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Crandall Branch Feb 2018
Birds fly over mountains
Like some feathers floating down
From the sky

I see a bald eagle
It reminds me of you becaause
it is so majestic

But it also reminds me
of freedom

I see the Statue of Liberty
She is green like you're eyes

I gaze over the ocean
You, my darling, are my American Dream
Please leave comments and feed back !!!! XOXOX  Crandall
Haley marie Mar 2015
my life is like a movie
except the total opposite of that
i am a mess
i try to cover it up
and i do a hell of a good job
i can't sleep at night
something about the darkness
keeps me up
i don't eat a lot
i don't really like too
no i don't starve myslef
i've never come close to it
some people eat when their bored
i eat becaause i need to.
my life is an endless record on repeat
i do the same thing
week after week.
month after month
routines are good for me
at least that's what they say
James Foley Aug 2019
She shunned him—hung upwhen heI'd call.
His broken heart cried, End it all!'
On a dock's edge, above the ocean
He stood and drank a poisoned potion.
Then looped a noose around his head,
And with one shot shot himself dead.

Or would have, but he missed his head
And shot th noose loop loose instead,
Then, falling, gulped the salty ocean,
Which made him puke the poisned potion.
Swimming ashore, he blamed himself
Becaause he could not slay nimself.
But then she came. He watched her fall
Into his arms, answering his call.
Crazy fantasy, but good wshes for us all.

— The End —