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Classy J Dec 2016
They call me the smartest *****; they look at me like they would at Sauron.  Maybe I am just destined to be defined like an oxymoron, and also why do people shut their doors on me like I was a Mormon. Did I make the right choice when I took the blue pill and moved into Zion? Don’t know how to feel or who or what I should rely on. Bygones are bygones, got to follow the drill, so best not pull any funny ones. Being spied on, got no where to run, after all when your under a dictatorship there is no time for fun, there is only time to train one how to shoot a gun. Blang blam got a cross on fire on my lawn from the dreaded Ku Klux ****.  One extreme to another, what happened to Jesus’s teachings of how we are all heavenly sisters and brothers? **** the American dream; **** this apparent land of the free where anyone from anywhere can attain cream. Not a joke so turn this into a meme, this is serious if you only saw the things which some claim as the unseen.

Open your mind; don’t bind yourself to devilish things that appear kind. Charging up my chakra, hypnotizing you with my words like I’m the unclaimed child of Big Poppa. I am so waka I get yawl flocking to my flame, my bars aint **** yeah they as lit as Mary Jane. Bulking up like Bain, natural leader and I got a big brain. Some stalker ******* get so shady, thinking that I will spend my gravy, or that I will have their baby. Sorry I am not interested in getting rabies or taking a taste of your dead daisy. This is my loot; ***** the only thing I’ll give you is the boot. Scoot away from me, best stray by the bay before I write a restraining order on thee.  What is this world coming to? Harold be it that we stuck in a rut with a storm beginning to brew.  

People say I should stop drinking because I got family duties and responsibilities but I drink because I have to deal with the stress from family duties and responsibilities.  **** it all; **** my *****, better duck down because one punch and you’ll fall. Got the gall, Pokémon master man **** right I’m about to catch them all! I’m super and I like to smash bro, so better hide your ***** and your side **. Classically unclassified, mentally traumatized from a fall out of a genocide. Time to be unfiltered; rhyming from a heart that used to be good but now has been altered. Maybe I am just an oxymoron, just a sly fox that know how to survive because no matter what my hope for a better world will stay strong. I may live in this world but I am not of it, I may continue to give until I decide to say ah **** it! Isn’t it ironic? Isn’t the whole point of being a rapper to make a profit and strive to rap as fast as the speed of sonic? Let me puff some **** and drink till I’m subatomic. Wouldn’t that be ironic? Wouldn’t that be something if I chose to become like everyone else and live out a life of being toxic. So am I ironic or am I just an oxymoron? Don’t give a **** either way because I am iconic and will take anything you haters bring on!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
it's scary what people want to hear,
i feel, nothing at all, to be honest,
whenever i think of fame
i feel all famous people speaking the words:
don't become even by our standards moderates...
szlafrok: bathrobe -
              szuja: lizard-like-homeless person -
then again chattering ratty too -
does that mean: if i write i'll
get a penny for a structure where a brick is
worth just as much to the letter, the word
           or the line or the paragraph?
                  cukier: sugar...
   for every brick i'll get a penny's worth?
      writing discourages you from dreaming...
only the most adapted
                   who get encouraged by
   advertisement and who fake writing will ever get
the technicolour coat of Joseph...
         writing erodes your perspective of dreams,
it actually censors your ability to do so...
    i hear them, make novels from their body-language...
        and get an itch... nothing finicky... just
barring without baritone...
      poet's alphabet st. - barring without baritone...
antinomy of anecdote... false impression memorisation,
nothing rubric bound nothing alphabetical,
         nothing Pythagorean...
      antinomy... and there was me thinking of
antimony...                  there's no cascade of the sound
encoding of b or of a...
    there's the alphabet... and then there's
the dictionary... na na mmm, ma ma nun..
                    so cool with it, fit-bit....
      or should i claim you a toyo-bot?
           a ******* Hamleys' jack-in-the-box
            either way... it's all a strategic **** -
or a macaque - or mà-cá-qé!
         herald the surgeon!
             grave a in the first syllable?
a delay... let's term yhwh as surd invocations -
           mà! (and yes, exclamation marks
are part of the necessary progress -
   unless you'd prefer anti-German anti-compound
allocation of a word to be turned into syllable mince...)
         mà! alternatively that's non-ambiguous -
what's ambiguous is the second syllable...
   mà!... cà!     màcà!        it's almost like holding-off
*******...          màcà!
      and then there's the qé!        or for optical reasons
as well as for reasons for the priestly monopoly
written as macaque - my-khaki-haka...
  (haka is a dance in rugby by the new zealanders,
   and khaki is diarrhea brown, diluted brown) -
   it's almost Spanish in a sense, huh?!
   well, because it's not exactly queue -
  or: que(h)? i.e. qweh?
well yes, it's a monkey, a tiny little bonsai
of a gorilla... cute... funny... loves tea-bags
and sugar... great company on a hot Kenyan night,
gets pestered with slingshots by the courtesan
   "bodyguards" of a tourist hanky-panky free whiskey...
  the time those kenyan entertainer girls
came up to me i sorta wished to play the
stood my ground, went to sleep on one of the lounge
chairs one night... could have been stolen by pirates...
and i kinda wished it, but it didn't happen...
   still, the application of diacritical marks to
define syllables... the grave mark above vowels is
a bit like "holding back"...
         for some reason i first wrote mà-cá-qé...
but i realised... the avalanche only comes with
the acute marking above eh!....
        grave markings means restriction, a holding back...
and by this i mean that when the acute stress is
added, no number of optically adequate spellings
can erase it...
     in this case qé for what's encoded as -que -
   and still the four surds appear whether invited or
uninvited - softened laugh, eh? as in the asphyxiating
form of breathing, and then relaxed: ha ha ha ha!
       then again, i'm wrong,
they call them macaque: ma-ca-qac....
         so as a good revisionist does:
                grave and acute without a macron:
      má-cà-qàc - ma-cac-cac - not ma... ca-que!
   macaque!          Fawlty Towers and Mánuèl...
i know... nothing - hairspray romance,
and a horse called dragonfly...
   macaqué! olé!              
                          mácáquè -
    for the love of u - or parabola...
                 truth be told? i'll never know!
why? because no one taught us the rules of how
or when to apply such demands!
   let alone semicolons or commas...
                   macaque - barbarism sentenced to:
ma       ca              qak
                or simply my kayak...
**** me... it's still a monkey whether you like it or
not taking a **** and calling that chocy part of
its inverted intestines' toad-stool.
  let's just call it a mácàq monkey... because
the -ue suffix is just getting unbearable, like
an umbrella unfolded in one's **** -
   and applying diacritics to a suffix of pure-vowels
is beyond missing an ******, and making
rationale (the part where you miss stating an olé -
the part where rational is elongated into rationál
or the non-diacritical addition of -e)....
and then they worried why people never punctuated
correctly... maybe because people never applied
diacritical marks that they went beyond,
and didn't punctuate correctly?
                       humpty-dumpty hmm hmm:
                   eggs St. Benedict's, and a falafel Sunday!
me? trying to invoke a vocab that transcends
the ******* cool, however condescending i can be,
without trying or eating rye bread to boot,
    and then wear a balaclava calling it a Gucci neckwear,
drinking rather than throwing Molotovs.
Hoy amanecí con los puños cerrados
pero no lo tomen al pie de la letra
es apenas un signo de pervivencia
declaración de guerra o de nostalgia
a lo sumo contraseña o imprecación
al ciclo sordomudo y nubladísimo

