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chimaera Oct 2014
the night in turmoil
a bumble jumble fumble
of croaks, hoo hoo, purrs, stridulous chirping

then a sudden cringe, ******!,
shush shush
hush, gurgling creek,
hush, whiffled leaves

clok clok clok

a schwing, zing, zip
and a plunk
and a plonk
in a whoosh
and then a scrunche scrunche

clok clok clok

silence burbles

tick tock tick tock

shh, shh,

a sluggy chugalug
and a fuzz of tiny tunes:
a yelp, a eep


a purr a buzz
putt putt putt
slowly back in motion
the burbles, whiffs, croaks,
the stridulous bumble jumble
of a crickety night
...and this was really helpful:
a mcvicar Jan 2018
my selfless facade is cracking
under the pressure of the pillars that crumbled all around me
the puzzle pieces that don't fit anymore,
together forever, seems stupid now.

as i struggle to pull back the blanket
so i don't reveal the tricks up my sleeve,
i stumble and the whole charade ends.
it was pretty while it lasted,
but now i must write about something else.
10.1.18  /  19.06  /  exhaustion is the only word that comes to mind
OC Aug 2018
A curse upon you
for casting me the role of
a blind tracker
who's anxious with each step
lest his fumbling fingers
his stumbling stroll
will wipe clean the footprints
you left in the sand


A pox on your head
for sentencing me to
from the smoldering debris
of my crumbling hopes
by a noose tied and fixed
to the moment
your turned back has
crossed through the door


Be ******
all that is you
a decaying piece of cloth
wrapped around dried up bones
produced from the depth of the past
rattled and hastily poured
pretending to feign me a future
with your crickety crackling song
A cartoonish grim woman
in aft cabin was a harlequin let umbrage
squash her there a known charter while she'd smoke in bed

her aroma did permeate her rise to eat breakfast
a morning prepared for sore again
only technical her rouse indeed tripped her smoke alarm
and went unheeded to another deck till open bar decided her fate

while her interest there was crickety
where love is deep in the sea
their golden groves were bubbles and waves
while they brim with valuables onboard did spill
and they'd evoke near me without their calling

when aquanauts will buck up gear then they really sever
their troves below that really soften thine eyes
where the air is moist and ye suit there so well
I can tell you I am picky today and defray your kind.
what a waste Sep 2016
How bad can a bullet be?
I ask myself this as I place
the revolver to my skull
and fire away at the land
of make believe; listening to the
crickety-clank of the hollow
chambers that trip and stumble
over each failed attempt
at breathing anew --
like a baby taut with its rope
gasping for life but in vain.
Emily Austin Feb 2017
“Edith Black” By Emily Austin

I felt my wife's hand grace my shoulder.
I brought my hand to hers, held it and I told her
“I love you Edith Black”
But she doesn't say it back.

I heard my wife humming through our old crickety house.
I got up and I told my beautiful darling spouse
“I love you Edith Black”
But she doesn't say it back.

I smell my wife making coffee at about half past one.
I follow the scent and I tell my dear sweet hon
“I love you Edith Black”
But she doesn't say it back.

I remember the olden days.
I remember when she used to say
“I love you Alan Black.”
And I'd always say it back.

I can no longer take her hand in mine
Or see her smile of bright sunshine
But only in my head
For my darling Edith Black
is dead.

If I could change one simple thing
I'd bring her back so she could sing.
Or just so I could say
“I love you Edith Black”
And have her say it back.
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
Curtain dust is like magic falling onto the stage
And the rickety crickety creaking of the aged floor
Holds all the birthrights to the moments constantly being born.

The sea of floating souls do not desire anything more
But to submerge themselves in the waves of the anthems
And underwater they try to bottle the fallen curtain magic.

Wavelengths of harmonies flow through space
Beckoning for a flow, a feeling, a connection between each other
Moments agilely fleet away, but here time is endless.
I feel like this isn't finished, but....
vivian cloudy Jan 2017
He was on a pedestal
and his head fell off.
Like a heavy tomato
It rolled around the ground
underneath the table.
Chatty chat chats
of hungry spectators,
like the company of rats.
Nibble, nibble, nibble
Not a lot of salt in the scraps
for such a head so engorged.
Swelling and swelling
Swelling 'till bleeding
The rats really like it.
Making waves with his eyes
But no one could hear him
Crickety cricket
Until someone moved their foot
and kicked him.
Bam! Flying.
One day, he will land on the ground...
But good lord, did he miss his body
that could no longer hold him
On his pigeon-toed pedestal
where he felt much important
martin challis Jul 2015
dingly fingly
wickety wackety
overflow going up
crickety crackety
and all of the dangen, the
dingin and dongin and
on and on and onagain onagain

snippety snippety
spinagain spitagain
flatabout backwardsing
flatabout forwardsing
sobusy thisbusy
toobusy stressfactor
not stopping till rictus
or blowups and messfactor

notlearning notlistening
gofigures upratcheting
notseeing nothearing
ambivalence hatcheting
all in dingly the
wickety wack
the edge up approaching
from whichety which
will be no coming back

MChallis © 2015
Trying my hand at absurdism - silly really
Universe Poems Nov 2021
No break in rooting
Soil firm
Nutrients confirm
Nature's offering to every tree,
even the little worm,
that lives in the soil for free

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Jun 2022
"The crickety-cracked house
had a little mouse"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
#children #poetry

— The End —