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Rachel Elizabeth Sep 2010
If these are
The last words
Then let them be said.
One smile is worth
One thousand tears
Two ears are worth
Two thousand words
One heart
One heart
Worth two souls' tears,
Two souls' words, and
(Most of all) two souls' breath
For two hearts beating.
My heart beats
To care
For your heart
As two souls whisper,
"Con carino. . . we live
A l'amour. . . we breathe
With love. . . we sing."
Santiago Oct 2014
Me dejaste morir
Tristesas supe sufrir
No se como ni porque
Todo se nos fue
Tu alma era mi calma
Para todas mis penas
Mi preciosa sirena
No se como explicartelo
Vivir despues me muero
Palabras de avivamiento
No sabes como me siento
Lo lamento nuestro enfrento
Dios lo quiso asi
Escogiendote a ti
Muerto en vida
No encuentro salida
Te extrano
No se pero te amo
Te quiero
No se pero te espero
Te adoro
No se pero vales mas que el oro...
Who art thou actually to me?
That is certainly a difficult question;
to which I might have been able not
to giveth a precise answer.
Thou who were yesterday a friend;
and who conversed even so casually
with me back then;
now hath so dearly caught me
and captivated me
that I am not sure of who thou art;
and what room doth thou possess
within th' very kingdom of my heart.
Ah, and tonight, at this very rigorous,
and laborious night
Thou lured and tempted me into thy charms;
and embraced me within thy friendly realms.
Oh, querida, how I want thee too much-
simply too much!
Mi carino, mi amor;
and in fairy tales, as they are supposed to be
Thou would be my senor
And my maiden self thy senorita.
Mi amor de la príncipe!
If only thou knoweth-of how much I desire thee!
But I was sure not-it was but seemingly
unforgivable uncertainty;
whilst thou sat there and laughed beside me;
and I gazed into those patient eyes of thine.
I love thee tenderly, as thou doth emerge
within my silent dreams;
I love thee dearly, as thou didst, tonight,
craved and shaped the wit
and wise sweetness of my heart.
Thou art no-one else but my fiery dreams;
ah, thou art the one I love-
the only one I love indeed!
Thou, with the music of thy soul so sweet,
which captured my emotions so swiftly;
and entangled my passion so sweetly.
Ah, tonight-just tonight,
how thou endorsed my feelings,
and cured my daring longings!
As though in a wakeful dream,
no matter absurd it may seem;
this I declare with unbearable-
yet steady sureness:
I would love thee, surely and tranquilly,
and I hope just that thou would love me
Just like thou art already inside me;
and just how fate hath so fiercely placed
this very dear heart of mine, within thee.
Anthony Duvalle Jun 2010
Should I kiss the seal of this letter
And attempt to attach my love
Say you're lighter than a feather
That your kisses are like a drug

Would it do justice to add a gift
A gold necklace or a locket
Or say I'll always uplift
Your broken heart and never drop it

Would these things help you to love me
Or to make compassion lasting
I think not! and I hope you'll see
Our love never needed crafting

For you are my soul mate, I swear I'm being honest
And I'll never let you go again, carino, this I truly promise
Teresa Magaña Jan 2012
I don’t say,.. Honey..Baby..Papi Chulo..Carino or Mi amor,

Ok,...maybe when the lights are all off and all doors are closed

I don’t need to say I want you,..or that I need you

My actions
Behind closed doors
In our most intimate moments
Through a long but simple kiss
Should show all that you are and mean to me

Why do I need to say it?...When I’m openly displaying it

I know,..That I’ve put my heart shaped box in your hands..

And what?
Just because I share some sensitive depths of me, doesn’t mean that I’d let you hold my naked heart freely in those bare hands

No,...I will give you the little box
For you to hold
And on occasion
I will take the key, and open it up for some brief warmth

And that’s just me...
Knowing what I feel for a boy
All I know
Showing it with actions
Not always with words

And that’s how these silly boys that could have been
Moved on to the next
Because I didn’t say
I didn’t say and put into words what they should have felt and seen from me
That I had given them pieces of myself
Cora Salas Apr 2014
Tienes el mismo efecto en mi
que el de la primavera sobre el mundo.

Cosechas cosas lindas en mi alma.
Haces que florezcan sentimientos hermosos.

Mis días se vuelven cálidos
y con infinitas melodías.

me recuerdas a la primavera.
Cora Salas Apr 2014
Como es posible querer a alguien de esta manera?
El carino se me desborda del corazón.
TJ Jan 2015
My arms and knees are getting heavy
The more that I breathe and shake
I find my sight growing weary.
Thoughts filled with blocks full of bitterness,
all of which are getting to the best of me.

Pull the trigger,
His knees buckle and
as he starts to bleed
I turn, flinch, scatter, and flee.
The incoming sound of cop sirens
echo forty seconds behind me.
Catch one, caught two
I found myself another enemy.

The streets were my guide
With my closest homies by my side
"Ride until we die",
The promise we made to each other,
still lingers in my mind.
Effortlessly disguised,
we swept off into the night
Hoping and praying to a God
That I didn't have enough faith for,
hoping that things would be alright.

Clutched right next to my heart,
Revealing a little silver necklace
held a cross,
That I would kiss dearly after hearing the sound of someone getting shot
Simply because I was lost.