sucede que ya es el tercer año
que voy ele gente en pueblo
ele aeropuerto en frontera
ele solidaridad en solidaridad
de cerca en lejos
de apartado en casilla
de hotelito en pensión
de apartamentito casi camarote
a otro con teléfono y water-comedor

de tanto mirar hacia el país
se me fue desprendiendo la retina
ahora ya la prendieron de nuevo,
así que miro otra vez hacia el país

llena pletórica de vacíos
mártir de su destino provisorio
patria arrollada en su congoja
puesta provisoriamente a morir
guardada por sabuesos no menos provisorios

pero los hombres de mala voluntad
no serán provisoriamente condenados
para ellos no habrá paz en la tierrita
ni de ellos será el reino de los cielos
ya que como es público y notorio
no son pobres de espíritu

los hombres de mala voluntad
no sueñan con muchachas y justicia
sino con locomotoras y elefantes
que acaban desprendiéndose de un guinche ecuánime
que casualmente pende sobre sus testas
no sueñan como nosotros con primaveras y alfabetizaciones
sino con robustas estatuas al gendarme desconocido
que a veces se quiebran como mazapán

los hombres de mala voluntad
no todos sino los verdaderamente temerarios
cuando van al analista y se confiesan
somatizan el odio y acaban vomitando

a propósito
son ellos que gobiernan
gobiernan con garrotes expedientes cenizas
con genuflexiones concertadas
y genuflexiones espontáneas
minidevaluaciones que en realidad son mezzo
mezzodevaluaciones que en realidad son macro

gobiernan con maldiciones y sin malabarismos
con malogros y malos pasos
con maltusianismo y malevaje
con malhumor y malversaciones
con maltrato y malvones
ya que aman las flores como si fueran prójimos
pero no viceversa

los hombres de pésima voluntad
todo lo postergan y pretergan
tal vez por eso no hacen casi nada
y ese poco no sirve

si por ellos fuera le pondrían
un durísimo freno a la historia
tienen pánico (le que ésta se desboque
y les galopo por encima pobres
tienen otras inquinas verbigracia
no les gustan los jóvenes tú el himno
los jóvenes bah no es una sorpresa
el himno porque dice tiranos temblad
y eso les repercute en el duodeno
pero sobre todo les desagrada
porque cuando lo oyen
obedecen y tiemblan
sus enemigos son cuantiosos y tercos
marxistas economistas niños sacerdotes
pueblos y más pueblos
qué lata es imposible acabar con los pueblos
y casi cien catervas internacionales
due tienen insolentes exigencias
como pan nuestro y amnistía
no se sabe por qué
los obreros y estudiantes no los aman

sus amigos entrañables tienen
algunas veces mala entraña
digamos Pinochet y el apartheid
dime con quién andas y te diré go home

también existen leves contradicciones
algo así como una dialéctica de oprobio
por ejemplo un presidio se llama libertad
de modo que si dicen con orgullo
aquí el ciudadano vive en libertad
significa que tiene diez años de condena

es claro en apariencia nos hemos ampliado
ya que invadimos los cuatro cardinales
en venezuela hay como treinta mil
incluidos cuarenta futbolistas
en sidney oceanía
hay una librería de autores orientales
que para sorpresa de los australianos
no son confucio ni lin yu tang
sino onetti vilariño arregui espínola
en barcelona un café petit montevideo
y otro localcito llamado el quilombo
nombre que dice algo a los rioplatenses
pero muy poca cosa a los catalanes
en buenos aires setecientos mil o sea no caben más
y así en méxico nueva york porto alegre la habana
panamá quito argel estocolmo parís
lisboa maracaibo lima amsterdam madrid
roma xalapa pau caracas san francisco montreal
bogotá londres mérida goteburgo moscú
efe todas partes llegan sobres de la nostalgia
narrando cómo hay que empezar desde cero
navegar por idiomas que apenas son afluentes
construirse algún sitio en cualquier sitio
a veces           lindas
veces             con manos solidarias
y otras           amargas
veces               recibiendo en la nunca
la mirada xenófoba

