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Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2016
Many dream being part of a fairytale,
somehow unfold a legend from the old
with strange beasts and mystery in songs.
But there is no story without struggle,
no heroes without pain or strife,
no adventure without an Odyssey.
Gone far away from home, being strangers
and hunters in forgotten lands.
Do what no one else would dare, risk your life
for people they don't even know your name.
They would feel hollow and dishearted already,
i am sure. If it's a fairytale they ask why they
crave only this : "and all lived happily ever after..."
Jade Ramsey Nov 2011
Goof vibrations.
Another's feelings.
The essence of individuality.
Petrified soul.
Cowardly dishearted.
To interrupt then suppress.
The abstract, isolated lie.
Detached and uninterested.
Engaging and delightful.
Hallucination from disturbed thinking.
Experience the fact.
Insanity is a mistake..
Q May 2017
If you've been here before you know the tone
That I took four years ago when I began posting poems
It's a tone and topic I'd thought I'd finally grown past
I am dishearted and disappointed when I once again ask:

Why am I alive?
I see no purpose, no joy, no fun in life.
What am I doing here?
Why didn't I end it long before this year?

I am tired. I am impossibly tired and I will be tired impossibly longer
I am done. I want it to end. I am ready to end. I have grown no stronger.
I am still as weak as the child with a knife and far too much strife to stay
I am little more than I was, with the addition of love that wears on me every day.

Why am I alive?
I am no longer despondent when I ponder this.
Why do I exist?
I can't be bothered to breathe with this emptiness.

This will be my last poem for some time, I can't bear to read through my own thoughts.
This will be my existence for more time, I can't make happiness from what is not.
Thank you for reading and commenting and being the sweet people of a poetry site.
I will be here, in a day or a year, to regale you with more of my thoughts of life.
Goodbye for awhile.
Dimitrios Sarris Jun 2017
Dishearted and lonely trying to maintain
this frail existence. Could it be the end?
What is a man but the sum of his memories.
What are we but the stories we live, the tails
we tell ourselves. Anger and grief clouded my mind and would have consumed me, if it was not for the wisdom of a friend i could call a second father. He taught me to look past my instincts and even he might not fully answered my speculations he guided me well to learn from myself. I was free to choose and all that is good in me rekindled again. Thank you Mr. Socrates i wish the best.
Austin B Jul 2014
Pulsating pressure, provoking a pandemonium of preconceived panic.

A mind of mush, intertwined within the stroke of tension and resilience.

An urge to fast forward, to leap over the walk way that flattens my belonging.

Dishearted. Dismayed. Tired. Tired of imperfections. Impressions imploding on the intangible beings of the Id.
teenageoverdose Jul 2015
Craze driven
   Imperfectly placed
Revised words said yet truth speaking through the veins
  Web of lies tangled in a dishearted brain
  Like a maze
Slip up, trip up, you fall down get up
  Scars eat away at you
    Like a feast
And like a freak you scream and hide
But on the outside you're fine so fine
   Everything is okay as you say
Spinning another thread in your web of lies.
Vylette May 2014
What does that number mean, Are some of us human and others not?
Behind the red door there is mystery. Experiences are perhaps glorified in the mind of those too morally bound to love, to ever unlock. But to me, any human is a human, no one more or less important than another. Except the individuals who make a lasting impact upon your life? Some people, they change you. Some make you more trusting, more hopeful, their honesty and positivity guide you like a beacon of light through the darkness. Darkness created inside yourself by the actions of others. Dishearted, not caring actions of people who want to use you. And do. And come out the valiant victor of their own war with everyone. I will be number one, and what matters is what I want. Its how I get off, that counts.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
Having denied my spiritual side
For so long its very existence becomes suspect
While a worthiness in question
Opens doors to a trail of deception
That takes on a lifelessness of its own
Slowing  not growing
The humanity within myself
That wants to believe
It existed and still resisted
The very thing that was needed
Yet ;has always succeeded
In deflecting
What it was reflecting
As if it was something
You might see
In a funhouse mirror
Distorted and deceptive
Easy prey...for any soul
Willing to be receptive.... any negativity--real or imagined
As if ....there is ...
Absolutely no difference
From one to the other
Withdrawing from all contact
Unable to interact
That this path
Is the only one
That will lead me to my sanctuary
When in a convoluted reality
Its a lonely road
Always leading me around in circles

Where I perceive
That i achieve
With every loop l make
Convincingly denying
That I've ever been here before


