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Karijinbba Oct 2018
To increase good fortune
like a tree of life.
I changed!
got Wiser!
I didn't share my Knight
his destiny cursed Mom
birthing me! unprovoqued
playing us both
lover against lover
by chicanery deceit duplicity
backfiring deadly on me!
for his destiny to appear
wholly good being
more evil then good.
~~~SO NOW~
I create as I speak!
I won't disappear like the word
I was wholly good long ago
now I am more good than evil
ballanced rising beauty
Take heed though!
this really happened to me
not remembering this magic prescripted incantation
nor understanding it
a temporary memory loss
due to brain blood loss
Oh! many years ago
missing the mark
this timeless riddle
My loss was imeasurable!
I lost my true love.
Understanding it would have boomeranged me
joy happily ever after
Great fortune fame
True love priceless
along with saying
just TEN to fifty two
magic words
I never meant to hurt you.
me fierce unborn protector
twas wrong medical advice
I love you, I will marry you
I will sing for you
No birthing task will ever be too hard for me to show love
love of my life
I surrender to you
do with me as you please
if your LOVE is my prise!
I demeanish misfortune
in reverse below.
why fail to question
my exasperated response to
ur e-mail why not ask about
original offender e-mailer!
the poisoner coiled
to your bed waiting
was your breach of trust!
irate culprit setting up discord
your destiny wrote saying
"I was unhappy because I didn't like the WAY my mother's p...y looked when I was born!"
all out of jealousy!
malice greed evile way of
deceiving a man to see
an ugly deceiver
in more favourable light
it hurts doesnt it?
I returned fireball to smc
thinking viper still on to me
but it was you who got it!
uran back to wine-reward!
original offender dragging
you into her collapsing
black hole where
not even urlight escapes
your capricorn's revenge!
victims aren't fools!
foe is now exposed
~All copy rights reserved~
Take thee all thy wealth and treasures buried loot precious love
I wish for no other wealth from thee then to be thine wife from my virginity to have only thee one man one husband for the father of many of our children and to never know NO other man in this life or in many more, my Lancelott My King of Prussia PA Mont Davis,
Macchu-Picchu my highest
mountain climber lover
Hymalayan thee!
Its my wishing well coin wish for today since 44 Springs back.
Karijinbba Aug 2018
This bumerang effect
I thought it was a dream, I thought it wasn't real
But pain really hurts and it's really how I feel
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears
I don't know what is happening, because you always held my hand
You said you would never let go, that is what I don't understand
So many promises you made, and more of them broken
Lost and confused, feels like I'm choking
A lot of things I did not say
Now I can't find my way
I feel like a boomerang, you throw me but not only that
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back
Back to you, back to pain
Nothing has changed, you're still the same
I cannot start over because I don't know where to start
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can't I follow you
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too
All my life I felt boomeranged thrown
And i came back ashamed feeling like an aunt small dead calm in shock more lost then found speechless.
Boomeranged lost and found and found again yes i touched you I kissed youI had tasted you and swallowed
you to no abay you were all mine in spirit but physically upsent-that much I knew. Later on you pcrc even wrote that you would be mine for the taking when pcrc knew my real birth name if i'd met you half way but pcrcjpt wouldn't call or email me
your photo because you knew I knew you. it was only a safety issue for me since everything had been compromised to criminals and i had been kidnaped i couldn't risk my childrens life...meeting a man who wouldnt let me hear your voice nor see your present photo naturally you pcrc were protecting your married life you wanted to be taken from her but i wanted you pcrc to divorce her first on your own!
so boomersnged as i was i let your ugly monkey face ugly emasculinated black hole destiny concubine keep your *** and your many banks and mine among them. I know deep down in and out smc is an ugly two face murderer. Smc killed our love our life and our children were never born our geneology never intermingled later either because you d mentioned marrying her in the past in the beginning!oyou lost me right then.
So i raised fatherless children the devil would have been a better ***** donor father then the human trafficant poisoner I ran to broken hearted.!all because of your evil lies fake names saying you'd gotten married back then in my youth
when you werent and in fact you were waiting for me. Yes i am only human too i didn't understand you. I loved you pc.just to reapear twenty years later saying you were my true love just to soon turn atound and marry smc and again leaving me behind.,!! finding me again leaving me again and hoping i rescue yout *** from your viper concubine smc and her greedy daughter!
