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nish Jul 2018
i like to look at things that shine

fireworks projected into the sky
and like a shooting star they fall
some wish
i watch
as it splits into an array of colours
a few seconds of beauty
quickly enveloped by the night sky

floating lanterns, so ominous
so pretty and mysterious
dots across the dark horizon
the endless darkness tainted
by blurs of light from a distace
but up close they truly are
an enchanting spectacle

camp fires are surreal
what stories do they hold
it rages and fights
it consumes, magnificent
so powerful and yet
so wise

candles bring out memories
if i stare too long
its rhythmic flame will devour me
the tiny light brings out the biggest shadows
like a trance it pulls me in
blow it out, then i'll be free

neon trapped within traffic lights
the red has immeasurable power
amber hues bring on despair
green commands attention
but in the dead of the night
when not a single soul roams by
driving past the glowing lines
of light upon light
i enter a realm of nostalgia

i see the flash of lightning
it is ferocious
commands respect
but when i watch it
from behind a window pane
with raindrops streaking down
the thunder muted, the dark clouds
they emit the most beautiful violet light
it comes and goes in simply seconds

and how could i forget the stars
always there
but only alive
in the depths of the night
scattered across the sky
they glow like an accessory
desired but unreachable
i stretch my hand out high
a little more and i can touch them.
This poem was actually inspired from a textpost I saw about star-signs and things that shine. Every different light brings out a different feeling, just like people. I haven't included all the signs, just the ones I liked.
Alex E Morris Dec 2010
A chilling breeze touches your face
Eye's blinded by the dusty powder

Your heart beats at an un-even pace
As if affected by the abstruse silence

Louder and louder it gets
warmth from your person exerts into the air around you
Chills run through gashes in your clothing, distinctly smelling of cigarettes
In the distace, echos of chattering and shivering
bounce back from the white, icy layers askew

A toe, Then a heel
The ghost of heat that surrounds the body is gone
Gusts of algid nothingness blow in your face by a small pinwheel
Darting pupils reveal scintillating lights,
Appearing one second and vanishing with the dawn

Something embeded in the mind, forever dormate throughout seasons,
The silence, the serenity, the solace of winter
Timothy Kenda Sep 2013
I found her bright and beautiful hiding in plain sight
When we met it was immediately set; it felt so right
We only had met in person for one day and one night
But if she asked me to stay forever I just might
There was no time; no space
Nothing but the two of us in that place
Two souls touching with caring grace
While everything around us faded away
With her I would forever stay
There is no doubt I will love her every day
Do my best to make her happy in every way
Because she means so much to me
We understand eachother in ways hard to believe
It might not be easy but I couldn't see
Something so beautiful wash out to sea
With her forever is where I want to be
My love and I, we have been hurt before
She doesn't deserve to be hurt any more
And the kindness she shows makes me so sure
That hurt is not what my future has in store
She means more to me than words can express
She deserves the best and I will give her nothing less
There is no thing on this earth
That could stop me from reaching her
Her kindness and humor is what I've always looked for
No mountain too high or distace too great
Could interfere with what can only be fate
She has a beautiful soul
I'll never let it go
She takes me as I am
She opens her heart to understand
And it's like I've known her my whole life
It seems like I've known her from the beginning of time
She opened her heart to me and offered it freely
And the she knows that she has mine
It won't be easy; relationships are never easy
But its so nice knowing we will be fine
I have never been so incredibly happy
This love is so amazingly devine
We have waited for all time
For this moment when our shooting stars collide
For this perfect moment
Where I am yours and you are mine
Vampyre Kato Jun 2016
I Want Everyone  To Be Comfortable
So They Can Be Functional
Secure In Their Boots
Held Close To Home By Them Knowing Their Roots
Living Their Truth
Feeling The Affection  They Deserve
Feeling Loved With Out A Story Of Words
We All Have Pain  
BEEN Warpped Up In Thorns
Torn In The Rain
Had Our Favorite  People Walk Away
Been In The Bathroom
With A Bottle & A Blade
Tears On The Shooking Page
The Gaze In The Mirror
Fear Sadness  Rage
Feeling Trapped So Want  A Mom & A Dad
A Dog Or A Cat
Somebody To Sit & Talk With
Have Your Back
Just Hold You Close All Night Long
Tell You To Put Their Coat ON
SING Together  Special Songs
That Cut Deep
Still Make You Smile
That Walks Those Several  Miles
To Hug You Cos The Distace Been A While
Share Dreams With
Cry & Lean In
Find Change Or Dollars
TO Eat At 3
Night Time
Just You & Me
Phones  Silent
Angel Wings
To Remind  You That Your Amazing & Just Fine
No Shallow Vibes  That Incline Their Just Lyin
SO Your Smiling
A Friend With The Heart Of A Lion Alien Captin Of The Mother Ship
Thats Me If Im Absent To Leave
When You Uncover  This
I'm Lonely Drifitng. THREW LeafS & Mist
Whispering  This With A Ghostly Lisp
They Say My Heart Is So Big
Never Game Enough  Time That Was Just Skin
I Love You All
I Promise  This
Stranger Too It Doesn't Matter
Were All One Sun & Matter
All Of Us Once Felt Our Heart Has Shattered
Jamie Lee Oct 2018
Thinking about pinky swears under old trees
Inscripted with the carving of memories
Do you ever think of me?
A seal of forever brought together by blood from a ***** of a finger
Disregarding names or blood and made eachother our own
Because family wasn't always there
Life never left us alone for long,
It dropped you into my lap
And I had always been proud of that
Because in a world full of nothing,
At least I had that

