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Pagan Paul Jan 2019
Jerrica had found Lost.
The treasure buried above ground.
The memory foam with dementia.
The quill with no nib …
she thought about feather pens.
Catching herself from falling
the swoon had caught her cold.
This **** ****** sword
was proving to be elusive
and now she was under sustained attack.
From a personal fetish.
It just wouldn't leave her alone,
creeping into her mind unbidden.
She needed to scratch an itch,
if only she knew what that itch was.

Trolls are magickally bound to their bridge.
Leaving it is usually fatal.
But Gyb had bones to gnaw,
and once he had his teeth employed
his mind was a captive onlooker.
A crazy plan formed in his head,
possibly avoiding the brain.
He took mud and formed a figure,
then some of his hair clippings
moulded into the head.
Then he took a leap of disbelief!
He looked into the river and … Click!
Snapped his fingers and fixed the image.
He cut it out of the meniscus
and attached it to the doll familiar.

“Did Achilles have damp ankles
or was he well heeled?”
Morfine had asked Choklut.
“Neither. He was the one who sneezed
and opened the Fête of the Suitors”.
“No. I think he was called Telemarketing,
he sneezed and they drew the tombola raffle”.
“Wasn't there a Goddess involved as well?”.
“Um … Yes, maybe the Goddess of Tissues?”.
“Snivel? No, she is more tears than snot.
I think its the one who turned her husband
into a swan, and made him ****** her handmaiden”.
“Oooo Nasty!”
“No, Nasty fell in love with his own profile,
and called things off with his nymph,
the reverberations can still be heard today”.
There was a brief pause … then,
“What are we doing Choklut?
We found a magickal sword and …
talking of which, where is it?”.
“I don't know. You had it last”.
Just then a serving girl gave them a note.
It said. Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Eggs …
“Not that side you dyk” she said.
Morfine turned the note over and read.
“Quick, no time to lose.
Someone saw the sword in the river.
We have to get to stanza 8
before it goes over the waterfall!”.
“Oh” said Choklut “I've never seen a stanza belly flop”.

It was true.
Contrary to the laws of physics.
Kelm saw the sword floating down river.
It looked like any other sword.
So he let it be, dismissed it.
He couldn't swim anyway.
He mused on the irony of that.
Nobody learnt to swim and yet drowning
was an undignified death for a barbarian.
If he could swim
he could find the fishes hiding places.

Jerrica had also been musing.
With a Poet.
That was during the last 3 stanza's.
But now …
she saw a sword floating in the river.
Something didn't quite fit.
Something was not in the right place.
She placed the Poet back in her breast pocket.
'If only he wasn't just 4 inches high' she thought
'he is rather handsome and intelligent'.
Bingo! She had it. But she didn't want it.
Armydiseases Principle of Liquid Dispersement!
It states!
Introduce a solid object into a body of liquid,
then the corresponding volume of liquid is dispersed
back to the nearest solid.
So, right now there is a very small flood
in the shape of a very small sword
ravishing the local area.
She decided, quite rightly as it turns out,
that she was feeding herself a red herring.

Slim stood on the bridge
staring at the churning water below.
How did it happen?
A stanza all of his own,
ruined by the intrusion of morons.
“Morfine and Choklut” he bellowed
“I'm going to eviscerate you”.
The wind carried a few of the words away,
but that was the gist of it.
“Hello” a voice said.
Slim had an accident, and jumped out of his skin.
And plunged into the cold water.
A strong arm pulled him out,
and he was face to face with a troll.
“My name is Gyb. I hate Morf Chok also”.
Nothing had prepared Slim for meeting a troll.
Not even the etti-queue-etti lessons at school.
'Would you care for afternoon tea?'
seemed rather inappropriate.
Gyb broke the awkward silence.
“Look! Sword floating”.
Slim didn't look.
Convinced the troll would eat him.
Thats their way. Distract and devour.
But he couldn't help it, he snuck a look.
And the sword slid on by gently bobbing,
tiny little runes glinting in the sun.

For its part the sword was serenity itself.
Chilled out to the max.
Resting on the water. Relaxing and reclining.
Life was good for the sword.
It had just passed a boy fishing,
poking his rod down a fish hole.
It had passed a young woman,
who looked confused and flustered.
It slid under a stone bridge.
A troll with a doll,
and a man with questionable odour.
And then he heard the roaring.
He sent out his senses,
no mean feat for a sword,
and 'felt' its surroundings.
Its image eye caught sight of the future.
It was an effing great waterfall.
And the future was the way he was heading.
For now.

