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Arcassin B Oct 2014
a pond can be tranquility
and hold the secrets you can't see
beneath the surface lying deep
are all the fantasies you keep.....

Desires leak ,
Upon the stream,
No self control it tainted me,
My eyes are Grey,
The sky is blue,
The grass is green,
Come follow me,
I need sense of serenity,

then idle here upon my surface
surely your life has higher purpose
within the mystic water , calm
swim the warm pleasures, silent storm

Poring out desperate feelings,
From gold containers,
Evening high noon mornings,
When it thickens,
It becomes a figment of your imagination,

but what vessel to carry
the wrath of discontent?
for as we ride or die in life
from whence we came is where we went

Learning all you teachings of how you react,
It pays to have respect,
And if there's no respect,
In due time you wont get it back,
They paid the way for that,

and still water runs deep, the game is set
pay as you go, find no regret
the streets are fine, the streets are cool
but this pond of life ...can brand a fool

Like the fountain of youth,
But a little more clear,
Having you subdued,
Mixed with drunken chandeliers,

but the dance goes on
and if you down with it
then the fountains spew
all the love to spin it

Inadequate to regret,
Having the water for a pet,
In your dreams will you forget,
All of the times that we spent,

and yet as we embrace
this life, this human waste
we love, and become fond
still waters, this mystic pond.
An honor working with quin <3 <3
I dedicate this to him and to melz and to soul survivor,
And others that I adore :)
STLR Nov 2016
Fight and struggle, thoughts of milling.
What kind of points will you be killing?

The points that are the sharpest
I will not let you transform this mind into something that is softer!
There's no end game, you lack in confidence, just make another offer

Offers, games, how plastic and lavish?
Your thoughts are simple, hopeful, and savage.

Leave me with my madness
I rather be this, instead of average
Your just mad because I'm a maverick
A stand alone rock
Your side of the brain will never handle my thoughts

Ok Garfunkel, you island
How brave a stone is on your beach,
but my words don't need to be a preach I strangle your mind with time, sand An hourglass will show your faults

Think about what you say before you begin to talk
Strangling me will only put this place at a halt!
You and I coexist, let's unify in this struggle
We can continue fighting, but it will all end in rubble,destruction & burning debris
Can we agree to disagree in these words that we speak
Can we foresee a brighter future
That is within reach
If not our habitat will forever be meek
Silence in violence, a place where two have suffered defeat

Two have defeat?
Can't you see, you are the one to change
Long term thought, intelligent meet
Can't you see, you have become strange
It is proof that I am victorious, your ignorance
It's crazy how you have shown my brilliance
Internal struggle (part 2) - A collaborative poem with anonymous anonymous
JMG Nov 2010
Watch the sun rise one more time
It'll just go right back down again
The moon, again, floats on by
Changing tides and lighting

There's this hallowed path we take
This whisper in the vines
Don't stumble there my little friend
You haven't much more time
No sleep, no rest no stopping now
The future looks so bright
As we look ahead again
On toward the morning light

Less dark left, the light comes soon
Born again to light the room
Along it brings a brand new day
Again one more has ticked away

Three-thousand and, six-hundred ticks
I pray to God that this one sticks
Cause heaven knows I've felt the ******
This winter's gonna be a *****
And God forbid you start to itch

The weather here is getting cold
I feel it in my bones
And with the cold a chapter's ended
The storm before the calm
A baby takes his infant steps
A drunk man tells a lie
Eventually we'll all be dust
So there's no use to cry

Soak it up, you'll need the juice
To get your fears to disappear
**** some sorrow, cut it loose
Be ready for what's near
Hold it in and blow it out
Shelter from the cold
Every time you do this ****
You say it's getting old

So...... I will say it's over
We all know our role
From now until never
Leave nothing or no one out in the cold
BOLD text written by JMG.  The rest written by Benjamin A Jenkins.
November, 2010

Check out Benjamin's writings.  He's a new poet here, and he is talented.  We will have plenty of his stuff up here soon!

Check it out
Ben A Jenkins Nov 2010
Watch the sun rise one more time
It'll just go right back down again
The moon, again, floats on by
Changing tides and lighting

There's this hallowed path we take
This whisper in the vines
Don't stumble there my little friend
You haven't much more time
No sleep, no rest no stopping now
The future looks so bright
As we look ahead again
On toward the morning light

Less dark left, the light comes soon
Born again to light the room
Along it brings a brand new day
Again one more has ticked away

Three-thousand and, six-hundred ticks
I pray to God that this one sticks
Cause heaven knows I've felt the ******
This winter's gonna be a *****
And God forbid you start to itch

The weather here is getting cold
I feel it in my bones
And with the cold a chapter's ended
The storm before the calm
A baby takes his infant steps
A drunk man tells a lie
Eventually we'll all be dust
So there's no use to cry

