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Images of the shadowed morning
Break the eastern sky.
Exhausted from the sleepless night
And conversations being shy.
An impending funeral with
New birthed melodies,
Then drop back into covers before the day is spent.
Not a word heard from those who said they'd call,
No message of encouragement waiting on my phone.
I am destined to travel
With shadows beneith my eyes
Because I spent another sleepless night
Crying in the darkness.

It's not because of you or him or anyone.
I knew I was never enough-- or beautiful.

*Just stop pretending I wasn't real.
Ladrone: robber. ladronism, n. brigandage.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2017
You helped me heft
My burdens
You shared in all my cares
You also heavy laden
Your own loads in which to bear.

You took me through
The Bible
Through the stormy seas
Of my misunderstandings
You helped me to ease

Through thick & thin
Supported me
A stalwart friend so true
I could n'er find another
More trustworthy than you!

As a supporter you excell
There to lend a hand
You garner no great glory
As by my side you stand.

You're the lifter of my arms
A background tune that sings
You're an inspiring backdrop
The wind beneith my wings.

Please know that I have
Great respect
For you are from above
I will ever cherish you...

You'll always be LOVED.

(C) 11/5/2017
To a very dear friend who has always helped me to understand the Bible and its correlation to every aspect of life. She has been a wonderful support in every way. I believe the armor bearer is more important than the warrior. This lady has a TRUE servant's heart... she is dearly LOVED!
I find love in you're eyes
           for the first time
   there is wormpth beneith you're hands
those hards dangerous hands
      tenderley yet hungerly
coress my skin leaveing me yet again borised
only now I'm kissed by those lips
lips that ounce crussed me
       leaving holes in my soul
    holes  that I never thought would heil
now they kiss me & it's the worst thing you could ever do
becuz tomarrow will turn back the hands of time  
    & I will live yet again in yesterday
where you're hand will bruise
me and you're words will eat a hole in my heart 100 times more then ever becuz now even after the *** runs dry
RISE off the ground cuz you are BETTER
better then the insects the crawl
RISE off the ground cuz you are BRAVER
then the SICK and The COWARDS that fall
cuz you growe in the womb of a princess
ROYALTY but she was not told
and you came form the seed of a gentleman
that was blind when he **** the roung rhoud
RISE like the sun does each morning
even when it gets cold
RISE cuz the rhoud beneith you needs room
so it may unfold
get off the ground
This is me on my soapbox, trying to be insperationa
( bad bad spell, sorry)
I find love in you're eyes
           for the first time
   there is wormpth beneith you're hands
those hards dangerous hands
      tenderley yet hungerly
coress my skin leaveing me yet again borised
only now I'm kissed by those lips
lips that ounce crussed me
       leaving holes in my soul
    holes  that I never thought would heil
now they kiss me & it's the worst thing you could ever do
becuz tomarrow will turn back the hands of time  
    & I will live yet again in yesterday
where you're hand will bruise
me and you're words will eat a hole in my heart 100 times more then ever becuz now even after the *** runs dry
Destre' Oct 2015
unable to think
unable to focus
all to aware that you're there
unforced and undeniable
the connection between us is eleteric
or maybe its just my attraction to you that paulsing
maybe my interest,
maybe this electricity,
is one sided
making my desion to just play it cool, relax, fight it
fight the overwhelming yearn to talk to you
fight the titlewave of over exagerated feelings
every erg
every thought thats telling me to spill my guts
play it cool
i dont even really know you
but as bad as it may be,
in my head i already do
your quiet and to yourself
and i want to know if theres sombody els
that youre hidding beneith the surface
tell me
spill your guts
im not afraid
be that titlewave
let everything youve never said wash over me
and know ill still be there in the end
When the wave has cleared
And debre is scattered
I'll help you pick up the peices
DC raw love Dec 2014
My journey from somewhere to nowhere.
With nothing beneith my feet.

As the journey ends, within my head.
My feelings of solitude are gone from my head.

As light leads me from my destiny within.
My eyes have finnaly opened and my dreams now begin.

With my past as my guide, from my feelings within.
My heart has now taken over, as my true life begins.
Brynn S Nov 2018
Burst of nothingness
Fallen into mind
They scream
They bleat
Falling silently
Nothing to fleat
The flies swarm
They fleat
The tombs hide
Continue to eat
Gasp and cry
Buried inside
His rejection still sits there
In the back of my mind.
Even though it's been so long,
So long that I thought I moved on,
I still can't let anyone get that close to me.
I can't be open…
It hurts too much.
Too much to wish and hope
That someone may actually care about me
After I let them in.
And letting them in--
I know they will leave
Once they see the broken and
Ugly inside of me.
It isn't a good thing for me to fall in love
Cause I've never been loved back.

Just give him a chance
Start slow
*To let him see the real person and beauty beneith
DC raw love Dec 2014
My journey from,
somewhere to nowhere.

With nothing beneith my feet.
As the journey ends,
within my head.

My feelings of solitude
are gone from my head.

As light leads me
from my destiny within.

My eyes have finnaly opened
and my dreams now begin.

With my past as my guide
and my feelings within.

My heart has now taken over
as my true life begins.
DC raw love Nov 2014
My journey from,
somewhere to nowhere.
With nothing beneith my feet.
As the journey ends,
within my head.
My feelings of solitude
are gone from my head.
As light leads me
from my destiny within.
My eyes have finnaly opened
and my dreams now begin.
With my past as my guide
and my feelings within.
My heart has now taken over
as my true life begins.
Apple on a Rose Nov 2020
I have loved you with every piece of my soul,
the parts that make up my heart,
the parts I'm not even totally sure how to locate.
I loved you with it all.
Everything within me.
And I knew not just because of the ways our eyes would meet,
or in the times we'd smile as we took turns letting our loved ones know;
"I'm going to marry him/her."
I know because when you broke me you broke all of me.
Pieces I didn't know could carry feelings
Now felt crushed into a million,
Each weighed down by their own pain.
I know because the cliche's
Of girls being unable to eat
and going slightly crazy
No longer were something of a dramatic film.
But an experienced reality straonger than any other thing I've felt.
I was filled with fury,
So sure each part of me was cabale of turning red
Causeing burn to the touch
In the way my body consitantly shook from the adreinalin beneith my skin and the hollowness of my body lacking fuel.
Everything no long being apitising,
Just chores I was told I had to do.
I was angry with every fiber in my being.
In ways I've never felt,
And weren't prepared for.
Because it was you.
It was never meant to be you.
The tears that burnt my skin werent meant to blame you
The torture inflicted was never meant to have you as the cause.
The sleepless nights and workouts at 4am with hopes of exhaustion
Were never meant to be caused by you.
Entering my dreams turning them to nightmares.
It was you.
I was not prepared for it to be.

Because, it was always meant to be you...
Just in every possible alternative way.
It was meant to be you holding me while I cried.
It was meant to be you to fetch the tea.
It was meant to be you to embrace the stillness when words couldnt offer much.
It was meant to be you to chose the songs of emotion and love.
It was meant to be you in every other possible way.

But now I need to learn to know.
Who a person is
And who you thought they could be
Are rarely the same..

— The End —