Sep 2013
When dreams are broken  and you walk away
with hopes of only yesterday
why go on through the pain
why try again
o to be free
of this life
and  start again
but no
I cant go on
my heart is broken
I cant go on
I cant be brave
I cant go on  
no joy for me
I cant go on good bye
I fantasyse a fodder/
who myght feeed mye goost/
amende it atnyght/
when thee darke nd dreade onlee drenche/
nd drowne my hart in sorowe/
I am lost/
softlye now tale me/
all thee preteee thyngs I wont to heere/
tale me/
you love me/
that I am evrythynge u’ve wonted neer/
that mye prestencts dose not
alarm you/
that thes sun is bryght/ yellow/
fool of energee nd lyfe/
that you are proud/
of me/ not ashamed/
of my bryght colers/
tell me you love me
after feeld by Jos Charles
I know I'm smiling but don't take it as for what it seems
'Cause the only time I'm happy is when I'm in my dreems
'Cause my life is that lonely kid cast out in the shadows
Full of tears, frowns, and many lost battles

Down in a black hole trying to escape depression
But you can't run away from what will always be your reflection
And as you run away reality is getting nearer
And instead of changing you, you try to change the mirror
But what do you do when the mirror falls down?
Breaking apart as it hits the ground

And now you have nothing to hide behind
And now you need the courage you have yet to find
Because fear and sorrow are just emotions that play tricks on your mind
Trying to prevent you from making your life and dreams intertwine
But instead of giving in you try to break out
Rebuilding the happiness that fear and sorrow take out

Because the obstacles you have aren't important it's about how you handle it
Because fear can only be as bad as you imagine it
And sorrow comes with tears just as gray clouds come with rain
And then it will pass quicker than it came
So just be proud you didn't cut yourself with the mirror's glass
And just know that the worst already passed

But if you look in a mirror again, look with open eyes
So if you don't like the out, you can take a look inside.
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
She is so far away from me
Just you try and stop me
We would be like shooting stars in the sky
Old friend, why are you so shy?

I could never express my full love for you
And I never drew one response from you
In my dreems i see you
Never mind, I'll find someone like you

One day we will be together
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
I think of you 23 hours a day
But you still hide away
My baby
please leave me feedback for this peom. I worked ******* it :)
bob peachey Nov 2012
lost love empty arms no childrens noise in the home
can i find love again or empty dreems
i must find love again
The sun  must break through the clouds again
i will smile again i will love again
and feel someone in my arms
life is full when you are in love i will love again
Oh,  I am a dream
from  a thoudand  ages past
I  wash  the  firey  sky
the  color of  emerald passion
for  have  come to rapture you  with love.
Oh,  I  embrace you
with  a  thousand  dreems
of heavenly  passion
and turn  your heart to fire
like a  supernova
that  burns  away  the sky.
Oh,  I am a  holy fire
that  burning among  the stars
and  set  your  soul  on fire
as your heart  I  burn  with  desire.
Marz Mar 2018
alright everyone love to all and to all my love i shall rest with my angels watching from above let the demons greet me in my dreems for i am not as perfect as it seems

— The End —