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Sethnicity May 2015
She is My cream nicotine
Surging through our blues
The fluidity of divinity
Whoever said love was easy…

Yeah 'Ol Chap, they Sure had it right,
Because no man or lady can ever Subtract
Once their hue has mixed it can never go back.
2 Whipped Cream and Other Delights.

And why would you?
The dregs are bitter,
The milk too sweet.
If you water it down then
All flavor retreats

Life is just better off Bitter-Sweet,
Cream never asks coffee
On how it should mix
Why do we attempt these liquid alchemy tricks?

The intrusion is dilution of the Makers choice
Through imperfection comes the lesson
Learned perception with each sip

The air red dried truth
Words stuck to the lips
Tasters Digest the last drink drips
Yet I question why I am so subject
to infusion
Her meaningful quips
Why we attempt these liquid alchemy tricks?

Still I question why I am so subject
to the infusion of Her
Sometimes I call it Love
Sometimes I call it Quits
For You My Dear

Let's Cheers Another Grip
Seared Buds and Belly Aches
Lactose Licorice
Pour Another! while the Argument still in Air
While Dilutions of gratification Grind into Frothy Despair
Final Stanza redacted for more of a cream and grit flavor: "While
My **** and Meatballs Crow in the Cupboard."
Jara Jones Feb 2010
Shamelessly self-promoting
Only makes me
That much more
To all the people
I don't know

Delusion of grandeur
Help me out
When they don't
Illusions of my life
Just might

Senseless self-entrapment
Entitles me
To one call
On the phone
To hear a voice
That's not my own
Hayley Neininger Nov 2012
If we could escape this heat
I think we would.
With a choice of geography I could see us somewhere cold,
Somewhere where our hands couldn't touch
Anything but the inside of gloves
Where our hearts wouldn't break with our fevers
Because only our memories would know what it was
Like to always be so hot.
We would never sweat next to each other
We wouldn't dare to.
We would know that each bead that dripped down our brow
Would harden into a marble, and we would never
Throw those stones at one another.
Besides, we never be so close to one another anyway
Not with our layers of fabric hugging our bodies so tight
That we would eventually forget what was underneath
And only recognize the form of each other by the patterns on our jackets
We wouldn't see each other as anything other than
A pile of laundry.
The site of piled clothing would not remind of us nakedness
But of how it felt to lay as children
Underneath a freshly dried pile of garments.
How we would feel the warmth as good at first but were then
Deceived by a burning hot brass button
That puckered the skin on the back of our
Necks, of our legs.
We could remember heat as heartbreak in our
Memories and it would be too far erased to ever recreate.
We could live for the cold, the sharp air
That would still the boiling liquids in our veins
That  once made our hearts beat too vulnerable to not be hurt.
Our core would adapt to the cold
And it would harden our hot feeling and small morsels
Of memories together like a bag of peas in a freezer.
We can’t be so hot.
Not you and me, not together.
Not with mouths so dry from each others
Our bodies would have to make water for us.
Not with heads so full of steaming blood that feelings melted and
Swished together in a liquid until they were no longer distinguishable
As real things and were often  so misunderstood
We added more liquid dilutions
Until they filled our bodies too full
They spilled out of eyes and burnt our faces.
We should move somewhere cold
Where everything is too solid to connect anything
And too still to break our hearts.
Dark lover Jul 2023
Never forget being a human..
Most times in the quest and dedication of things brought about by imagination we forget the art of being human, it will be too great a catastrophe to loose humanity completely...
Stagnation is the primal curse..
Stagnation can be confused.
Not moving is stagnation, which is bad..
Moving in one direction,
disregarding other aspect is stagnation.
Excessive obsession is worst.
Not looking back is terrible..
Not looking forward is detrimental..
Not in the present is dilutions..
In this Sense focus is misappropriated...
Everything is dilutional except the art of being human..
Humanity... Is
So on the list travels into the desert of words unsaid...
Disregarding any of these is inhumane..
Excessive obsession on any of these is inhumane..
Countless bygone civilization of ages dissipates into the abyss of inhumane and never returned..
Humanity, one lost his humanity at the field of excessive obsession over material things..
Humanity is immaterial..
Samm Marie Oct 2017
Periodic Table
Bond Enthalpy
Redox reactions
Solubility rules
RICE tables
Polyatomic ions
Imperial units
Metric units
I don't understand yet
Elvis okumu Dec 2011
On it ticks and tocks
On it shoves and locks
Me into a state of confusion
Crushing and breaking my illusions

Always too much when one never needs it
Always too little when one wants to see it
Driving the most desperate of solutions
Never indulging in dilutions

Cracking the mind steadily
Killing the body readily
Like a poison it seeps and ages
Like a prison it locks us in cages

On it ticks and tocks  
on it shoves and locks
On it breaks and takes
Destruction and creation in it’s wake.
Anna Jo Oct 2019
If I could speak during an episode I would probably tell you that your well intended jokes don’t make this easier. Faking a smile is impossibly hard when I am trying to disguise my skin and bones as an acceptable member of society.