Narrative Interlude

At this point in the story the author, Pagan Paul, is compelled
to inform the reader/listener of a complaint received
from Messrs Morfine and Choklut.
The substance of which amounts to the following:
That the said author is willfully under using their talent
as supporting cast and denying them access to many stanza's.
Furthermore they are threatening to expose the authors
'irregularities' in his relationship with Princess (name redacted).
The author, Pagan Paul, responds thus:
I should like to remind Messrs Morfine and Choklut
that, with astroke of my quill, I can eradicate them.
Drop them from the story all together.
And with reference to Princess (name redacted) -
'Its my Poem and I'll irregularit if I want to'.
Dear reader/listener prepare yourself for stanza 9.
It has a waterfall in it.
Maybe Morfine and Choklut will appear, maybe not.
They are the ones over a barrel.

Minutes after the sword floated by
something else caught her eye.
To boys on a barrel, in the water.
Boys barreling along or a barrel buoying along?
Choklut noticed her by the bank.
'funny place to have a cash machine' he thought.
Doing his best to impress and look brave.
Morfine waved and nearly fell off.
Suddenly the barrel lid opened
and Slim poked his head out like a tortoise.
“What the …?” said Choklut.
“Just repaying a debt boys” he said.
“But you owe us nothing” Morfine replied.
“Oh but I do” snarled Slim
“I owe you one times intrusion into your own stanza”.
He ducked back inside, and slammed the lid.
“Of all the fatherless ...”
“I blame the author” said Choklut.
“Yeah well, he is the one who's gonna be sorry,
we've just muscled in on stanza 8,
and relegated that waterfall to stanza 9” Morfine chimed.
“Morfine. Morfine! I hear the waterfall coming”.
“No! Not now. He has to leave it until 9 now,
we are about to cross the finish line on 8”.
The waterfall loomed.

Actually the waterfall knew nothing of weaving.
It just stayed where it was, pouring.
Spectacular, it was a very pretty waterfall.
It must be. It attracted tourists.
And it had fun!
It loved watching detritus tumble,
teeter on the brink. And fall.
Especially tourists.
It was over 300 paces high,
less than 40 paces wide,
its descent magnificent liquid ballet,
sparkling droplets shining like jewels,
forever transcending light refraction,
and plunging, plunging, plunging,
into a gorgeous azure puddle.
About ankle deep.

© Pagan Paul (17/01/19)
3rd poem in my Strange World collection.

Part 3 out soon :)
It's okay Grandpa, i'm not mad at your dispersement
I know it was a fact of life
Something very hard to get over
But we're human, that's only to be expected
But it felt like a part of my morale's army defected
You left me in emotional stitches
But i know you didn't mean anything by it
I'm just angry i didn't get more time with you before you were gone
That's something i'll always have to live with
And it's unfair, but i'm a strong man
Maybe not as strong as you yet
Maybe never-but i'm going to try like hell
You're everything i want to emulate
But when things crumble, i wish you were here to help
I know an answer will come, but it must be drawn in the cardboard
Or in the sky
Or on something nobody notices
But i just want to know when
After all you've done, you deserve all the free time
I'll just wait patiently for you to answer
The elongated time frame won't worsen my mood
Just you not being here will.
I write a lot about my grandfather because i felt like he never got the credit he deserved in his lifetime. It's a **** shame. But i'm trying to make it up to him, even though he isn't here to see it. He's seeing it up there.
RobbieG May 2021
You’re an adult but miss being a kid , tired of a life requiring responsibility to get far

You decide to hide from it all and commit to just being a big kid but how with no toys

When you were younger your toys were your friends , stuffed animals and action figures

Before meeting you they all were nameless and hostage to a lonely retailers shelf

You felt connected as a mother giving birth to a childhood as you gave them purpose

Naming each and everyone, allowing them to tag along in all of your adventures

But that was then and this is now, how ridiculous you would appear with made up pals

Voiceless and choice-less, it’s just not the same kind of fun it was in your childhood

So now you contemplate and sit and ponder, it suddenly hits you like a bag of bricks: LEGOS

Toys with hearts is what you desire, with brains, with voices and real life emotions

So quickly you get excited realizing the possibilities of a completely filled toy-box

Is it fair to them to use them for your satisfaction as you toy with their emotions for fun

Nicer to some than others but the ultimate mission is to get them to ride your coattail

Never out for their benefit but rather yours as you see them as your childhood toys

