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nate k Jun 2014
her hands
my shoulders

my body

her voice
crooning tunes
that're bolder

asking me
to wake up,

just a bad
d r e a m

but tell me
rise and shine

in a
*fall and fail
(c) nate k. 2014
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2023
tilt of my seesaw
is decidedly downward facing dog:

and there’s no rush to judgment,
for the powers that be,
be delighted by slow-walking,
making the waiting
but am of an age when everything,
even the long buried sins and unkept promises, poke and **** nonstop,
and the formulae once  relied upon
to ease incipient self-deception,
to temporize and salve the consternations

of unkempt aggravated remorse failures,

as aged misdemeanors be matured felonies,
I blurt and declare guilt to all, alas,
and yet,
always an
and yet
in the ultimate crushing of
tardiness, knotted by an indignity of silence,

no one is desirous
of taking my


Thu Jan 28
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2024
You are so kind.  
Thank you with all the
in my heart.”



A thank you note,
for a simple shining-of-light,
stuns me into inspiration,
deep chested thrombosis consternations and calculations,
palpitations of the boom-boom variety,
signaling the onset of  intracranial contractions
of a new birth~poem

who of us these days,
speaks of the resolve in our hearts?
who of us free confesses deep natured thanks,
it is almost too old fashioned.

it is powerful.
it is a thanks that
powers the wattage sufficiency
to light up a city entire,

and even though inward focused,
it yet is shedding Moses-like
light beams
I wrack my heart to even comprehend,
that simplest of actions reciprocal:

1/Thank You

can it, (it can!)
steel the heart,
give its truthfulness a special
power, and more than resolve,
even solves
our equation solution

so elegantly is the endless searching for the
right way to give thanks, to receive thanks,
it is a mutual gifting, for our mutuality is of
two hearts, echoing the words of
all legislative bodies:

”Be it Resolved”

what is this resolution then?

the consummate of English words
with such a variety of shadings,
requiring a declarative,
not a narrative,

be it resolved,
that two resolute hearts
shall not depart this Earth
before their arms interlocute an

the shadows of their eyes interlock,
casting away
interfering long distances,

a single atmosphere shall
be tasted, inhaled,
by their
combinatory sensories

then and only then:
their resolve tested
and surpassed
will their poem

commencé et terminé,
begun and completed

The Emotion is Carried

“*The gender-neutral name Jamadhi comes
from Arabic origins, meaning “beauty.”
When thinking about all the beautiful
things in the world, your little one, with
their kind demeanor and bright smile,
no doubt springs to mind! But a name
simply meaning “beauty” doesn’t only
refer to their appearance. This name
is a reflection of their beautiful little
soul, too, on a journey through this world.
Baby Jamadhi could be a gentle soul
or the fiercest of little childon the playground,
but no matter what, a name meaning
“beauty” will always ring true.”
Seazy Inkwell Jun 2017
In nighttime living creatures fell dead asleep by herds |
I alone am an orphan to the darkness and the candlelight |
And my dreams depart for whimsical lands with the migratory birds |

Under the roofs people sleep with their eyes shut tight |
All the dramas of daily life locked down their windows |
I alone am an orphan to the darkness and the candlelight |

Here my imagination took its feathery flight |
Between these shadows of empty cul-de-sac |
All the dramas of daily life locked down their windows |

The moon steals out the stories in inspiration’s sack |
Here with my dreams, desires, and depressions out of sight |
Between these shadows of empty cul-de-sac |

Improvisation opened his iridescent lips for a bite |
My melatonin ignites the fire within the constellations |
Here with my dreams, desires, and depressions out of sight |

Legends, myths, and superstitions find me with consternations |
In nighttime living creatures fell dead asleep by herds |
My melatonin ignites the fire within the constellations |
And my dreams depart for whimsical lands with the migratory birds|
Badee Uz Zaman Dec 2016
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade,
To live the moment of surprising glory;
When my gloom was incised eternally
I will be telling you my love story.
The jubilant lyrics of affection
Were played by the evening breeze,
In the backyard of my dark house
Shadowed the tones of melancholy.
The mellifluous chores of "cuckoo"
Intensified the decorations
And there entered my seraphic beloved,
To resuscitate my dying buoyancy.
My consternations divorced my hem
When the amiable gazes kissed my cheeks
Those serpentine tresses prepared a shade
Where my cauterised heart found solace.

© Badee Uz Zaman
Badee Uz Zaman Dec 2016
Tormenting are the times
When your wits are drenched,
Like a fugitive in concertina,
In the quagmire of confusions.
When holding your speech seems
The murderer of your confidence
And hurling your ambiguity
Thrashes your importance.
These are the pinching times
When your vocals,
in defiance of mind and up in the arms
Constantly wrestle with your patience.
The strange grimace on your face
Becomes your unwanted emblem,
Attempts to overcome win you nothing
But disgusted frustration and consternations
In these heart-wrenching times
You're engulfed in flames of extinction
Then your friend bails you out,
Whom you notoriously have named
The dried and the broken Pen.
At first, at first, far better than worse
You are my companions
at twilights burst, contract, converse...
--the universe expanded

I've only quoted misquotations
Overstated consternations
We are each a cosmic notion
We are breached on beached like oceans
We are constant, never settled
Ever honest, oddly nestled
Curled in fetal fraught positions
Fatal fallen thought magicians

And yet we friends will fail and falter
Hail the rails or tread like water
Rising up from fashions forming
Passioned weathered sails a'storming
Stayed we gather boards and anchor
Shelter ores we share the danger
So on and on till last we shore
Fond in battle, forged in war
Forced to vision future wonder
--What are we expanding under

To each one sharing each is golden
Treasure daring, bond and bolden
Older still and wiser daring
Tied and spilled and error fairing
Pulled together stay the stronger
Stranger in and lost no longer
But long for hope and bow unbent
And sail eternal with us, with friends
and ending onward daylight bursts
--We are each a universe
Friendship, danger, globe & anchors
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Oh: But I could read
the scrolls of nature.

Such tapestries with
their metaphorical
twists which confound
even superior intellects.

Dew lives of an early
morning system, self
destructing, first sign
of solar consternations.
Yenson Sep 2020
He stands head and shoulder above
as the puppets faff and mess around
displaying the vacuousity of basic limitation
and the malfunctioning of reasoned comprehension
they spluttered in ignorance and vapid consternations
looking at that David of a man
who glaring stands head and shoulder above our vacuous puppets
look, the puppets hollered and shrieked
he's dead, he's a dummy, he's got major problems and he's in pain
we know this for sure
cause, look at him
he has no strings attached to him
he's strange, he's not like us
come puppets, let's celebrate our connections

— The End —