Sometimes my emotions feel like a human being; physical, demanding and in need of my entire body. I feed them because I’ve never been able to ignore someone who is in need.

I must tap my foot faster than my heart or my stomach will explode into my chest. When my body is imploding in on itself because of my hair trigger brain, I run through the drills I was taught by someone who has never felt this way. By someone who knows that no amount of breaths will protect me from the blast. Like a school child hiding under her desk, this is only a distraction until the inevitable rains down and the whole world disappears.

If I could speak in this moment I would probably tell you goodbye. No matter how many times I have seen the end of the world, I always believe it IS the end. How could anything grow back in a place that repeatedly destroys itself. My body is a vessel and my mind is a natural disaster, senseless and unaccommodating.

The sand bags under my eyes are strong but they cannot stop the flood. They create a **** at best, until the stinging in my throat is no longer bearable and I willingly strip the windows of their boards and defense strategies.

When my chest becomes a balloon with a hole in the middle, when meditation becomes suffocation and I wish trees would produce helium instead of air so I could float away. When you look at me and think “it’s just in your head,” I wish you understood that ,yes, it’s just in my head.
It is in my head.
It is inside of me.
It is a part of me.

If I could speak in this moment, I would tell you that I have studied amputation but there are no Cliff Notes for taking out a part of your soul. I would tell you that attention is the last thing on my mind. I would explain why the closet floor is the only place I can be terrified of the world without the world being terrified of me.

I have watched the end of mental illness. I was there when schizophrenia turned to dementia and forced my grandmother to forget all the dilutions her brain worked so hard to create. As if nature was cleaning the slate but showed up 80 years past due and forgot to apologize.

When I look into the mirror I should see a solid form but sometimes I see static and I wonder if this means ,somewhere, hiding beneath my hair is an off switch. If it could be held down for ten seconds would I reset or lose the ability to come back.

If I could speak in this moment I would tell you I am not coming back. I am changed through every self induced tragedy. The chemical make up of my mind is an evolving experiment and this shell you see is just a test subject.

If I could speak in this moment...

If I could speak in this moment...

I probably wouldn’t.
Swoo Jul 2018
The Sea

The temperature changed on us as my arms froze, At that moment I feared that I couldn't save her!!! All that struggle all that fighting started to feel like it was for nothing but was all hope lost? Was it all lost in the sea lost in the sea?
During those final moments with the hypothermia starting to kick in its coldest grip,the dilutions of a perfect love affair had us smiling as the ice froze us together forcing that  automatic but ice cold type of cuddle, me and her were caught in moment of something like the Titatic non perfect cold driven script.
Where we finished? Was there not even a little hope for us as we were lost in the sea, lost on the sea?
Looking back to the life we lived.. I wasn't all that bad. I loved her way too much otherwise why would I still be here? Still fighting and having hopes that our heartbeats would combine and the rhythms together could give us a fighting chance.
I could've have left her but the current was too strong my sea was her, and deep in her eyes her tears drowned me and her eye bags were as the ice bags that would freeze since we were both in it so it was killing the both of us.
So hope wasn't lost and the love was still the same, the only thing was that we just had to master the way of the waves that always seemed to be always a bit to strong but never for both of us the sea.

Amanda Shelton Oct 2019
On the verge of deluge,
veiled in black and white
vision, lacks no provision.

Its kept fresh by
the sharpening of
the knifes edge,
with burning wounds
and tears felling the
deluge of emotion.

Such scabs fester
and bruise with
each lash from
the devil’s dilutions,
your tongue turns black
and diluted with sinful
vengeance from the worlds
venomous bites.

Oh, dear Lord
I will put up a fight.

I will rise above these
blackened skies for I am
your child amongst sinful
lies, I never lied upon
the Earth not until I am
six feet under its girth.

I came into life naked,
I go out naked but
bring with me truth
that will cloth me
in your light.

I am brave, for my faith
strikes with vengeance
that like a mighty sword.

© 2019 By Amanda Shelton
Yenson Dec 2022
It is a form of Anchoring, my friend
where someone will provide false scenario i.e. love
heartbreak, perceived relation, unrequited love etc. etc
for the harassment.
Often many possible false rationales and dilutions, disfigurements and toxicities
are planted to keep the victim confused and the focus of the harassment cycles
from one possible reason to another round and around
so as to keep the victim guessing in a self perpetuating guessing game where every scenario is portrait as a valid reality
and aimed to distress or to cause confused stimulations,
self doubt, fear, intimidation
or annoyance and ultimately a cycle of destructive thoughts and frustrations.
Tis the nefarious products of the terminally deranged
on active requirement campaign
to their cesspit of the
The Order of Fallen Lowlife in Certified Insignificant Haze and Daze

— The End —