de todas partes llegan serenidades
de todas partes llegan desesperaciones
oscuros silencios de voz quebrada
uño de cada mil se resigna a ser otro

y sin embargo somos privilegiados

con esta rabia melancólica
este arraigo tan nómada
este coraje hervido en la tristeza
este desorden este no saber
esta ausencia a pedazos
estos huesos que reclaman su lecho
con todo este derrumbe misterioso
con todo este fichero de dolor
somos privilegiados

después de todo amamos discutimos leemos
aprendemos sueco catalán portugués
vemos documentales sobre el triunfo
en vietnam la libertad de angola
fidel a quien la historia siempre absuelve
y en una esquina de carne y hueso
miramos cómo transcurre el mundo
escuchamos coros salvacionistas y afónicos
contemplamos viajeros y laureles
aviones que escriben en el cielo
y tienen mala letra
soportamos un ciclón de trópico
o un diciembre de nieve

podemos ver la noche sin barrotes
poseer un talismán         o en su defecto un perro
hostezar escupir lagrimear
soñar suspirar confundir
quedar hambrientos o saciados
trabajar permitir maldecir
jugar descubrir acariciar
sin que el ojo cancerbero vigile

         y los otros
qué pensarán los otros
si es que tienen ánimo y espacio
para pensar en algo

qué pensarán los que se encaminan
a la máquina buitre         a la tortura hiena
qué quedará a los que jadean de impotencia
qué a los que salieron semimuertos
e ignoran cuándo volverán al cepo
qué rendija de orgullo
qué gramo de vida
ciegos en su capucha
mudos de soledad
inermes en la espera

ni el recurso les queda de amanecer puteando
no sólo oyen las paredes
también escuchan los colchones si hay
las baldosas si hay
el inodoro si hay
y los barrotes que ésos siempre hay

cómo recuperarlos del suplicio y el tedio
cómo salvarlos de la muerte sucedánea
cómo rescatarlos del rencor que carcome

el exilio también tiene barrotes

sabemos dónde está cada ventana
cada plaza cada madre cada loma
dónde está el mejor ángulo ele cíelo
cómo se mueven las dunas y gaviotas
dónde está la escuelita con el hijo
del laburante que murió sellado
dónde quedaron enterrados los sueños
de los muertos y también de los vivos
dónde quedó el resto del naufragio
y dónde están los sobrevivientes

sabemos dónde rompen las olas más agudas
y dónde y cuándo empalaga la luna
y también cuándo sirve como única linterna

sabemos todo eso y sin embargo
el exilio también tiene barrotes

allí donde el pueblo a durísimas penas
sobrevive entre la espada tan fría que da asco
y la pared que dice libertad o muer
porque el adolesente ya no pudo

allí pervierte el aire una culpa innombrable
tarde horrenda de esquinas sin muchachos
hajo un sol que se desploma como buscando
el presidente ganadero y católico
es ganadero basta en sus pupilas bueyunas
y preconciliar pero de trento
el presidente es partidario del rigor
y la exigencia en interrogatorios
hay que aclarar que cultiva el pleonasmo
ya que el rigor siempre es exigente
y la exigencia siempre es rigurosa
tal vez quiso decir algo más simple
por ejemplo que alienta la tortura

seguro el presidente no opinaría lo mismo
si una noche pasara de ganadero a perdidoso
y algún otro partidario kyric eleison
del rigor y la exigencia kyrie eleison
le metiera las bueyunas en un balde de mierda
pleonasmo sobre el que hay jurisprudencia

parece que las calles ahora no tienen baches
y después del ángelus ni baches ni transeúntes
los jardines públicos están preciosos
las estatuas sin **** de palomas

después de todo no es tan novedoso
los gobiernos musculosos siempre se jactan
de sus virtudes municipales

es cierto que esos méritos no salvan un país
tal vez haya algún coronel que lo sepa

al pobre que quedó a solas con su hambre
no le importa que esté cortado el césped
los padres que pagaron con un hijo al contado
ignoran esos hoyos que tapó el intendente

a juana le amputaron el marido
no le atañe la poda de los plátanos

los trozos de familia no valoran
la sólida unidad de las estatuas

de modo que no vale la gloria ni la pena
que gasten tanto erario en ese brillo

aclaro que no siempre
amanezco con los puños cerrados

hay mañanas en que me desperezo
y cuando el pecho se me ensancha
y abro la boca como pez en el aire
siento que aspiro una tristeza húmeda
una tristeza que me invade entero
y que me deja absorto suspendido
y mientras ella lentamente se mezcla
con mi sangre y hasta con mi suerte
pasa por viejas y nuevas cicatrices
algo así como costuras mal cosidas
que tengo en la memoria en el estómago
en el cerebro en las coronarias
en un recodo del entusiasmo
en el fervor convaleciente
en las pistas que perdí para siempre
en las huellas que no reconozco
en el rumbo que oscila como un péndulo

y esa tristeza madrugadora y gris
pasa por los rostros de mis iguales
Unos lejanos perdidos en la escarcha
otros no sé dónde       deshechos o rehechos

el viejo que aguantó y volvió a aguantar
la llaca con la boca destruida
el gordo al que castraron
y los otros los otros y los otros
otros innumerables y fraternos
mi tristeza los toca con abrupto respeto
y las otras las otras y las otras
otras esplendorosas y valientes
mi tristeza las besa una por una

