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11 Jun 2010
floatin in the air of innoncence
holdin on to kisses
that surpasses these shaded lips
oh in this daydream
in my corner of despair
she stands
loud as reasons
which I cannot remand
impossible to let go
the rushed night and shy goodbye
creepin home before the mornin light
esthetic eyes that devour
these invariable melancholic smiles
of mine
amorously disposed desire for
deceivin bedshaped moves
again, to put this body on fire  
charmed in shame
this au naturel attire
suitably awaitin ur tardly arrival
nice and slow
utterin words
for ur ears alone
"take me down, kiss me below"

Nica Monet Sep 2017
Wish i could find the words without saying another bad word
to explain all the voices that my soul and brain have heard
some are a lie that caused me to cry
dealing with my problems, oh i sigh.
Built my walls too high, for no one can enter
that even i can’t reach in and fly in my main center
dealing with my demons, either if i am awake or dreamin’
i shouldn’t have believe them for they were very deceivin’
people think i’m flying through my life without feeling dying
they were all wrong for i have been trying

i see mirror here, mirror there, which one can i look at and stare
they’ve been my enemy lately, that i can’t love myself completely
i look at her, and it’s such a blur
i know it’s just a reflection but my mind sees all imperfection. compliments of perfection doesn’t help me find my direction.

in my eyes i see my true complexion
but i choose to believe my beauty is base on perception.
i still have to learn that i am worth
every living cell on this earth
that outside appearance doesn’t matter
but what’s inside is so much better.
nov. 29, 2016; something i wrote last year:) and i would like to share

now have we not walked these roads at time
where many a thing continuously deny
are there no lessons which be to be learned
but them **** circlin' in twists 'n' twirls

why do our minds be deceivin' our souls
longin' hearts be denied by our egos
how truth be our failure at recognition
by those wretched lies we ourselves are livin'

for it's not just the passin' of seconds we be
where we say time we do have not, ye see
busy, always busy in fact with makebelieves

as rather these priorities we seem to keep
we bein' as herds as if all bein' sheep
oh dear body when thy soul leaves

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 16/08/1437

"oh dear body when thy soul leaves"

..not meant as a dark nor suicidal writin'.., rather somethin' to contemplate upon...

Even in your eyes,
the malignancy took a bite.
It's eaten all your dreams,
and has you walking toward the light.

Now your pretty painted smile is
the only thing deceivin'.
Your pain has burrowed to the bone,
still there's nobody you'll believe in.

So when they slam the lid
at your tolling knell,
it is as simple
as ringing a bell.

To the novice unbeliever
I am the reaper of souls,
and you are the one
for whom the knell tolls.

Forever I have waited for you to turn blue,
now I have your permanent seal.
Just for the record, which lie did you buy
to make you believe that He wasn't real?

Lily Pandera Sep 2010
The picture:
A dark motel room
There is no room
to sit down
Laughing to try to switch things and now
Feelings of guilt
cast aside
see the humility as he tries to hide
His Shame
in the failure of the game
I hate to say
but he needs to hear that he made it this way
Needs to know
needs to apologize
No. I can see it in his eyes
And it breaks me
To know he let no relative of mine
Take me
Drew me out of my mind
I was twisted inside
and you need to know
it's your fault dad
'cause he took
what I could've had
And i Blamed You
but now I just want to
put it aside
wont in front of you cry
just hug me
say you love me
before I say goodbye.

