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Jon Tobias Apr 2012
Your rose colored glasses make everything okay

Until the shades blend
and you're seeing red again

There will always be a point
where filters deliver their ***** backwash
and you're left with the mess the elephant made
in the corner of the room
and he's rubbing your nose in it

He's rubbing your nose in it

I know I am only beer goggle beautuful
A latex layer of desensitization
to try and make our crash last longer

And you see in hues
of rising shades of deadly
Miss my blushing
so you don't realize
how uncomfortable this is making me

But you're smelling roses
Feel the thorn's *****
but miss the blood on your hands

Wonder why the roses suddenly smell so coppery

Please let us learn how to peel back the layers

Flay me like a whale
on a boat-deck-cutting-board

Pull me out of my element
and peel back my skin
while I am still begging you not to

See me for who I am
while I am at my most vulnurable

writing poetry at 2 am
when I should be sleeping

A t-shirt over a lamp shade
because I am afraid to sleep alone in the dark

The door cracked so I can hear if my father falls again

Sometimes silence scares me
Sometimes it is all I want

Right now it is so quiet
There are no filters here

Your rose colored glasses make everything okay

Everything is not okay

Flay me

See me for who I am

without any filters

Then tell me you still love me
First line donated by Nicole (Lady) Adams
Neha shimoga Apr 2016
Stygian it was when she
looked at her face.
Her mind was angelic
and so was her soul.
Her lips were droughty
and her eyes were
Scars on her hand
reminded her of her
flagitious battle against
the world.
Every day she hid
herself in the
shadows of the
people who demean and
demote her as their
soul was as black
as hell which
could conceal
all her flaws and imperfections.
She made darkness her home
as the world outside was cruel.
Nobody looked at her for her
celestial soul.
She had forgotten what it was like
to be euphoric.
All the fiendish products she
used to make herself look
beautiful were lying on
the floor.
With empty eyes
and wasted hopes
she walked
towards the mirror but
turned away as she was
Scared to look at herself.
She wore a mask
of makeup everyday
which still didn't satisfy
society's needs.
Perfect skin with no
Flaws was
Considered the new
She had a heart made of gold
but no one realised that
appearance is not what
makes someone beautuful
and beauty is always
on the inside and it
begins when you
start being yourself .
We should always be ourselves and never let anyone bring us down. We all have imperfections and that is what makes us beautiful. One should also have an angelic mind and a celestial soul. Beauty is always on the inside. Inner beauty is what matters the most because most of the times looks can be deceiving too. We should always treat everyone equally and make them realize how pretty and special they are cuz everybody is perfect just the way they are. Be-you-tiful and keep smiling :3
TreadingWater Dec 2015
spent; spinning for a poet
& a writer before
how each
and stuck to-the-floor

because words are what matter
i'd climb inside...if i could
their minds spin that magic
i know better;.... i should

no knack to trade words
with anyone new
it's the writers and poets
who help hear the hues

ah,.. their loving is trag//ic
.... and beautuful, too
cause you can't help, but to hold them
and they.can' it, too...

the minute they let you
into their hearts
you find it's a chamber
with tangled-up parts

and they will love you with all
they've got -to- spare
but there is always some haunting
of ghosts ^hang^ing^ there

they'll hold you so close
while,..they hold you at bay
and they'll crush\you\with\silence
when they've no.thing to. say.

cause they haven't quite left you
but it's headed that way
you're the next empty spector
in their collection today.....

while they're penning you in
they'll leave your heart drained
& alone in your worry
about alloftheir__pain

yet,...i've done it before
and...i'll do it again
like Whiskey.and.Gin
Dr.Seuss for grown ups
Jonny Angel Feb 2014
Your beautuful words
seep deep into my mind,
they touch my raw nerves
at the core level,
where my electrons spin circles
around my nuclei.

I can't keep my mind off of you.
I imagine us in all situations,
bouncing our atoms
off of each other,
mixing our chemistries,
solving sensual-mysteries
with the collision of our hearts.
Jo Beller Apr 2014
I found my self wondering,
how can a dress be so bold when it is mad out of so little fabric?

And how can the bottom of the ocean be so marvelous
when it is so small compared to the gallons of sea blue water engulfing it

I wonder why lovers find allies and dark, dirt corners the place to be when
the entire city is a step away

Darling, you have such a charming, ginormous, beautuful personality. I love everything about you, but today i do not want to know which sweater you selected from your closet this morning, or what film you watched last night or what your family is life

I want to know your bold,
dark, **hidden secrets
Jonny Angel Mar 2014
Fragrances swirl around me,
coils of smoke
unfold and float
into the heavenly-atmosphere
surrounding me on my unfurled mat.

Using my third eye,
I gaze upward,
into the brilliant stars,
my hands configured
in a sacred-mudra,
finger to thumb,
& all knowing.

I am whisked away
into another world,
to a humble place,
where our beautuful-minds
are everything,
the supernovae of all humanity,
stripped of our vanity
& reverent.
The Mellon Mar 2018
When words fail,
How will I tell you...