no sé qué les debemos
pero eso que no sé
sé que es muchísimo

esto es una derrota
hay cine decirlo
vamos a no mentirnos nunca más
a no inventar triunfos de cartón

si quiero rescatarme
si quiero iluminar esta tristeza
si quiero no doblarme de rencor
ni pudrirme de resentimiento
tengo que excavar hondo
hasta mis huesos
tengo que excavar hondo en el pasado
y hallar por fin la verdad maltrecha
con mis manos que ya no son las mismas

pero no sólo eso
tendré que excavar hondo en el futuro
y buscar otra vez la verdad
con mis manos que tendrán otras manos

que tampoco serán ya las mismas
pues tendrán otras manos

habrá que rescatar el vellocino
que tal vez era sólo de lana
rescatar la verdad más sencilla
y una vez que la hayamos aprendido
y sea tan nuestra como
las articulaciones o los tímpanos
entonces basta basta basta
de autoflagelaciones y de culpas
todos tenemos nuestra rastra
pero la autocrítica
                               no es una noria
no voy a anquilosarme en el reproche
y no voy a infamar a mis hermanos
el baldón y la ira los reservo
para los hombres de mala voluntad
para los que nos matan nos expulsan
nos cubren de amenazas nos humillan
nos cortan la familia en pedacitos
nos quitan el país verde y herido
nos quieren condenar al desamor
nos queman el futuro
nos hacen escuchar cómo crepita

el baldón y la ira
que esto quede bien claro
yo los reservo para el enemigo

con mis hermanos porfiaré
es natural
sobre planes y voces
trochas atajos y veredas
pasos atrás y pasos adelante
silencios oportunos       omisiones que no
coyunturas mejores o peores
pero tendré a la vista que son eso

si esta vez no aprendemos
será que merecemos la derrota
y sé que merecemos la victoria

el paisito está allá
                              y es una certidumbre
a lo mejor ahora está lloviendo
allá sobre la tierra

y aquí
bajo este transparente sol de libres
aquella lluvia cala hasta mis bronquios
me empapa la vislumbre
me refresca los signos
lava mi soledad

la victoria es tan sólo
un tallito que asoma
pero esta lluvia patria
le va a hacer mucho bien
creo que la victoria estará como yo
ahí nomás germinando
digamos aprendiendo a germinar
la buena tierra artigas revive con la lluvia
habrá uvas y duraznos y vino
barro para amasar
muchachas con el rostro hacia las nubes
para que el chaparrón borre por fin las lágrimas

ojalá que perdure
hace bien este riego
a vos a mí al futuro
a la patria sin más

hace bien si llovemos mi pueblo torrencial
donde estemos
                                   o en cualquier parte

sobre todo si somos la lluvia y el solar
la lluvia y las pupilas y los muros
la bóveda la lluvia y el ranchito
el río y los tejados y la lluvia

furia paciente
                                  iracundo silencio
allá y en todas partes

ah tierra lluvia pobre
modesto pueblo torrencial

con tan buen aguacero
la férrea dictadura
acabará oxidándose

y la victoria crecerá despacio
como siempre han crecido las victorias.
Clone re Eatery Jan 2015
Thee Artiste Carvó's "Fartistic Wind"*

A ****** seeps into Thee's loft and lispers...

"F-f-f-fartistic s-s-s-soul, I would like to be a fr-fr-fr-freak and ooze in your **** cre-cre-cre-cretinivity"...

Thee fartistic soul then cuts cheese, and says...

"If you are to reach true degeneration, you must first crap a work of ****"...

The ****** then begins to swirl round and round the **** bowl...

A can of trash then pervades the room and spills these words...

"Without a lisper there is no ******, without a ****** a lisper ceases to be"...

The ****** then collides with the can of trash...

A masterpiece of p-p-p-puke...

Original ('Artistic Wind') by:      Thee Artiste aka Logbrain Crappó
Reworked by:    CrE aka Trollminator
This is the seventh in a series of reconstructions of the drivel of "Thee Artiste" aka Logbrain Crappó which has been previously posted on HP.

True, nothing could possibly make Thee's mindless nonsense less lousy, but at least it can be put into a neater, though still steaming, pile...
Del Maximo Jan 2010
a rodent's demise
didn't see him 'till the end
only his droppings
nasty little black feces
hiding out in my office

the glue traps were set
and baited with green pellets
a matter of time
a nocturnal S.O.B.
no one heard his night time screams

I have no regrets
and PETA would not be proud
but it's not my fault
oh the germs...the germs, germs, germs
just can't deal with mouse ****
Karijinbba May 2019
Ay ay ay my old forest land
five little brothers blown
Ay ay my baby boy gone
My loving dad's grave lost

Mom lost her mind
sold my half sis for food
as I ran to convent stunned

Ay USA my coco girl's birth
Henrys infertil mistress bailed
his******* dues selling my
baby girl to her!
impostor posing as Mom-me
!in Torrance CA maternity ward
stole my baby photos

Ay daughter keep away from Moureen
he even gave you daughter her ugly name! sold you like a dog is sold
Evil Henry is no father to you
tried vanishing me and
you in my womb using saline but Mom saved herself and you
called police
before and after your birth
we both were attacked
this truth you must know no matter how painful
your Mother loves you this mother is me I love you you are my beloved father David's precious grand child
your maternal grandparents were good people so we're your paternal grandmother Janet but not your paternal father he was evil biggoted racist don't ever be like him.
I love you so miss you daughter mine your father's seed isn't to blame his sister Elizabeth is sociopath sadistic weekly jealous she is like Henry a Charles Manson's advocate almost turned me pregnant into Sharon Tate 1969 butchered by evil crazed men and followers
same bad people in Greece pray on pregnant women and babies they are the **** of this planet.
I wouldn't do a roach what they all put me and my baby's through.
Ay my Greek born baby girls
medeas tinted your baby milk
with caustic soda yelling at me to hurt me saying it was to open your sink out of jealousy malice and greed
they said you were killers because hers with him wouldn't be born.
Take heed keep away from Greece and them all they are not well in the head they a lack heart brains courage everything I had in excess to fly away and save us all.
ay ay our envious foe
enemy so blind a fool
has died seeing us thrive
Ay PTSD ay free me please.

