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Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Holy unholy matrimony in love.
cozy like a feather under rain where my
heart Is.
stopping all the violence in the world
where it all begin.
love everyone love noone at all for this
is trust.
your dreams soaked in tar where it does
not see the light of day again.
Holy unholy matrimony in love.
theres no where to hide,
no where to run,
officially stuck.
Holy unholy matrimony in love.
Holy unholy matrimony your in love.
Holy unholy matrimony be in love.
Jessica Hudgins Nov 2014
this large blue hoodie isn't mine, you see its my lovers.
My first true loves blue hoodie.
It's big and cozzy.
We are no longer together but I still wear your blue hoodie.
It makes me feel safe like you use to
This was once your favorite blue hoodie.
It keeps my warm like you did once.
I cry into this blue hoodie ever so often
It's my first true loves
I'm wearing it right now, exactly a year since I got it. Since are last kiss
We still talk about this blue hoodie
But instead of happy thoughts my are manly sad and dull
But blue hoodie, you've done you're job. You keep me warm and hold all our memories, I just wish we were still making them instead of losing them.
I saw my first lover today and I can't sleep. Wrote at 3:40am
Brandon Edwards Jun 2014
As i close my eyes i think of only you.
A girl who makes my heart beat fast cause she's so beautiful.
Her smile rivaling the firey beams of the sun.
Just the sight of her makes my heart dizzy as if spun.

The thought of her throws my stomach's butterflies into a frenzy.
i never thought such a beautiful being could be so friendly.
Her compassionate brown eyes sparkle with an infinite love.
Her infinite love ebraces all like a cozzy warm hug.

You are a person who should be held and showed the world.
The truth is whether you know it or not, your a one in a billion girl.
Your smart and destined for great things, just knowing you I'm glad.
You deserve the best, not tears and the feeling of being sad.
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Nica’s dream
Have beautiful dreams
Every single night
When he sleeps
In his warm and
Cozzy bed
Nica’s dream
Is all different from
Each other
Sometimes Nica
Dreams with
His friends that
Have died before him
And even now he still
Grieving  the loss of
His friends
That have died
15 years ago
Nica misses
His friends that past
Now his friends
Are living in heaven
And also they will be
Resting in peace

— The End —