At your dispersement as you see fit for your emotions and personal self benefits  

And when they realize it and get fed up, they move on but your not bothered by this at all

Because just as a child it was only a matter of time before you outgrew them one by one

Then on to the next big hit, the next big trend and the old toys left to take the hit, ALONE

Well these real life toys have hearts and it’s just not the same as they are being tore apart

But you could careless as you witness the pain and agony you force them to face

As they lay in pieces astray, your mind has already moved on , gone without a trace

Well in time this may seem to work as you get your socks off to others hurt

But the reality is the play dates will come and go but before you know it’ll be to late

You’re a narcissist, not a kid and the real victims aren’t your friends but rather you

They tried to help and tried to get you to see but your to into yourself to ever care

A lifetime of new acquaintances is your life sentence as you are always losing loved ones

All the misfits you have offended all pray for the day you can finally grow up

Because regardless the pain you have caused them they are toys with hearts

They bleed, they cry, they can relate, they can hate but they choose not too

Because your not worth any of their emotions and that’s why you don’t deserve

Toys with hearts because there’s no such thing, it just doesn’t exist

They are people and you’re a
F❤️CKING NARCISSIST, with an empty toy box
Lynette May 2018
The heavy heart braves the day
Like a sun-ripenened raspberry, bulging and quivering
On the verge of dispersement

What do you call the pain on your chest?
"Loss" is the name I say.
Loss of love, of trust, of happiness, of strength.
Loss of family, of safety, of faith, of me.

So many losses, too many to count--
That bear weight on my chest each day.
And when a compassionate soul comes my way
The day becomes very wet.
Moonsocket Jun 2017
Excuse me

I am a sickly structure with an abstract affliction

I only see in madness

I only came here because I need an excuse for existing

A low day for this brain box

But what constitutes normalcy?

Fine lines for strutting and a head full of holes

I never know what it needs

I found domiciles consumed by powder rockets and fuzzy fiends  

full of cosmic jokes and silver wrapped trinkets

full of window taps and shattered reflections

Plastic plateaus circled by virtual vultures

Capturing memory and chemical persuasions

Pocket tucked and indifferent for the sake of an easy dispersement

Disassembled depravity reassembled for hilarity

A fine insect coating for the main stream

Cancelled glances accompany hysterical stances

what an exhausting display of vanity

Smile for the ghosts who need the most

Smile for the muted mechanics and static responses

I left my plots behind

they are now victims of consumption

scavengers of extravagance

ravaging the proper somewhere over my shoulder

A distant echo now

I want to tear it all down

Skies like lunacy

Earth like excess

between these scenes

Lies a distracted remedy for a nonsensical trajectory

No oxygen left that hasn't been spoken for

Breathe in another song and exhale the sorrow

It is not mine

nor is it yours

We are intruders in an otherwise flawless formality

Distant sighs under spotlight saturation

I've seen stranger souls shrug in defeat

Another jaw made slack by an unhinged notion

Puzzled by such purity in obscurity

how can one do it justice?
Dan Hess Nov 2019
Adorning madness, sacrosanct
Bemused in my internment
To rile in the utter, rank
Entrails of my dispersement

Abhorrent wells of isolation
Portending masks of weight
To sit in sorrowed degradation
Doomed to always contemplate

Oscillating information
Wrought upon the intonation
Of the songs of overlong
Approaching condemnation

O’ force of magick whose affront
Should emblazon darkened skies
Captivate mine with endless want
Or give me my demise

I glue my eyes upon the stars
Stretch my gaze o’er the vastness
I swallow the universe from afar
Now chockablock with blackness

Consumed with empty melancholy
Cursed to mend a mind afray
As hubris is my greatest folly
To swallow night and abandon day
neth jones Sep 2019
Uncovered a corpse
a human one (not sleeping)
: to be an odd day

By a woodland stream
did not **** it with a stick
pushed plants in the mouth

Lay down next to it
we are roughly the same height
look at the blue sky

Tugged at the trousers
biologically a male
tan lines of summer

Cool dough to the touch
bedded to your position
take my warm jacket

Bloat away features
you smelly gassy baby man
bad breath and *****

Other life is new life
deflated and spilling out
insects and earth sponge

You’ve soaked to be rags
a horrid mark has been stamped
revolting presence !

You are a husk now
a spoiled arrangement now
not special to me !

Day number...God knows ?
await our discovery
seasons have since changed

I grow impatient
distracted, then dispersement
I wander away
Impermanence exercise

— The End —