Ay dear poets potessess
thou in thy worst nightmare have it good and better then me and my kin.

Ay ay poisons potions we won!
we emerged immune even to you stronger mightier better
than thee

my enemies all look at us
living in the land of
the free and the brave
healthy loving caring
Ay sad sure! bitter never!

Ay ay USA ay ay Mexico
Hell Greece and Greeks sits more evil
of lower hells bellow thee  
most vicious cruel of all foe.
I changed Earth for the anti-Christ wasn't born instead my Angels
thrive good destroys evil within

Ay Greek **** mythology drown!
drown Join Atlantis Sodomah
Gomorrah into your pits of hell
itself go sink.!
This is a holy mother's plee
supersticious ignorant greece
We have flushed thee down
deep the bottomless pit
with this tini poetic
metaphor I plee to the Universe the spiritual unseen world above and below.
So wise many a poet
and powerful poetessess
family and friends,
please switch vacation trips to elsewhere in the globe
ending touristic revenues to
food poisoning *****
Hell enic poisoner twisted backwards ******'s ******* lenic Greece.
By: Karijinbba
All right reserved revived 8-2020
true life story.
Enough shared thanks for reading
Clone re Eatery Dec 2014

With Crappó hated by the throng
young York decided to be strong
and told the Log 'you don't  belong'
and silenced him neigh three months long.

The corpse of Crappó lay unsung
amidst the muck of maggot mung.
Adoring words that Crappó flung
brings forth Thee Artiste from the dung.

This ballad now recalls to mind
Log's crummy comments, dull or spined,
a dilettante now much maligned,
the holey scourge of all mankind…

The only question left to face
'ts whether Thee will share Log's place
within the ashes of disgrace
adorning demons' fireplace.


The lord above returns to earth
descending as an afterbirth
and prattles of his paltry worth
in sluggish lines devoid of mirth.

In tedium the angels sighed
and cast his sorry soul aside,
commanding world and he collide
by grace… and gravity complied.

The earth is now a poorer place
defiled with icons of his face
adorning doggerel disgrace.
With character? No, not a trace.


His day of birth! A cat meowed?
With nary but a fig endowed
his mama gasped, then laughed aloud
and cast her sin upon a cloud.

Rejected at his mama's gate
he felt his ego desiccate,
wax paranoid and fill  with hate,
his self-esteem disintegrate.

At last the cloud came floating by
and caught an ancient angel's eye.
With pity for the puny guy
she boosted him beyond the sky.

Denied the milk at mama's ****
his nourishment was incomplete
except for jam on Golden street
where angels scrape their moldy feet.

Beholding mortals down below
he ventured into vertigo
and felt his feeble ego grow
beneath a chocolate cheerio.

With halo (brown although it be)
he rose above the holey sea.
"The ruler of the angels, me!"
became his favorite fantasy.

While looking down his nose at them
(upon his head a diadem)
he framed his face in foggy phlegm
and claimed he came from Bethlehem.

He then could hear the angels trill
"Just stop, because you're mortal still,
and even then you're lacking skill
except to serve the swine their swill" .

While scribbling lines in lethargy,
he foamed and drooled "supremacy,
preeminence" delusively…
unbearable monotony .

And with a visage woebegone
he scribbled trash till well past dawn
not worth the paper written on
and thus he made the angels yawn.

At last the angels felt dismay
and chose to act without delay…
with nothing but a negligee
he landed in an alleyway .

Since then he's never ceased to whine
"Please worship I, I am divine,
the lord of those who worship swine".
He's pricky as a porcupine.

Well, back on earth since Saturday,
he daubs his face in disarray
with soul patch stripe and black beret
and prances like a popinjay.

His mental age stays stuck at three.
And never reaching puberty
he scrawls some **** poetry
which seems to be his destiny.


Log Crappó… well, he died in shame
cascading crap, his sole acclaim
accented ó, his only fame
with no one but himself to blame.

He finally made his last descent
inside the pit of punishment.
Now Satan's feeling discontent,
replaced as Prince of hell's torment.

On looking back, one must admit
he suffered from a lack of wit,
could never quite  get over it
so wrote his Masterpiece-of-****.