I rather be Boomeranged then with an idiot who can't ask me to.marry him upon finding me again! again and again!
what a nightmare.!!you were pcrc.!!
what a hearache heartbreak dwarf Duntz Richard troll you were to me.pc
Chimera melons Apr 2010
Sneaking in my house parents alseep . you ask me if you should leave.
a three hour drive  here , now, 3 am  
a lover who was left
boomeranged back and I didnt want to abandon you
The answer that would have led to another life for me
leave now what are you doing here show some respect!
instead we danced
And relived our trained puppet record
parental misguidance is easy to follow
love doesnt want to abandon
lust until it stings
Kenneth Springer Jun 2013
Today, I got punched in the face,
And I really liked it.
My lip roughly grazing the surface of my teeth,
Gently slicing my pomegranate edges.
My blood, tastes of used battery acid
Stinging my tongue on contact.

My head swung back a bit
As gravity seeks an answer
And always comes to collect.
I boomeranged back in place,
Just in time to hear the ringing
A deaf melody heard only by my ears.

When it was over I realized
My excitement was premature.
it all happened so fast.
Left me with the blues, a testicular protest..
I looked down at her.
Told her: “Now this side”
Today I got punched in the face twice..
And ******* loved it..
Styles 12 May 2017
Far away I thought You were-
for so long now my heart's been fighting
all this darkness
all around me, inside me
like a broken sword I could not fix alone......

Far away I thought you were
my face smashed cruel in darkness,
my hands bound tight with steel,
my mind trapped low in cages- my prayers on fire- dying....
so much love kept hidden-
every word was lost.

Far away I thought you were,
no kind justice on my side,
no fair game that i could see.

Rage burns hot enough to fester,
sorrow became a planet,
mercy a hanging dead man,
Europa became a home and all the ice a familiar story integrated in every bone.

Far away I thought you were...

Every country an enormous lie
Every Army a blind massacre
Every TV a space invader
with strings that play the puppets.

A mass invasion on common sense and Good will.

A mass invasion on my soul.

What a hard game to learn to play.
What a cruel deal to have to watch.

All this pointless death in the name of Power and Religion,
so many threats to life
running blindly to freely execute....

How can they not know what they are doing?
Have they cremated Care?
How many lies can one man take?
How many dark roads along this stretch?

Far away I thought You were
left abandoned and impaled

I could not hear you from such distance
I did not see any goodness left to cradle.

I banished myself from the kingdom- turned rogue
and left myself to torture.

Far away i thought you were, no reason left to live.

All my love and hopes were shattered until sunlight came sneaking in.
Insightful whispers draping down like rainfall to mountain peak.

Please turn it green again.

A powerful love from a boundless world not far away at all. who knew you could fit inside the heart? who knew your promise to be real? how bright is your spirit light tonight?

I gazed inside for you from some perfect rooftop I thought as dream- a golden city blinded me like a wish that boomeranged back belief, and restored my faith and love.

Far away I thought you were until a friendly knock came tapping at my door and I realized that you were the one wanting to be found.

Please connect me back to you.

I could not see your light from so far below the ground.

Far away i thought you were- my heart was a sail in a tumultuous storm flapping lonely with no sight of friend nor shore.

Far away I thought You were with only a vague sense of You on the other side of some incredible, invisible door.

Please Connect me back to You and turn it green again.

© 2014 Scott Lee
VentEmotion Jan 2017
I live in a space between hard and harder.
Harder Shaped my life under shapers of elastic.
Elasticaly snapped back in and out .Boomerang!
Boomeranged after i swung perspectively and precisely
Precisely bounced in my face like attempt never occured.
ReOccurring in my situation i tend to fall back.
back and lost in my own sauce .
Sauce spilled in a carpet room ..where to start.
Start from a different angel or stick to my script.
