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Ryan O'Leary May 2022
Davos is Goliath

Fund your trust at D.A.V.O S.

It is world economic forum

week, the I.M.F will be there

for E.U. & U.S. but not those

of little  F.I.A T.  W.H.O. are

constantly coming cap in

hand looking for bailouts.

g.N.A.T.s.O. is going to white

the wongs of these Asian World

Trading Organisations that do

not conform to the W.A.S.P.

$nake Shylock business plan, so

beware of their venomous stings.
Can one wish
to become a Hindu deity?
Well, one can wish
that wish, and perhaps
in self-delusion,
come to feel
it has happened.
Or perhaps instead
of becoming a social worker
to help the poor and hopeless,
one chooses instead
to attend Columbia Law School
and then pick up a MBA
and go to work on Wall Street
where one can make billions,
no longer millions,
and live in Greenwich
in a grand home big enough
to house the homeless of Hackensack.
A private jet would be nice
to have to jet about the world,
eating at only 5-star restaurants,
sleeping only in beds
of luxurious hotels real estate agents
in Fargo can only dream about.
How about yearly attending
the meeting of the financially mighty
of the world in Davos?
Wouldn't that be swell?
Well, it depends on who you are
and where your heart lies
and if lies don't bother you.
An avatar you do not make.
Either you are one, or you're not.
Be your real self as soon as
you can to find out.

Who does it hurt?
North Dakota, the worst,
But New Mexico also,
Just to bring it home to me,
Here on the high mesa
That is Northern New Mexico,
At one time The Northern Viceroy,
Empire Americana,
His Majesty Philip I,
King of Spain’s
Duke of Earl Moment--
Felipe’s 16th Century
That was Europe.
But I digress.

Dropping oil prices have to,
Must impact the Arab Oil-
Producing World in a most
Un-delightful way.
Perhaps it’s time to
Put the screws to our
Islamic brethren?
The Powers that be—
Our pals at the World Economic Forum,
The Nabobs of WEF,
Getting together again at Davos or
Some other insanely affluent playground,
This time deciding
These barbaric decapitations
Have gone quite far enough.
BW Jan 2018
"You are out of his league"
I know
"You used to date football and rugby players."
I know
But haven't you seen the way he looked at me
How he dolls me up in dresses
The snuggles. Wine. Abalone and caviar.
You haven't seen the way
He waits for me with roses at the station.
Massaging me on a Friday night, ripping off
his tie to cover me with kisses.
The way he calls me "Princess" and builds me a blanket fort

So what if he is below my league
if he is the one picking out shoes for me carefully
and the one who holds me
When I cry, tears streaming down like a baby
I have a high league.
I know falcons will circle beauty.
At Davos, or maybe Boao.
But he is not out of my league, He is the league
I belong to.
Snow boots and suits through the Swiss snow.
Just to tuck me in
where my heart is at home
NW, such a beautiful master **
Commuter Poet Jan 2020
Dear delegates
I stand before you
As an altered man

My eyes and ears have been opened
By the courageous voices
Of those people
Young and old
Who have expressed to the world
Without fear of reprisal
The truth of our shared reality

I am humbled and inspired
By the example
Of Greta Thunberg
Who has campaigned for our future
And our planet
Whilst I
Have chosen to deride and ignore
All those people
That I deemed
To be obstacles
To the achievement
Of my own plans

I am so sorry
I was wrong

You see, I wanted to get
The best for my people
And take what I saw
Was the quickest route
By digging up and burning more coal
And investing in more oil
And starting wars when there was no need
But I was wrong
And I am so sorry

I can now see
That our planet cannot cope
With these activities any more

I can no longer deny
That our forests are burning
And that are species are dying
I can no longer deny
The reefs are failing
And the soil is degrading
I can no longer deny
That our very existence is under threat

I have been so wrong
And I apologise

If you will let me
I would ask
Only to serve you
In a new way
In a way that I hope
Will amend the great wrongs
I have allowed and encouraged

For years
I cannot deny
That I have longed for greatness
And now I see
The only way for me to achieve
Some kind of redemption
And meaningful recognition
Is to give my life
For the sake of others
And our planet