It isnt fair
That life is a game of volley ball and it picked you for the other team
After all the apple juice boxes and scraped knees
I never thought you'd be playing against me
Dropping the ball so carelessly
A score for you, as it always is
It has always been
Maybe I was more of a decoration then a friend- a trophey of loyality
A prized possession for the admiration of a life long friendship
Im another swish in the basket
Our friendship only exsists in a casket
Because it is dead and I cant get past it

It was life long, that was what was said
Under a swing set
Pinky swears and truth or dares
Turned to silence and hurtful glares
Its hard to break the ice when you are so cold
I dont want to hear about the hearts you break,
Hearts of gold
For goodness sake-
But none could hurt more than mine
It hurts every ******* time I look at you
And dont like what I see,
The pain your bringing to yourself and me
Hasnt been so welcoming

But I remember how the class bell would ring-
How we'd run down the steps, how we'd laugh and sing
So tell me, do you ever think of me?
I am alone with an empty swing
A lifetime of friendship didnt mean a thing
When the grasp of a a males hand will always be stronger than me
When we said boys would never be a thing that would come between
I miss when we thought they had cooties
***** me, and sue me
For thinking I had the upper hand
I'll never understand

Being the exception of the rule
You made everyone the fool-
Thinking I was special when the only one who was special was always you
I look into your eyes and I am confused
Because it isnt you
At least thats what I want to think
And what you want me to believe
Out of all the things you held to be so important
It was never me

Only when life was young and free,
Without the threshold of responsiblity
But don't come and say you need things from me,
I won't be made to be
A fool you want me to be

Thinking about pinky swears under old trees
Trees that are wilting, and our intitals will be the only thing
That is ever lasting
And all I can hear is you laughing
Overlapping the time that has been passing
And its time for me to move faster
Away from you,
Because you're a distaster
Because a romance, or a fling,
Will only be the thing that is happily ever after
And of course I will never be that
So I will tip my hat to you
I will no longer be used by you
Or used because I've been dared
To embrace the truth

So **** these trees as I burn them to their roots-
Like my roots came from you
Pinky swears were broken
And I DARE you to tell me the TRUTH
If you were lying when you said you would be there,
Or that you didnt really know or care
If you really dropped the ball,
Or maybe it was me that didn't play fair
So why would you pick me
When your classmates wanted better for the team
And I just didnt make the cut

Linked by the arm,
The Bonnie to my Clyde
Our names always stitched together
Always by my side
Your name was always on my tongue and your home became mine,
Our families knew us by name
And nothing could seperate us
Except time..

The tallys on your wall
In your old house have gotten taller
And thats fine, except its not
It went from smoking ***
And climbing trees
To scraping you off the sidewalk
Trying to get answers
When you're too gone to talk
And I am left without clarity,
Or closure,
And missing you a lot

A ***** pickled brain
Maintains the decisons that you make
The toxicity of your life leaks into mine
Because no matter the distace,
Our lives are intertwined
Blood from the ***** of a finger
Where the bond was stronger then blood
When do I cut these ties?
When will enough be enough?
Or will you have me back in a strum?
In a musical hum?

Reaping for attention,
But you haven't been asking for mine
A sunk battle ship.
A game of hide and seek,
Except this time you didn't find me.
A game of hooky,
But I was the one being ditched
A game of truth or dare,
But you ran when the truth hit
You won this game of Clue,
But you have no way to prove it
You've hit me with your bumper car,
And I think its time to move it
We're no longer kids-
And its lazer tag,
Except you're using bullets
I have to except you're out of control
And can not control it

Thinking about pinky swears under old trees,
Old inside jokes, and silly things
Our giggling filling up the room when we were supposed to be asleep
Swingsets and secret places
Happy songs and silly faces
Wishing we could meet back here
In these sacred places
But I don't expect you to pick up the phone

A swingset,
And I'm swinging alone
Initials carved in old trees,
Thank god thats everlasting
In a world that's everchanging
But thats all that will be-
For the path your walking is too scary for me, so I will stay behind


On a swing

— The End —