        CrE  aka  Trollminator
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
whatever we speak, it's hardly going to
be spoken of.

which means two                   kettles...
mind you: target practise
                    or as i mind
the 2.4
                of said: superman
in Iowa...
do i care to mind?
well, **** me!
   they verse in acronym
i.n.d.i.a. & c.h.i.n.a.
akin to a billion...
i'm tongue tied and heaving,
       *das bōt
this doesn't help the aesthetic...
with prolonging dies
the excess o...
                  kaiser schweizer min took!
      whatever that means,
they say funny accents in ****
to **** a thought of a zeppelin...
yhwh: or the hollowing-out,
awaiting the god to lift us out...
           Pythagorean umlaut
into a macron joinery...
            depending on your aesthetic...
Kreisler schisser...
                          twins anti avid,
interchange s and z...
and sharpening, shearing and cheering,
and so many excuses...
         the chard and the sh and the charcoal
and the shattering of, of the chatter:
                  cheap and sharp
or the acute variations of śarp & ćeap...
or what the first H represents:
an upper punctuation marking,
above the letter,
              Y or gamma γ vs. Υ (upsilon)
            in latter phrasing comma...
   or what's pinpointed with Y
and what's later replicated in trigonometric W
of sine and cosine, as is Y the tan divergence...
excesses bound to later and latter...
how to differentiate? the lay'ter
from the latté of not mopping up the surd
h and the vocalised h that's asphyxiating
within catching breath asthmatic?
                      people forgot punctuation
in the same way they forgot diacritical markings
but at least they got a pretty picture
and dyslexia, and iconoclasm, and
modern illiteracy;
as said modern conspiracy theory:
far **** away from 1990s cartoon network...
        everything you just said: doesn't
prop a need for me to buy things;
which is why, i guess, you need
a drugs trade that's the alternative
of consumerism.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
klatka: or cage -
don't ask me about the etymology.

czesław śpiewa, or: the prodigal son returns from
his hiatus in Denmark - talks accented slavic
and can't mustard the danish either - hello applause
of the mediocre crowd! intelligence? on the *bruk
                  just enough distance
between you and me and a sniff our a cinnamon stick
being sizzled. i'd love to love women like richard
burton -
   but i'd prefer women to liked to
be women loved by richard burton:
if that makes sense -
            the story goes that since wwii
women embraced enough feminism
to drive all the manual labour to china -
and in fluster were cited as shouting:
come back! come back! no to be, honey....
which is why men of a certain age
turn to reenacting the battle of hastings
of 1066... Darwinism has created
a historiology dynamic: rather than a historical
dynamic - oh sure, there's a logic (wording)
behind it, but we're not really writing history
these days, we're writing something
that attributes history of expression,
but is nonetheless merely celeb culture.
i see more body-parts in my cognitive
reflection that in my ****** reflexion -
             the ego is my right hand (since i am
right-handed), and so and so forth.
                   we've moved beyond history
and what sort of environment is needed to
write history: incompetence, sadism,
patriarchy, Versailles, an Ottoman harem -
generally speaking, strife;
the only thing that keeps us thinking of
a merciful god are the elements we're exposed to,
and on water we strive, and by water drowned.
        we haven't got that,
we have d.n.a. augmentation and for those
that are actually creationists in robotics -
de-humanoid: never have we become so
dehumanised by being cultured and educated -
i find more humanity in an unread scaffolder
than i dare to poke and pierce the yoke of
a librarian's gusto -
               apparently a fifth of 10 to 12 year old girls
have never experienced concentrating
         on encoded sounds -
and even more never managed to
               ballerina twirl an R into an Я:
Narcissus kept them barren with wasted hours
in-front of the mirror.
i have absolutely no idea (other than the accent-diversity
argument) why the Anglos never applied
"punctuation" / diacritical marks to the encoding -
but as Darwinism teaches us:
  even the bible doesn't state why snakes
don't have eyelids, let alone limbs:
i think that not having eyelids is more of an agony
that slithering across the platitudes -
mind you: cats are serpents in disguise:
and they a pair of eyelids: hence that nausea of endless
         sroka = magpie. some words really do sound
better in other languages...
                       they really do.
30 years on this earth and i've never bedded an English
or a Polish lass...
       African (tick), Russian (tick), Ukrainian (tick),
                    half-Indian (tick),
                           Thai (tick), Bulagrian (tick)...
****, i'm not picky -
i'll **** anything that moves; oh well, thank-****
that confession is over: or that's how i rationalise
the hot-air of conspiracy theories, and only believe
in things that really scare me;
and yes: you can be a really ******* on paper
after a drink or two, but as Adellè said:
                                       write not a word sober!
i mean, is sober literature even acceptable in that
Venetian banquet of fakery & blossoming?
     it just means you got tired of living
and started to chisel epitaphs on gravestones -
       if i wasn't in some ways impaired to do
what i used to do: i wouldn't have descended into
the Tartarus of Heidegger, and kept myself
afloat in the Hades of Stendhal and Dumas:
reasons all pointing toward posterity and
the love of weekend escapades to Stockholm Paris:
my my... Paris... or of what once was:
                                                          ci­rca 2004,
on the steps of Montemartre: **** you Heraclitus!
  which is the point: as man of individuated
surrounding we're but rivers, elongating and despairing
apart - but once in a century a man comes and
applies a transcendental overthrow of commoners such
me and Heraclitus: where there's no talk of a river
or the flux: instead the sea and the turbulence of
a tsunami, akin to Napoleon, ******, J.C.
all they said was universally true to all of them,
**** it, stampede!
          and it came to such blows of lost conscience and
massed mind virus: i really do care to say
    that such individuals (if we are to embrace
what's become a Cartesian dichotomy rather than
a duality, which is the case) are viruses:
collective manias: a Sydenham's syndrome
                                              (née st. Vitus' dance).
my interests in all of this?
    etymology is the wording of archeology when unearthing
plainer, dumber: etymology = archeology.
sure, there's the fashionable vocabulary,
there's also the standard Oxford vocabulary,
   then there's the cool kid slang something -
and then there's the individuation of vocabulary
toward idiosyncratic endeavours: on the palette:
a character study.
                   most people are familiar with
the archaic, like they're familiar with the magical -
but etymology really is archeology on paper -
     and the clear cut-off points? runes and
the Rosetta stone -
      i even find it believable that they're trying to
make Greek dodo (extinct) - if not for the Cyrillic script
i fear it would be so:
heh, half of infinity (∞) is ascribed to α (alpha):
if one follows less puncture dotting and more orchestral
   waving of a harry pooter wand
and the incantation: abraham **** dabble
(snoop in the b.c.) / abracadabra - case in the law courts
vs. the easter bunny: i'm starting to suspect
  there's a cliche involved with a magician
and a top-hat... the pyramids were feasible,
Auschwitz was ****** feasible:
the hanging gardens of Babylon? insane
(have a building where a garden is above the heavens?!):
oh look, here come the three "wise" (magi) men from the east!
            and all those known deviations from beer:
ale to the west (stale non-carbonated liquid cereal)
while mead (meed) to the east - or miód pitny
          (mew'd p'eat'nee - ee hollowed out) / drinkable honey.
                          or as i once said to her:
you try to bring me down: i'm going to do the trick
of pulling the tablecloth from a table with chandelier-like
preciousness of china or crystal: and fail to pull
that tablecloth neatly off the table: a bull
in a chinashop, me.
  - are we really still trying to sterilise ourselves
with the "sanity" of the sort of language english teachers
taught us in the first place? really?
well... as a poet i can't be considered a "respectable"
citizen... unless i have a rich husband and i'm a woman...
feminism, premature depression, chinese industrialisation,
         i would be accepted as a "respectable" citizen
if i wrote poetry on the side, but primarily
    had my lil' richard made into a patent for a *****
or decided to be a merchant selling all things
excluding the Quran: perhaps toothbrushes or bow-ties?
yep, Judas spilled the salt (whoever thought
that actual white meant we learned to do the Pavlov
trick, and everything tasted better and
no one wanted to snorkel at the great barrier reef
of what would be an acid trip otherwise) -
         i just find the new testament poetics exhausted,
everyone in the west knows this,
which is why all protestant nations decided
to read the nag hammadi library: literally.
well sure - this is the second coming, he's been coming
back since the year of the discovery of the library
(1945 a.d.) -
                          but i'm not buying it...
only because there's that undercurrent in the background,
that requires a little more patience with reading
    (a faux pas these days) and no chastity to be
redeemed when praying, if praying at all.
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016