Because I  KNOW that I'm lying
And simply refuse to accept it as fact
While the miles keep adding up
Time is the one constant
That denial can't ...
....erase, distort, deny, detract or subtract
A path that goes nowhere
Will always be
An empty, lonely and forgotten road
No loud, cheering crowds to greet you
Once you succeed in crossing the finish line
No satisfied feeling of exhaustion
That normally accompanies
Any endeavor
Worthy of its own inspired revelations

ACCOMPLISHMENTS need to be acknowledged
Or they wither on the vine yes..
...there is noone that can lie to me
Like I can lie to myself

Having denied my spiritual side
For so long its very existence becomes suspect
I've come to the dishearted conclusion
That the depths of the confusion
In the very illusion
That that  mirror reflected
A totally, realistically  distorted vision
Unworthy of any sincere inspection
As if its being
Primed for rejection
As a portrait of the you that's been
...worldly inspired  
By all thats been desired
All thats been spiritually denied
By the things you once put aside
So now -- to feel totally unworthy
Of any salvation
When maybe --just maybe
I only saw what I wanted to see
Then lied to myself
So convincingly
That I came to believe
That I can only be
What others.....have always ....
Allowed me to  be.
David Betten Nov 2016
            Captain Cortés, at last our man is found.
            From two days inland, natives ferried him.
            Father Olmedo greets him as we speak-
            A fellow priest it seems.

CORTÉS                                      Bring him to me.                        Exit Díaz.
            From Cozumel to here in Yucatán,
            We’ve hunted this elusive castaway.
            These Indians hustle us from shore to shore,
            And, when their gifts of jade fail, toss us rocks.

            Their dizzying synthesis of amity
            Backed up with menace proves unsettling.

                       Enter OLMEDO, SANDOVAL, and AGUILAR.

            Now, wayward beadsman, meet our strategist.

            Who is this Indian? Where’s our long-lost priest?

            Hail, Christian knights! Sweet accents of Castile!

            Great welcome, cabined friar, you are free!

            Is it a Wednesday?

OLMEDO                              It’s the Lord’s day, friend.
            Of course it is! Grace to the only God!
            My only link with Europe, all these years,
            Has been to count the crawling calendar.

            We’ll need your past, to learn their policies.

            I wish I could. But of their etiquette
            I’m ignorant, save slavish drudgery.

            You speak the language, though?

AGUILAR                                                  Why, like a native.

            Your name?

AGUILAR                       Gerónimo de Aguilar.

            Dear Aguilar! Your mother, home in Spain,
            On hearing you’d been snatched by cannibals,
            Abstained from meat, and cringed at frying flesh,
            For fear, by chance, it might be part of you.

            Oh, rush me home to Écija, back where
            The only blood drunk is the wine of Christ,
            The only flesh consumed, our sacrament.

            What fate befell your fellow countrymen?

            The luckless women were harassed to death,
            The men, dishearted. But a happy few
            Broke from our cages and were spared for slaves,
            Within the warlike clutch of Na Chan Can.
            My freedom have your wax and honey bought.
            One stubborn soul, Guerrero, stays behind.
From my play in verse,
AlluringEnigma Sep 2015
I just feel so tired all the time,

If someone refused to chase you,
another trouble on your mind,
came just like a setting sun
just darkness and loneliness
& feel so dishearted all the time
when someone refused to talk...!
Nuha Alli May 2018
It's kinda hard without you these days.
I'm as volatile as the Rand.
I can't roar when I'm:
Agitated of despair tracking  prey;
Vexed from my positive aims ;
Dishearted from abrupt failures.
I question my tenacity and ability to withstand challenges nature throws.
You were my pillar and reassurance.
I crave the immediate concerned reaction;
I'd die to have you salvage me from the darkness.
The warmth and security you gave me,
Aids me with my instability.
I miss those emergency responses and aids,
To create the tranquility that was once lost.
I long for your sweet voice:
To hush me like your own.
To gently stroke my emotional *****.
You were my sedative, my narcotic.
Currently i search the drug store for a fresh, potent drug to heal me better than you could ever do.

-Nuha Alli
Racists ***** with Donald Trump...
Pull the riot squad...
I'll make ammense though wise at heart... I tried my part my Nina
Cried dishearted... start of minor scars
My life of charting stars is over...
Till we tie the March of bigots
To a dying art... under neath the diamond arch.... my wise turns rivers into crying shards of crystal glisten
Sky in start the very fabric of our primal charge...

— The End —