Soak it up, you'll need the juice
To get your fears to disappear
**** some sorrow, cut it loose
Be ready for what's near
Hold it in and blow it out
Shelter from the cold
Every time you do this ****
You say it's getting old

So...... I will say it's over
We all know our role
From now until never
Leave nothing or no one out in the cold
BOLD text written by BAJ. The rest was written by JMG.
November, 2010
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Motivation - @AHumblefella

I am motivated by the teachers who tried to put me down,
Motivated by the fact that they could only see me as the class clown,
It is funny yet beautiful how I have managed to turn it round,
The kid who was dubbed a future failure who they saw as prison bound,
Is the same kid who now inspires and empowers the youth,
Giving them insights that the words of negative teachers are far from the truth,
Great ideas you never know when they’ll come to you,
Thats why this collabo with DTyler was written to motivate you,
That you have ability, talents that the world needs,
Using those gifts, changing the world should be part of your good deeds,
Because life with you, powers the life in me!!!
For the youth,
For the truth,
For the community,
For the person on their last legs of belief

Motivation - @dtyler1973

I am motivated by doubt
I refuse to breathe any doubt air
So I’m motivated to figure it out  
I see challenges in my life as opportunities to display
Not the boy I was yesterday but the man I am today
When I was younger I was quiet and they confused it as being weak
Not knowing that I was observing, training and plotting against deceit
By the time they realized what was happening I was already at my peak
Now I stand before them tall, strong and successful with a voice that speaks
Volumes, the kind kind that will drown any haters within reach

I am motivated by seeing anyone chase their dreams with passion
I’m motivated by the powerful words of my bro Asser
I am motivated by those who admit their flaws but take action
I believe in believing in self
I believe in internal wealth, the kind you spend emotionally
I believe in the power of the heart and the mind
Moving together like poetry in motion
Simple yet, what a notion
Thomas Jan 2022
Cette ville écrasée sous les signaux hallucinés
De commerces blindés et de business débridé
Jonchée des ordures mentales et des pourritures verbales,
à grignoté cet espace comme un rat patriarcal

Hantés par les chimères implantées au scalpel
Qui s’éclipsent dans un râle à chaque fois qu’on se réveille
Sur des trottoirs miteux qu'on arpente avec peine
Avec la boue sous nos pieds, et la crasse dans nos veines

On a plié sous le poids de ce que la ville nous a privé.
Dans les formes sa nuit odorante et gluante
Influencés par les gangs d'une valeur anarchisante
Et plongés en abimes au fond de cette nuit sanguine

On voudrait tout rejouer, vacillant, comme le phare
Qui contemple, hagard, la ruée des cafards
Et dans un dernier effort pour nous hypnotiser,
La ville nous livre en pâture aux chiens carbonisés

Le tintement des coupes dans la brume artificielle
Neutralise les rampants de cette tour de Babel
Et les sons du stylos sur papier parano
Sont remplacés par les cris des couteaux tranchant la peau

Et la chair et les os
Et du sang et des larmes
Du vacarme infernal
Des détonations cérébrales
Des entrailles putréfiées
Jailli un souffle empoisonné
Et nous restons médusé
Par l'absence d'humanité

Les rues scintillantes
Éclairées par la tété
La lueur violente  
Des bouches noircies et enfumées
Les grouillants salissants
Anonymes agonisants
Des cris que personne n’entend,
Des invisibles que personne ne défend

Figé comme crétin qui de colère crispe les poings
Étranger parmi les siens humilié comme un larbin
On reste allongés dans la poussière face contre terre
Mais on reste assuré que notre rage est salutaire

Déjà ça tremble sous les pieds des biens pensants
Déjà ça grogne aux oreilles des bienveillants
Alors on reste là à observer impunément
Des remparts occultants qui se fissurent singulièrement

Et du fond des cimetières revient une herbe un peu plus verte
Et du fond des ghettos un asticot rejoint la secte
De ceux qui croulent sous la promesse d'une existence
Qui maintiendra leur cerveau dans un état de complaisance

Mais on sait qu’un jour, notre printemps reviendra
Et on sait qu’un jour la chaleur nous stimulera
Et la lumière brillera pour tous les anges et les salauds
Et elle consumera tous les faisans et collabo

Et ils sentiront toute la menace des renégats
Et ils comprendront que c'en est fini ici-bas
Et ils trembleront devant la détermination
De ceux qui n'ont rien a perdre armés de pierres et de bâtons

Enfin on pourra se tirer
Briser les chaines a nos poignets
Et on pourra se libérer
De la douleur et de la fièvre
Finis les temps répréhensifs
Emplis de ténèbres et de peines
On cherchera la saveur
Et le parfum des jours meilleurs

Mais y'a personne aux commandes
Et dans une crise d'indifférence
On supprimera de nos états
Le ciment de paranoïa
Et on pourra s'envoler
Vers une idée de liberté
Et on pourra se reposer
Car on n'est pas fait pour vivre de cauchemars et de haine

— The End —