Scripted in a manaul of life's virtual reality
Reality is fading now falling apart
Apart cant be defined.
Defined as real or fake become the dark truth.
Truth told to many and lied to alot .
Alotted time to make sense of none but un told truth amended into what is real.
Real set back time if not percieved correctly.
Correct settings is what i needed to find,
finding out assuming reality is what set me correctly back.
The following poetic account
written more'n a dozen ***** dancing decades ago,
while I (a socially withdrawn **** Sapiens)
groveled along (on a secret Msn)
along boulevard of broken dreams,
whereby yours truly forced to eat crow
quite challenging cuz
wonky twittering angry birds
alive and well darting hither and yon to and fro
able, eager, ready, and willing
to gouge out the eyes of one common Joe.

Arduous agonizing affliction
didst unrelentingly assault and assail...
aghast to exhale... lest I would lose
desperate clinging clutch
held by more'n one
but less than eleven  
bloodied cracked fingernail
phantasmagoric phalange like tendrils constricted
stoppering me to whisper or wail
against being swallowed into hello poetry tumblr

(think Alice in wonderland
falling into rabbit hole)
yawning abyss menacingly beseeched
hmm...release could immediately curtail
cumulative (lifetime's worth) travail
freefalling, pirouetting unnervingly,
unstoppably, unwaveringly... zipping
into infinite black hole sun hell
buzzfeeding me where linkedin
earthlinked suffering lovely bones would ail

making minced meat out of me
“****” vanish as guilt – courtesy didst hail
analogous storm trooper peppering
Pennsylvanian's psyche... with eternal jail
time for eternity excluded option
asper garden variety baby boomer male,
albeit the father of deux darling daughters,
the eldest (broke vow of silent communication),
she reached out after months long hiatus telltale
sign indications to accept genuine apology

her biological father (me) culpability
regarding destitution raged against hurtfulness,
he affixed indelible psychological scars each travail
boomeranged back to yours truly duress
during her impressionable years, she did rail
and rant similar to countless
previous conversations, the scale
innocent intelligent progeny, we begat
(myself and misses) financially ill prepared
to provide respectable accommodations.

Our "dirt poor" status detrimental
livingsocial among affluent MainLine
incomes luxe Lower Merion
living costs fateful design
neighbors cursed, ostracized, vilified...
unsightly unkempt property (i.e. unmanicured)
intolerant snobs didst malign
child welfare services called NOT to dine,
but emphatic for papa and mama to align
dwelling safe and secure for minors

yes, I attest despicable living conditions
crowded house with Zison heirlooms
owners - malignant hoarders did confine
considerably reducing cubic feet,
they relations of spouse evicted us
ready to point carbine
at temple...quicker than noose
dead of winter 2010 near homelessness
relocated within "roach motel" decline
'twixt omnipotent bond

among our dynamics with offspring
livid with rage, asper an inferno no divine
comedy compounded by lascivious
behaviour - mine to hasten dateline
enduring helplessness, hardship
being alive plus brandished carving knife
against self witnessed...I assign
poor marks as paternal parent,
who bemoans loathsome
impact...this papa gropes toward hotline!
Arduous agonizing affliction
doth unrelentingly assail...
aghast to exhale lest...lose
desperate clinging clutch
held by bloodied cracked fingernail
phantasmagoric tendrils constrict

stoppering me to whisper or wail
yawning abyss menacingly beseeches
hmm...release could immediately curtail
cumulative (lifetime's worth) travail
freefalling, pirouetting unnervingly,
unstoppably, unwaveringly... zipping

into infinite black hell hole ail
mince vanish as doth guilt - a hail
storm peppering psyche... jail
time for eternity excluded option
asper garden variety baby boomer male,
albeit the father of deux darling daughters,

the eldest (broke vow of silent communication),
she reached out after months long hiatus telltale
indications to accept genuine apology
her papa (me) rages against hurtfulness, he
affixed indelible psychological scars each travail
boomeranged backed to yours truly duress

during her impressionable years, she did rail
and rant previous conversation, the scale
innocent intelligent progeny, we begat
(myself and misses) financially ill prepared
to provide respectable accommodations

"dirt poor" status detrimental
with affluent MainLine
incomes luxe Lower Merion
living costs fateful design
neighbors cursed, ostracized, vilified...