another hello poetry babe got dumped on by

Her boy friend !!


Which one ?


There are already

100's of em lining the left edge

Of your screen by now !


Probably 1/2 of em on their 2nd or 3d

Dumping !


It's quite a show


Caint YE just see

All running around naked

Trying to cover themselves up !

Everyone throwing **** and  garbage at them

And giggling at their bouncing *****  !



These hello poetry babes !

Ya viene el General
ya ... el General
ya viene el General
montado en su caballo blanco, rodeado
de guardias y guardaespaldas y diputados y putas picadas
pasa debajo del arco triunfal
de papel
brillan en su pecho gordo sudado
las medallas color ****. Estallan
los cohetes. Toca la banda.
con el miedo, mirando a todos lados. Los cascos
del caballo resbalan en las revesadas de los picados
Simon Piesse Dec 2020
Prepare the barco,
Empújalo through the scrub.
‘It’s not much further now,'
His voice sugar-coated with expectation:
The flap of the jib, the slippery release into
El agua negra.
Summer sun has baked the avenue of grasses
Into wiry nests.
‘Do not open the gate,' he fulminates.

Waiting for the tren to pass
The gaze of the pasajero
Picks him out against the lights.
Wait, cross, check, shut the gate like you kiss
A un niño.

She pulls truculentemente against his bodyweight,
The smell of greased wheels
Mixes with the **** of ducks and burgers.

Canta ella:
‘It’s many the time I’ve sung this song,
Though the wind blows like a gale’.

How many more times can he set sail?
Before he is buried in the fango
And the sea shanty disintegrates
Into the
La vida empieza en lágrimas y ****,
Luego viene la mu, con mama y coco,
Síguense las viruelas, baba y moco,
Y luego llega el trompo y la matraca.
En creciendo, la amiga y la sonsaca,
Con ella embiste el apetito loco,
En subiendo a mancebo, todo es poco,
Y después la intención peca en bellaca.
Llega a ser hombre, y todo lo trabuca,
Soltero sigue toda Perendeca,
Casado se convierte en mala cuca.
Viejo encanece, arrúgase y se seca,
Llega la muerte, todo lo bazuca,
Y lo que deja paga, y lo que peca.
Bob B Mar 2018

The White House has lost its Hope.
Will Trump be able to cope?
Did she rhapsodize
His little white lies?
Is he at the end of his rope?

-by Bob B (3-2-18)


When Trump has a bad day,
All of us have to pay.
A trade war because
Of tariffs? Where was
His babysitter? Away?

-by Bob B (3-3-18)


We hear that a SECOND dossier
Has recently come into play.
The word "collude"
Gains certitude
More and more every day.

-by Bob B (3-6-18)


Some evangelical preachers
Prove to be rather odd creatures.
Judicious thought
Is something that's not
One of their outstanding features.

Although Trump's values collide
With theirs, they're still satisfied
That as chief of state
He'll make us great
For he still has God on his side.

-by Bob B (3-16-18)


Advice often falls on deaf ears
As Trump crosses brand-new frontiers.
Best wishes to Putin
Don't make for smart shootin'.
He ALWAYS confirms our worst fears.

The man just cannot resist
Putin, who’s first on his list.
Will no one say why
Putin's his guy?
Melania ought to be ******.

-by Bob B (3-22-18)


Trump might seem to talk a
Great deal about DACA.
Often he’ll dare
To say Dems don’t care.
What a bunch of ****!