I will use my office
To lead my country
As best I can
Into a new era
In which all life is respected
In which clean and green
Replaces oil and dust
In which the waters run pure again
And the air is alive and fresh

We will give our beautiful planet
The love that it needs
So that we can continue to receive
The nourishment and compassion
It offers to us
As your humble servant
I offer my remaining years
To you
21st January 2020
Actual speech
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
given the zeitgeist, well, what can you expect, bad punctuation, even worse grammar, and a complete of "raining from above" diacritical appropriation, can make anyone quasi-dyslexic, even if they are said to champion a high-level of proficiency in a native tongue; which always made me wonder: why did i turn into a speedy gonzales, outrunning the majority of natives in the tongue? i guess it came to a dedication to a craft, like any carpenter with a block of wood, english, represented by a block of:
                                               a b c d e f g
                                               h i j k l m n
                                               o p q r s t u
                                               v x w x y z.

sorry, i'm taking over, i've had enough,
enough of these poncy natives speaking
their native language as badly written
as a rap, or as naive as a *simon & garfunkel

song, i don't care for your little english degree,
i know your little scheme,
to ensure the H is mutilated, mainly bound
by promethean chains of surd -
only apparent in laughter...
that alphabet you see before you?
it's my version of sudoku -
i look at that "square" and get **** out -
i never write from the heart,
i write from the perspective of my *** -
**** it out, forget about it, move on,
move on...
            i rearrange what i see and don't see...
and yes: you learn from the best,
and the best being? the ones that allow
you to think, make-up your own little narrative,
you pepper the writing with nuance,
with ambiguity, with a: huh?
   along the the day you also channel in
a tarantula's bite of disorientation -
narrative has seized to be worth a linear
geometry -
  there's no point (a) through to point (b) -
we're talking literature in einsteinian terms,
not newtonian projectiles...
           any ******* idiot can draw a straight
line, this deformed kid i knew from being
a child: hugged the **** out of me,
could have made a brussels pâté out of me,
i liked the ******: his ****** ****** his
wife's sister, and, being a ******,
he supported the whole family with
the benefit cheques...
          couldn't say a word without a ******'s
grin... but i do remember his favourite
pastime - precision of a pair of scissors,
he would sit and tear up newspapers all
day long, sometimes walk the dog,
  but you couldn't cut paper the way he ripped
it in streaks like spaghetti...
       hell: nature abhors a vacuum;
ah, ol' robbie.
                but that's beside the point,
what i learned from my pict english teacher
was: digress... he always digressed,
i learned the art of english is via: digression -
he's the one who got me into jazz -
i can't say i listen to jazz all the time like
some pompous aragonite of catalonia -
       but when the mood is right,
and there's no woman, and there's no wine,
and there's only the identical twins
ms. & ms. pepsi & amber - and it's october,
and the wind is warm in the night,
and i feel like: these headphones are becoming
too claustrophobic, i put on some miles davis
and feel like: like a politician in davos...
   still, i don't believe in linearity of dialogue -
after all, the earth doesn't travel in a straight line...
so why bother with a "beginning, middle & end"
style of storytelling? why not tell a tale high
on a tarantula bite, completely disorientated?
the best english you're going to hear is:
via digression -
     and as i recall, up to the age of 16 -
the pict made us sit through about 2 / 3 hours
of curriculum, i.e. in english class that means
learning grammar...
     ****, we learned about 0's worth of grammar:
his motto was something like:
  hey, if you speak it grammatically,
there's no point learning any grammatically
grammatically grammar, written, or spoken.
fair point.
     so he taught us by digression -
and no one can teach you better english,
  than a glaswegian... hey, you want a great memory
of school, and not turn into some soppy
         morrissey? learn to build up an
affection with your teachers...
           ****, i even remember the teachers
in primary school, everyone feared mrs. hetherington;
she once told us a story of being shipped out
from london (due to the blitz) into
the countryside... the old "hag" is dead by now,
but, although the rumours: she was a gem;
school wasn't a problem, as long as you
didn't buy into this whole famous obscure,
weird yada yada yada, frozen prune on
a popsicle *******, you did fine...
                as long as you had respect and
some sort of weird admiration for a teacher,
or +2, the other kids just, seemingly, drifted