unsightly unkempt property (i.e. unmanicured)

intolerant snobs didst malign
child welfare services called NOT to dine
but emphatic for papa and mama to align
dwelling safe and secure for minors
yes, I attest despicable living conditions
crowded house with Zison heirlooms

owners - malignant hoarders did confine
considerably reducing cubic feet,
they relations of spouse evicted us
ready to point carbine
at temple...quicker than noose
dead of winter 2010 near homelessness

relocated within "roach motel" decline
among our dynamics with offspring
livid with rage, asper an inferno no divine
comedy compounded by lascivious
behaviour - mine to hasten dateline
enduring helplessness, hardship

being alive plus brandishing knife
against self witnessed...I assign
poor marks as paternal parent,
who bemoans loathsome
impact...this papa gropes toward hotline!
The following poetic account
written more'n a dozen ***** dancing decades ago,
while I (a socially withdrawn **** Sapiens)
one indigent Yahoo
groveled along (on a secret Msn)
along boulevard of broken dreams,
whereby yours truly forced to eat crow
quite challenging cuz
wonky twittering angry birds
alive and well darting hither and yon to and fro
able, eager, ready, and willing
to gouge out the eyes of one common Joe.

Arduous agonizing affliction
didst unrelentingly assault and assail...
aghast to exhale... lest I would lose
desperate clinging clutch
held by more'n one
but less than eleven  
bloodied cracked fingernail
phantasmagoric phalange *******
like tendrils constricted
stoppering me to whisper or wail

against being swallowed
into hello poetry tumblr
(think Alice in Wonderland
falling into rabbit hole)
yawning abyss menacingly beseeched
hmm...release could immediately curtail
cumulative (lifetime's worth) travail
freefalling at lightspeed, jump/
kick starting pirouetting unnervingly,

unstoppably, unwaveringly... zipping
into edge of night
along the outer limits
of the twilight zone
defining, harboring lurking dark shadows
spelling infinite black hole sun - hell
buzzfeeding me where linkedin
earthlinked hotmail of pinterest,
suffering lovely bones would ail
making minced meat out of me

“****” analogous to an imagine aery dragon
vanish as guilt – courtesy didst hail
analogous storm trooper peppering
Pennsylvanian's psyche... with eternal jail
time for eternity excluded option
asper garden variety baby boomer male,
albeit the father of deux darling daughters,
the eldest (broke vow of silent communication),
she reached out after
months long hiatus telltale
sign indications to accept genuine apology

her biological father (me) culpability
regarding destitution raged against hurtfulness,
he affixed indelible psychological
scars each etching indelible travail
boomeranged back to yours truly duress
during her impressionable years, she did rail
and rant similar to countless
previous conversations, the scale
innocent intelligent progeny, we begat
(myself and misses) financially ill prepared
to provide respectable accommodations.

Our "dirt poor" status detrimental
livingsocial among affluent MainLine
incomes luxe Lower Merion
living costs fateful design
neighbors cursed, ostracized, vilified...
unsightly unkempt property (i.e. unmanicured)
intolerant snobs didst malign
child welfare services called NOT to dine,
but emphatic for papa and mama to align
dwelling safe and secure for minors
and miners for a heart of gold

yes, I attest despicable living conditions
crowded house with Zison heirlooms
owners - malignant hoarders did confine
considerably reducing cubic feet,
they relations of spouse evicted us
ready to point carbine
at temple...quicker than noose
dead of winter 2010 near homelessness
relocated within "roach motel" decline
'twixt omnipotent covalent
carbonic, harmonic, opportunistic bond

among our dynamics with offspring
livid with rage, asper an inferno no divine
comedy compounded by lascivious
behaviour - mine to hasten dateline
enduring helplessness, hardship
being alive plus brandished carving knife
against self witnessed...I assign
poor marks as paternal parent,
who bemoans loathsome
impact...this papa gropes toward hotline
writhing with agony
worse fate than swallowing quinine!

— The End —