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brandon nagley Aug 2015
I locked mineself
To her leg;
I swallowed the key
I shackled mineself, into her head.

I seeketh not to be free
By wordly standard;
The great architect
Showed me, I'm free with her, tis she is mine lantern.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
I wish I had said this before the darkness fell
Shrouding me in doubt before secrets I could tell
But time; oh dear, time cares not for what we do
And someday maybe, time will bring me back to you.
I can only imagine what goes on behind your stare
For when I'm lost in the shadows, I can only hope you're there.

Tha mi a ’guidhe gun robh mi air seo a ràdh mus do thuit an dorchadas.
A ’còmhdach teagamh orm mus b’ urrainn dhomh mo dhìomhaireachd innse.
Ach ùine. Ò Mo chreach. Chan eil ùine a ’gabhail cùram mu na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Agus is dòcha uaireigin, bheir ùine mi thugad
Chan urrainn dhomh ach smaoineachadh air na tha a ’dol air cùl do shealladh
Oir nuair a tha mi air chall anns na faileasan, chan urrainn dhomh ach a bhith an dòchas gu bheil thu ann.
Donall Dempsey May 2017

The Dark had come

Prowled about outside.

He stayed still.
Perfectly still.

So the Dark wouldn't
see him.

The Dark seemed to sense
his living presence.

It tore at the window
wounding the glass

leaving large
scratchy marks.

The window howled.

The Dark outside
spilling into the room

thickening the Dark
inside with its outside

filling the room with
a Dark deeper now

a Darkness one could
drown in.

The Darkness laughed
thickened...congealed about me.

Somewhere a clock
ticked too loudly

gobbling all the time up
( and there was precious little time left )
down to the dregs.

The Dark was hard and heavy
- solid.

He would have to cut through it
slash at it to part it.

The Dark slurped at him
with its rough cat's tongue

as if it would. . .

"Quick. quick. . .!"
whispered Sleep in a furious hiss.

Sleep opened a trap door in itself
as the Dark lapped at him

he just had time to
slip inside.

The Dark growling
throwing itself against Sleep

with such rage
Sleeps's hinges...rattling...buckling

before the Darkness
padded away with a snarl.

Morning laughed itself
into his head

( "You ok kid!" )

bringing with it a cat's meow
a tracery of birdsong and

as much sunlight
it could drag behind it.

Stuffed as much sun as it could
into his awakening bedroom.

A tree tapped at the window.
"Hey kid...remember me!"

It was still 1963
and the dark hadn't gotten him.

"Come and play!"
said the day.
"Come and play!"

So, he - did.

The night now very
very far away.
Satan Nov 2010
Bloodmark, swords and damnation.
I fought for the lost souls of the nations.
With such unbearable desire and passion.

Fuil ar mo aghaidh....

Secrets of three, veiled yet unhidden.
Lights upon the earth to cast away the forbiddens.
Pain and sorrow to deaden.

Forget thy sins not...
Unreveal thy secrets not...

Mo chroí a fháil ar bhealach...
For God love ist divine...
To those who dwell in His Shrine...

Dorchadas fháil bás...
Darkness finds death...

Solas teacht ar an saol
Light finds life...
Thanks to Keiran and Galman for the irish gaelic translations.....

— The End —