into the song of ambient music - akin
to refrigerator humming.
seriously - the best time of your life is
the time you have in school, esp. given the currency
is nothing more than brownie points / peanuts...
no, i know a teacher's pet when i see one -
but dabbing into the personal life of a teacher,
say, seer thomas! what's your jazz collection
like? and then you get a c.d. to burn
the next day jazz on a summer's day album,
with the opening track being
    art blakey's song moanin'...
but that's beside the point (once more) -
let's just say that solving the sudoku allows you
to clear through the claustrophobia of thinking,
notably, given that all mental illness is
a form of cognitive claustrophobia -
    there once came an argument against
the godfather of existentialism, JP sartre -
who said: existence comes prior to essence...
so we live a life (borrowing from kant's rigidity)
             vita est a priori
  subsequently esse est a posteriori -
  i need to degrade everything into cartesian
terms, with that eternal formula
that has reached a mathematical pinnacle
of 1 + 1 = 2, i.e. 1 (cogito) + (ergo) 1 (sum) = id,
no matter how much you'd like to shake
it off, you can't! everything in philosophy
zeniths and nadirs on the cartesian sly cat
of expression...
                 what are we though?
do we exist to think, or do we simply,
                           essentially think?
well, if we exist to think, we'd be nothing
more than a brain in a pickle jar...
and we wouldn't get up to moral transgressions
and general idiocy of making mistakes...
    and given the aura and the fauna of
our environment, and the number of sport
disciplines available for us to practice:
thinking is non-essential,
it's a byproduct of existence per se.
before writing this i was actually going to
channel an argument against sartre,
  but given the ongoing arithmetic of the end
product of this writing...
  i kinda agree with him...
       existence is a priori to essence,
as essence is a posteriori to existence -
   nice, look at 'em siamese twins, butter-rubbed
greasy and all...
                 could slide into a chimney
prior to santa (anagram of satan)
          prior to santa saying: bishquits und quackers
and a handful of rollie-pollies to add the
extra, crunch!
    thinking is essential, i admit,
       but it's not exactly an existential absolute
i.e. uniform in: the omni sphere of things,
plants don't think, parasites don't think...
    hence the antithesis of the cartesian
res cogitans is the res impetus -
   phototropism being the best example...
           shlime of a honeybee in the ear
of krampus...
                    how can essence come prior to
existence, given the cartesian reductionism of
pivoting the argument on thought?
  thought doesn't even enter the picture,
once the senses are fully formed,
  and that lesser celebrated cognitive faculty
of memory finally lodges itself on the hamster wheel...
first we memorise, then we imagine (so many
games in childhood) - and we start to think: lastly.
as the world around us suggests:
   thinking isn't exactly essential -
   it's existential...
      wait wait, too many O 0 O 0 O 0 O squashing
of doughnuts and rollings wheels...
                      essence comes prior to existence...
so, by saying that: i am to be born an
essentially good person?
              this is theologically speaking an
inversion of the protestant concept of
        now the spaghetti muddling revision...
       i had it! i swear, i had it!
                         essence can't "predate" existence
since existence has no universal analogue replica,
no uniform coercion of all given examples...
yes, in essence we should all be universally
well off, rich, beautiful, perfect skin etc.,
that would be the "utopian" essential component
in arguing: essence comes prior to existence...
but the reality is: existence comes prior to
the essence of things - given we experience
the odd bouts of daydreaming...
        essentially that, but existentially: this...
trouble with certain counter-arguments
      to doctrines is that they leave the argument
in the jaw of a chimera,
   and never bother with real-life examples of
          like in poetry,
            with its array of technique,
   philosophy has but one sunshine moment -
   take the abstract road up to a point,
and then ask that age old question:
give a man a fish and feed him for a day,
or teach a man how to fish?
               as any parasitic business model will
tell you: give the man a fish, make him
indebted, and then tell him to mine for diamonds
to make for the first, and subsequently
second fish you're going to give him;
as was my concern:
  if no idea, no concept, can't be made
infantile, or rather, to be reduced to a level assertive:
well, you know, that "serious" thinker was
also, once a kid... what's the point
of taking yourself seriously?
The Conference in Davos

Davos, men in classy suits, speak fluently
about the ills of the world-
They tell Greta she has to study economic
and coal will be phased out but slowly.