Yeah i'm leavin'
if you thought I'd be stickin' around
you be dreamin'
like you have been all of these years
Look at Mom
and ignore the tears
Just drive the rest of the night
sleep in separate beds and you might
not feel each other
feel her pain
ignore what she went through
when it happened again
she lost another she loved
and you ******* let it erupt
were not there.
and you never shared.
exactly how it is you felt.
but we dealt.
And hey,
I'm tellin' you now it's okay.
We can get rid of the past
you wanna start over we can
make it last
or it'll come too soon
The too-late-regret-monsoon
I'm making these demands
pushing to try and understand
Why you weren't there
Why I didn't believe you cared
and it's okay if you don't
but you do.
So let's make this right
'Cause I don't wanna fight
Just want you to understand
where the **** it is i stand
so don't, please, lash out, if i reach for your hand
I have to try it at least
'Cause you're my only dad.
For Iv.
Dezneil Jun 2015
Nah, those ain't his kids, but **** they might as well be
He kept food on that table, made sure they was nice and healthy
They got a dead-beat father, but such a stand-up daddy
He can't figure out why his children's mom is so unhappy
He notice little things, she's startin arguments more often
And he ain't comin home to that plate of food like before when
everything was new and every night was tender love and care
Now he layin down on this side, she way the **** over there
Can't even look in his eyes, missin the way she stared
as he told her how he felt while his fingers ran through her hair
No communication, they whole relationship's hi and bye
He used to hate shoppin with her, now everything's buy and fly
The other day he asked himself, "You just sittin here cryin, why?
Them tears won't make you see things clear, ***** dry your eyes
Y'all best friends, this was built on a lot of lovin
You wanna get back to the top? Get to the bottom of this"
It don't feel too good on the wake up
No breakfast cookin, you could smell the scent of break-up
Time just runnin by while his heart is yellin "Wait up!"
How they still together but he prayin that they make up
It don't feel too good in the evening
No dinner cooked, you could smell the scent of deceivin
E'rybody home, still he feels all alone
And he did what no man should ever do, he went through shorty phone
Smiley face, L-O-L
"I miss you, when I'm seein you again boy, what the hell?"
And he replied, "Hey boo, you know I miss you as well
I just can't play this game no longer, now give that boy his farewell"
And she replied "I know but.." - homie could read no more
Threw her iPhone on the floor and let out the most hurtful roar
Then she walked in the door and said "Baby, are you okay?"
He said, "***** I ain't your baby, what games is you try and play?"
Held up her phone like "Really? This what you doin while I'm away
bustin my ***, takin care of them bills that you never pay?"
And all she had to say was "You went through my phone?" It's fine
He's screamin "How 'bout the kids?" She yellin "Well those is mine!"
The love turned into hate and the hate turned to despise
all in a matter of seconds, he wanted her not alive
Threw his hand around her neck and squeezed, she coughin for her breath
He lost it, wants to lay her in that coffin for a rest
Suddenly, she starts to feel the air restorin in her chest
His lil' boy is on her right side, his daughter on her left
They cryin, she cryin, he cryin, what a mess
Lookin around like "Man, none of this **** is right" and so he left
Filled his gas tank up and then came flyin out that Hess
Drivin while he's stressed, no kinda destination but my guess
is he ain't care where he was goin and how long it took to get there
His heart and soul was weak, he on the local streets in fifth gear
I was wrong though, he knew where he was goin and just why
He pulled up to that lake where they had met that one July
Lookin in his rear-view at a life that looks so dry
The water seem refreshin so he floored it, and told the world goodbye
His loved ones filled his wake up
Tears steady drippin, people trippin on the way up
They view him in that casket hopin maybe he would wake up
His suit is extra sharp, they did a good job on his make-up
Don't feel too good on this evening
A lot of dinner cookin, smell a scent of flowers breathin
Packed funeral home, still he feels all alone
Cause he did what no man should ever do, he went through shorty phone
Dean K Mar 2019
I’m sorry that you have to be my little secret
Everybody’s sleepin but you were deceivin
Late night creepin
As my door was creakin I just watched you creep in
I could not believe it, can you sense the feelin
It’s the season, everybody’s freezin
You needed somethin to believe in
I’m a heathen, lies I told you had you cheezin
Probably makes you wonder what else I’ve been keepin
'tis the man in the mirror to begin
for rethinkin' his ev'ry deed 'n' sin
'n' all he has knowingly commited
willeth or willeth he not admit it

'tis this very man standin' before ye
tryin' to cover up ev'ry bad thing
wouldeth he be sincere in how to think
or remain deceivin' many a man

with these acts here showin' he be strivin'
as his truths in life he wouldeth live in
'blivious these webs of lies he be in
never bein' able to forgive him

for when 'tis not reflectin' on his self
shouldeth he not remain in his own shelf always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 07/07/1439
'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
Margo May Feb 2015
to every son and daughter
who has ever lost a father,
to every girl and boy
who has lost all joy,
to all the young and old
who have been sold
into believing that-
"nobody loves you"
and "nobody cares,"
"you'll never be good enough"
so you feel life's unfair.
all those people have been
because all those things you've been
are false.
they are lies,
so dry
your eyes
spread your wings and fly,
because you are loved,
and you always will be.
whether you feel it or not, know that you are loved.

— The End —