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Sympathy for the devil
A phrase we all know
It means to be understanding
Of a man who cant tell

Who cant tell the difference
Between what is good and bad
Who cant desipher the code
And so they live bottled up and sad

It means to take righteous
And stuff it in a box
For its not strong enough,
Barely a bull, or an ox

We need something more
A tank would suffice
A super charged righteous
And even still...on thin ice

It takes a great man
To stand up and say
"Im just as bad as you"
The irony is plain...

How could a man with such talent...
For good...
be brought to lesser
By the very words he brewed

Sadly it is so
That great evil be marked
As the final word in all the world
When it was the good that provided the start

The start to say "sorry"
"I admit i did wrong
It is my fault too"
As they sing that apology song

Then the darkness takes over
The advantage clearly sought
They know of bad charecter,
Except their own-they know not

The devil replies with a smirk
And always strolls on
Steam rolling the righteous
The tank is now gone

My point is just this...
Please apretiate the man
Who can apear before great evil
And say "i will take a stand"

For this he is wise
And couragous as well
He knows he's not perfect
Which is what makes a perfect angel
Be righteous more than anything, u will get steamrolled, trampled, used, and abused, but all that will happen anyway, its better in the end to say "i would have done the same" and with a proud understanding, be set free of emotional obligation for revenge, anger, frustraition, or any other emotion that would harm your mental tranquility, it feels better...i learned this lesson...long ago
Shari Forman Feb 2013
A very wealthy and handsome man,
Owned a mansion and a bay,
But was not at all married,
Which baffled him every day.
He was as proper as a royal prince,
And was the utmost handsomest guy in town,
Hopefully he will get the chance in his life,
To simply smile and not frown.
When one same ordinary day,
The wealthy man took a long walk into town,
He then further noticed a small party,
With several women in the same color gown.
It was the brightest and sunniest day,
And the perfect day to be outside,
But the man was dressed for winter,
So he decided to step aside.
He waited until the music stopped,
Then did he roam his way into the crowd,
He had to close his ears,
For the people were very loud.
The man was very timid and sensitive,
And barely spoke to anyone,
He'd sit near his beautiful bay,
Which was supposed to be his fun.
When the man spotted an attractive young woman,
Who looked tall and friendly,
He made his way over to her,
Boy how nervous was he!
The wealthy man introduced himself,
And told interesting facts about him,
The girl looked fascinated,
As it was starting to get dim.
The couragous gentleman went on one knee,
And asked, "Will you marry me?"
The girl looked baffled and terrified,
As she ran to spring free.
Such a beautiful girl,
Who he really didn't deserve,
So he went to find another gal,
The next looked superb!
She was average in size and looked gorgous,
But when she glanced at the hopeless man,
She didn't care for him,
And rather joined in on the song, "Can-Can."
When the wealthy an suddenly gave up,
He sat by himself in the corner,
To him it felt so hot outside,
That is felt like a sauna!
At that very moment,
A gorgous girl walks up to him,
The poor man felt so hot right now,
That his whole body felt limb.
When the woman introduced herself,
The man did as well,
This woman was the prettiest out of all th girls,
That, he could surely tell.
After a long discussion,
The hopeful man bent down on one knee,
And asked the big question, "Will you marry me?"
The woman gracefully accepted,
As they both left with a smile,
But there's one thing the wealthy man now knew,
That all this waiting, was definitely worth while.
MJ Lee Jan 2016
They see me as the woman that's in control
The leader
The couragous
The strong

But the leading also need to folloe
The couragous knows fear
The strong can fall to their knees

They see me as a woman that's in control
When really only my friends keep me in one piece
Brie May 2015
It was a day
When the sky is grey
Everybody still questions
And I have hesitation

It was still a blur
My mind was a whirl
Cause I can't take it for granted
If it's a bet

Tomorrow comes
Please don't be daft
If I take my own path
For I am not us
Once again.
It's happening again.
How much more pain do we have to suffer to feel our school is safe?
How much more do we have to be played with by cruel hands who crave evil attention.
The alarms sounded today and I saw men and women and teachers scared to death... "How could this happen again?"
Walking out to the fields they directed us to go I look around and see people crying, Falling apart because what happened the first time was unbearable enough and now they choose to mock us and traumatized us by acting as if this is just some little joke? As if....we are just some little joke..
Did you not see how we came out of it last time?
Though we were in overwhelming pain we inspired NATIONS.
Though we lost friends/family we stood up couragous and strong and reminded ages 1 to a hundred what it means to BE THERE for somebody.
Did you not see enough?
We will do t again..
Watch us, as one, stand up against this hand and hand with one neither and inspire you, inspire nations ONCE AGAIN!
Watch us surround our people with prayer and love.
Watch US create a undivided encouraging, inspiring group of people who ALWAYS FIGHT BACK with goodness.
You try to create evil,
How does it taste to watch us get closer to eachother as one?
You are only making us stronger as a people and you suffer because you have only shown us what it means to be strong and be a fighter.
Because WE
That, is just what we do.
Ashanti Brown Aug 2013
The dream a clear picture of wisdom a
life full of excitment a women with a bright smile.
The dream a life that was
taken away at a young age the peace and love
that flow be watched a loving angel flying.
The dream is couragous and out going picture
with she lived for may her  wings spread in god
praise a beatiful dream.
Jonny Angel Jan 2014
There's much more
than simple hoots
in an owl tune.

I hear a series
of complex notes,
subtle changes in
the inflection,
a slow steady delivery.

I feel the lonely spirit,
a couragous-fighter,
this brave-hunter
who rules
the night.

I hear triumph & tragedy,
delight & sadness.
I hear his echo,
his wail,
his solitary

I hear all these things
& so much more
in his voice,
so loud
these lovely-notes,
hoots in the darkness,
hidden inside the din.
afza ali Oct 2014
Birds leave the nest
No matter what
And yes they can be attacked by predators
But u cant just let them rot in nest all life
Let them fly
Away from predators
Dont cage them because u fear their death
U should fear their oblivion
Their ignorance
Bcx these things are worst than death
Or being attacked by predators
Show them what are predators
Who are them
And show them how to fight
Dont make them hide behind ur feathers
Make them brave
Thats what birds are for
They are made to fly in skies
Explore the clouds
Not to rot in nest
Try to understnd
Mette Kirkegaard Apr 2014
I hang on to this old, broken window sill
Concious of hanging on, just a little bit too tight
With the feeling it only will leave my hands bleeding?
Yet I can't let go, solely out of fright
Have people once again lied, or will I see a light?

Maybe I should have told you off
Better sooner than later - or so they say
I just feel like finally I've had enough
I don't want to go on like this

- Living like a regretful hater

Life should be beautiful, I've been told
The most precious thing to have
But I just don't feel like hanging on
It's no more complicated than that

I have fought with a couragous heart
For what feels like so many centuries now
Never giving it as much as a second thought
Just raging on and waiting for it to play out.

Lately I have had a reason to believe
This problem will never be desolved
You don't have the slightest interest in me
Or what I have to live with

I could have screamed as much as I cried
But I don't want to be of any bother
Yet it would only take one good look at my face
And you would know what I never told you

Kicking and hitting, biting and scratching
Is a fate I would much rather like
Because one thing I will never find by your side
Is a helpful hand and a sound advice
For the journey to find peace of mind.

— The End —