-by Bob B (3-24-18)


In Stormy's concise interview
Not much was revealed that was new.
Does IT seem to strike
You, too, that it's like
Experiencing déjà vu?

-by Bob B (3-26-18)
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
.                     (˚<

caw caw, said the crow

                   mister hawk has finally

caught **** canine

                   §    §.   §
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
En France, the fans
hit the ****.

Tout a L'Egout
**** you too.

**** mon ******
what a good shot.

Gendarmes are Cochons
feel at home in the merde,

But it's flavoured with Garlic,
so the stink's a bit Werde ?


****** Maura Ein Volk.

Ta Bfalla haon Daoine.

And with that, Ryan goes
off the grind the coffee beans.

Time now 07 : 19.

Mallow in Ireland.

La deas agat.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
the **** happened  to the band
at the drive-in?
they were
the mozart to
my crumpet...
     i've been dying to
write some fan mail,
but never did,
i'm no
m. d. chapman
in all honesty,
i'm guessing the same
fate as that of
the band rival schools
happened to them;
mind you,
i spotted american
head charge
in their prime
with their 9 member "encore",
9 years later, shrunken,
cheeks exposed,
  from lady **** i-onine...
enfilade: mother leopard -
ten thousand coconut?
i'll be the hyena, you'll see.
gags and riches...
             we wait as lepers...
sieve through these lyrics,
as impressive
   as anything licking a riff...
the same barrage of sound as
a hendrix concert...
      didn't start clapping,
and certainly didn't start
to sing-along:
   the fuse when dead upon
the every other bittersweet "alas".
Mon Alius

Et si l'on effaçait d'un saut dans le vide

Du chemin de la Caféière

D'un commun accord, la barrière de ce cimetière,

Dont l'écorce défunte déploie ses quatre-chemins

entre le pangolin et la fourmilière ?

Mon Alter,

Et si au lieu de se poursuivre,

A coups de **** bougie,

De se frôler à se confondre,

On enterrait la flamme tremblante de sueur qui nous hache

Et nous envoie valdinguer de terrier en terrier

en zigzaguant comme des crabes en déshérance

Dans des toiles d'araignées musicales?

Mon I

Si on signait unilatéralement de nos pas pour la xième fois

A la énième heure du énième jour du énième mois

Un énième armistice sur un air de calypso

Sous le haut patronage de Mighty Sparrow ?

Mon Ombre

Abolissons donc cette frontière de pulpe rouge,

Cette parche mince qui nous encapsule,

Plongeons ensemble dans l'eau torréfiée

De la rivière de rhum qui dévale du volcan

Et dansons notre calypso en couple sans meneur

Sans frein, sans selle, sans harnais

Soyons cavaliers et montures de nous mêmes ! Et vice-versa !

Menons ensemble notre transe
MissNeona Apr 2020
Just queenin'
sittin on my throne makin' dukes,
servin' up the saddest soft serve you EVER heard,
Zywa Jan 2021
With Nana to the big city
the translation tongues in our ear
'Mignoter et manger, pipi, ****

dodo', we understand everything
that tourists are doing here
'Plain easy, isn't it?'

she sighs, satisfied, licking
a rainbow ice-cream
Tiresome uneasy

I think, all those people
I don't belong to them
'Grandma don't you think so:

grown-ups are actually
quite the same
when you hear them talk

because they already know
everything and I do not and
I think that's a lot more fun'
For Marlies Dons

Collection “The light of words”
visually delicious as  germane strudels
the following cooked years ago
courtesy me noggin awash with noodles.

Yours truly crafted remaining poem
around 27th July 2018
idea arose within me cerebral dome.

...As poetic theme came to mind
     in a Serge without a waiver
thus, I took a virtual Page
     from Google LLC to slaver
with little effort
     in an acceptable
     rhyming rant and raver
about said American

     multinational technology company
     that rode dot com bubble,
     where other startups did quaver
specializing in Internet-
     related services and products

     rolled out amidst
     much fanfare palaver
though odd, how such an obvious
     idea hit me like figurative brick
over thine noggin

     upon instantaneously espying
     Lyudmila Vladimirovna Rudenko
     Soviet chess player, and second
     women's world chess champion,
     from 1950 until 1953
     when bitta bing bitta
     chitty chitty bang bang
     that eureka momenta did click

mental wheels and cogs
     as oil derrick
hit a mother lode, thence subsequently
     inducing automatic flick
     as latest feted persona grata
     gets done up in bold face and/or Italic,
nonetheless a commendable
     spontaneous fantastic burst

     of inspirational magic
commensurate with mine
     modest prolific quixotic
of course, I WON'T applaud
     idea de jure as terrific
and puzzle over, how such "a ha"
brilliant idea did not occur to this -

     Ok la home ma sooner
     ushering world wide
    webbed ******* "FAKE"brouhaha
sooner to the mind
     of this humble ****
Louie, who admittedly
     feels tidy bowl flush with
     goo goo Lady gaga

(tony the TIGER FEELING great,
     a mild euphoria if gifted
     as lottery winner)
over the top smugness -
     unaware of jeering ha ha ha
within dark internet arena,
     where the much maligned,
     loathed, and feared Jaw

bar wall key (jabberwocky)
     dwells ready to pounce
     outsize egos hated
     like an incorrigible outlaw
hmm...perhaps cognizant

     ex post facto, I set
     a deadly faux paw
forever remembered as
     ornery oaf forced to eat raw
bits (hexadecimal at that!)
****** in via last turkey in straw
     that broke the camel's back.

— The End —