The young wonder why should they study
to get an excellent job in a multinational firm.

Davos, men in elegant suits, speak glibly
of growths, we don’t want more; we like less.
The young know this, we poor elderly too
and it is their future; those in silk suits fail to see.
Nicola Wood Aug 2017
The Smuggler’s Angel
(Ser Davos and Shireen)

too much ice
on weary bones
in your heart

a fortress, guarded
what flowed within
was silent, deep

empty rooms
cobwebbed, grey
and full of dust

till innocence
disarmed you

with a smile like
healing balm
that found you

in distant lands
found the light
in you, buried

trust opening
out like a rose
petal by petal

beyond all scars
visible, invisible
a home at last

for your spirit
bruised and grey
this not yet flower

almost butterfly
untouched by spring
your snowflake girl

ethereal, a feather
blown away, purity
melted, vanilla skin

reduced to ashes
night rain falling
behind your eyes.

you carry her
in your heart
love’s memory

made of wood
a titanium star
Written in response to characters from Game Of Thrones
Lawrence Hall Feb 2022
Lawrence Hall

                               Everybody’s Subversive Now

Speaking truth to power my truth your truth
Interrogating the great reset iconic
The Davos crowd the world economic forum
Break the rules no wrong answers deep state disruptive
Buzzwords without borders globalist power
Synod on synodality
Social media toolkit inclusive
Sustainable neocolonial
Decolonise postcolonialism
Finding your voice authentic community
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2020
Davos meetings,
Climate Change,
Wake up we must,
Take heed we must,
Take care of nature we must
But, in the end it will be as HE wishes,
KUN FAYA KUN (be and it will be)
A single virus,
Coronavirus brought the most populated country
CHina to a stand still.
People stayed at home,
Industries came to a standstill,
The air got cleaner,
Family bond became stronger.
Que cera cera,
Whatever will be ,will be.
Ryan O'Leary May 2022

We want our stolen land back,

Crime A was at Crimea 2014.

OK, Zelensky, you want Davos

to sanction or bomb Russia for

stealing parts of Ukraine?

Well, if we do that, then we must

sanction or bomb Israel for theft

from Palestine, Syria, Lebanon.

Oh, and England, for stealing 6

counties of Ireland + more and

France and Spain and Portugal

and Holland and America, do we

need to go on, can’t you see that

we would need to sanction the EU.

Best thing you can do is go and

talk to Russia and be Vlad to

keep why you got, now **** off

and stop annoying us because

you brought this on yourself for

wanting to join the Nato ****’s.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
It's been decided at Davos
the pandemonium evolution
which is what it is, for control.

Little by little there has been
the good cop bad cop approach
Virus Vaccine Virus Vaccine etc.

Fear has been marketed alongside
security between blinks of those
who are being optically opiated.

The crescendo has been reached
next part of the plan will be their
final move that is ratio rationing.

The food chain is our weakest link
and the please sir may I have more
people will not be able to revolt.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
If I came back as a crow,
I would go and ask the
Bats, if I could join their
Nocturnal club, because
I would hate it if all the
other feathered species
were to call me a carion-
-igger, especially to my
beak after a fall of snow.

(˚>                                   >˚)

Dedicated to -
Vanessa Nakate who was
removed from a group photo
in Davos, she was the only
black person of five, including
Greta Thunberg.

This poem is meant to highlight
racism, I had no choice but write
is as is in order to make the point.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
Some people fear the
virus whilst others are
afraid of the vaccination.

This is exactly what the
Davos inventors of the
Covid Con had expected.

Two wrongs don't make a
right, two Bic's, one with fuel
one with flint will make a light.

It's a win win situation for the
handlers, what's more, those
divided will begin to accuse.

— The End —