As a young boy,
I was taught that the streets
were my only domain.
What they failed to teach me,
was dying and fighting on the streets wasn't the only way.
Deserting me to my lonely days,

Locked up in a cell for years,
Name changed from Carino,
to the "family shame".
Battle scars stitched up across my face,
leaving wounds and traces of hatred
that medication and drugs never seemed to chase away.

When I closed my eyes,
I begged to get through another sleepless night,
Hoping that when I woke up,
my last breath and my last fight
wouldn't be my last goodbye.
Kay-Rosa May 2019
Darling, baby, corazon
Dear, sweetheart, sugar,
Honestly, never your name.
Honey, pet, cinnamon
Carino, mon chou, bunny.
For the day I call you by your name,
Cuddlebear, goddess, pearl
Star, treasure, microbe
Is the day I'm on one knee, love.
Google 'terms of endearment microbe' apparently its Italian. I laughed sooo hard at that. Im terrible.
Santiago Feb 2015
I know I haven't kept in touch
Carino I'm going through so much
I miss those all nighters with you
Just know I'm stuck like glue
Whenever you're feeling blue
I'm right there beside you
Remember my heart remains
Your soul ran through my vains
Settled in and called it home
Hasn't left still lives their alone
Through you I grew never knew
Had no clue but it's true
Thank you for this blessing
Always & Forever imy ily iny
Vulesse addeventà nu barbuncino:
uno 'e chilli canille nire e riccie
ca siente 'e dì p' 'a strada: "Che carino!...
sembra un batuffolino... nu capriccio".
E me 'nfezzasse dint' 'a na vetrina
d' 'o primmo magazzino ca truvasse;
e tu, passanno 'a llà ogni matina,
te 'ncapricciasse 'e me e m'accattasse.

Io già me veco cu nu cullarino
tutto 'ndurato cu ddoje campanelle
sdraiato appiede a tte 'ncopp' 'o cuscino:
p' 'a gioia, cchiù nun ce stesse dint' 'a pella!

E quanno po' tu me pigliasse 'mbraccio,
dicenneme parole azzuccuselle,
io t'alleccasse 'e mmane, l'uocchie e 'a faccia
sbattenno 'e zampe, 'e rrecchie e 'sta curella.

Pe stà sempe cu tte matina e sera
nun me 'mpurtasse 'e fà sta vita 'e cane!
Vicino a tte t' 'o giuro 'e sta manera
vulesse bbene pure 'o acchiappacane!
Santiago May 2015
You're more than a trick
You're more than a ****
You're more than a ***
You're more than a *******
You're more than a *****

Don't become something you're not
Don't become a waste of my time
Don't become ill by all world's sickness
Don't become what they want you to be
Don't become easy on clearance for sale

You're much greater than that
You're much better than that
You're my twin I got your back
You're my everything remember that
You're my heart on love's track

You just don't have full understanding
You just don't know who you really are
You just don't know you're the best
You just don't know I forgot all the rest
You just don't know I carry you in my chess

Baby please don't cry I can feel it
Baby please don't cry I'd give it another try
Baby please don't cry & say goodbye
Baby please don't cry, you're all my life
Baby please don't cry, I really mean it, carino

I was made to love you
I was made to choose you
I was made to meet you
I was made to feel you
I was made to hold you

I was made from you
I was shaped by truth
I was created through you
I was alive with you

I was..... I was..... I was.....
With you.....
Vulesse addeventà nu barbuncino:
uno 'e chilli canille nire e riccie
ca siente 'e dì p' 'a strada: "Che carino!...
sembra un batuffolino... nu capriccio".
E me 'nfezzasse dint' 'a na vetrina
d' 'o primmo magazzino ca truvasse;
e tu, passanno 'a llà ogni matina,
te 'ncapricciasse 'e me e m'accattasse.

Io già me veco cu nu cullarino
tutto 'ndurato cu ddoje campanelle
sdraiato appiede a tte 'ncopp' 'o cuscino:
p' 'a gioia, cchiù nun ce stesse dint' 'a pella!

E quanno po' tu me pigliasse 'mbraccio,
dicenneme parole azzuccuselle,
io t'alleccasse 'e mmane, l'uocchie e 'a faccia
sbattenno 'e zampe, 'e rrecchie e 'sta curella.

Pe stà sempe cu tte matina e sera
nun me 'mpurtasse 'e fà sta vita 'e cane!
Vicino a tte t' 'o giuro 'e sta manera
vulesse bbene pure 'o acchiappacane!
Vulesse addeventà nu barbuncino:
uno 'e chilli canille nire e riccie
ca siente 'e dì p' 'a strada: "Che carino!...
sembra un batuffolino... nu capriccio".
E me 'nfezzasse dint' 'a na vetrina
d' 'o primmo magazzino ca truvasse;
e tu, passanno 'a llà ogni matina,
te 'ncapricciasse 'e me e m'accattasse.

Io già me veco cu nu cullarino
tutto 'ndurato cu ddoje campanelle
sdraiato appiede a tte 'ncopp' 'o cuscino:
p' 'a gioia, cchiù nun ce stesse dint' 'a pella!

E quanno po' tu me pigliasse 'mbraccio,
dicenneme parole azzuccuselle,
io t'alleccasse 'e mmane, l'uocchie e 'a faccia
sbattenno 'e zampe, 'e rrecchie e 'sta curella.

Pe stà sempe cu tte matina e sera
nun me 'mpurtasse 'e fà sta vita 'e cane!
Vicino a tte t' 'o giuro 'e sta manera
vulesse bbene pure 'o acchiappacane!

— The End —