You're beautuful.

Will the moon light shinning down on your eyes
Will the fireflies in disguise
Be enough.
To tell you you're beautiful.

When words fail,
How will I tell you...

I love you.

Would a thousand red roses
Will a great symphony composes
Be enough.
To tell you I love you.

When words fail,
How will I tell you...

Forever and ever you're  mine.

Would a thousand poems spoken
Will arms forever open
Be enough.
To tell you,
Forever and ever you're mine.

When words fail,
I'll show you my heart threw my eyes instead
I'll dance with you threw the night
I'll hold you close so you might

Know that when words fail,

I'll always love you.
KathleenAMaloney Aug 2016
Looking Up
A  Beautuful Ring  Of Mystery
Dark Cloudy Smoke with a
Blossoming  Interior

Calmly enjoying the Look
Startled.. Suddenly
High  Above the Ground
Nuclear Explosion
Except It Wasn't
Just  Below on the Hillside
Wall of Uncontrolable Fire
Moving  Quickly
I heard Myself Speaking on the Phone
Asking. Throwing the phone down, Running..
The Road Now Cut off
Car  Driving Quickly Quickly
Over  rocks and Sandy Sage
Uphill SideWays  Desperate
No Road. .. Running
Like It was Frim A Chopper
First an Antelope, a Deer,  a Hund

They Saw Me
From Above
Shared On Facebook
LOST.....IT said

But They Found Me
Marked on a Map
A World Population Map:

Where Aboutd

I wondered
Are We Going To get Hit By An Asteroid?
A Giant Prison Camp
The Gulag
Of The  Next Tyranny

What Veil?
Hidden In A Consciousness
Already Known

Mapped  As An Animal
Protected As A Child
None An Accurate Portrayl
Or Was It
Just a Different Point of View

For Extermination
On A Dying Planet
Always a comlusive romantic but values rule
Never committed adultery cheated to date
If one is honesly open with those one loves
It's no sin to for making love to open the gate

We all know the words both being yes and no
One day we all are going to stop breathing true
And most of us  do things being work exersize
Making love great for the heart soul and mind

Keeping lives to ones self good for one and both
But doing so take time and slowly give your all
There are no takers of love only two giving fine

Low lights soft music open fire and good wine
Phones off hooks doors locked comfort as well
Body heat oil fragrantly cented ample of same
I love natural music on a tin roof sound of rain

Always loved making love to one loving it too
The night still young just begun till the sun
Finding the feelings precious to feel slowly
Twp making love a beautuful gift time begun

( Making Love is not being INLOVE )

terrence michael sutton  
copyright  2018
Maddy Nov 2024
Many trees
Beautuful orchids and flowers
Incredible tropical fruit
Asian and Hawaiian cuisine
Local delicacies
Pele is sacred deity
Pele-honua mea
Pele of the sacred land
Ka wahine’ beyond compare
She can be gentle and loving
She has a wicked side as well
Many other gods and godesses
Legends and mystery
Sacred homage
Stunning blue oceans and white waves
Volcanic landscapes and black sand beaches
Lovely green sea turtles(Honu)
Big Island laid back lifestyle
Hilo has many days of rain
Listen to the quiet and natural sounds of Kona
Seems unreal in the United States
She is very real and stunning
Wahiaka o ka maluha a me ka Maluku
Place of peace  and tranquility
Always remember Kona
The youngest Island
The Big Island
What so many fail to see is the alility
To look within and see whats there
The outer shell can be ever beautiful
But the soul within matters to be fare

How often I hear of hes so handsom true
But deep within could be an inherited blue
Even your worst nightmare waiting for you
Not doing your homework a bad choice through

Learn to look within for signs of pure happiness
And ask of inner feelings if they care to confess
Follow your vibes voices of your very inner soul
Real love might be but even disiples wear a dress

Its your life but choices don't come forever free
Snap decisions often the wrong path that be
Making love ever beautuful and evil does it best
It never hurt a soul enjoy but remain your destiny

If two are really sure than the blessings are many
But you belong to you never sell yourself to anyone
Your heart has so much further yet to go in life
From birth until your whole life is thus over and done

Your ability to look within is born deeply within you
Your vibes are of advice from souls that sincerely care
Listen to them you won't go wrong for most of life to be
And loving yourself is no sin it allows a good life to bare

Equals preach but they are humans also wealth in mind
No better than yourself and only one of you to find
Be proud of whom you are and be that ever so well
Be yourself and to yourself always be ever so kind

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Love can hurt you, but it can feel so good at the same time. But when it ends, or someone you love hurts you, it hurts a thousand time worse than if someone else you don't really love said or did the same thing. We give that power to people over us. We surrender ourselves and make ourselves vulnerable only because we expect the person we are surrendering to will not ever hurt us . Those feelings have roots that run deep inside of the fabric of who we are. Sometimes the roots will take hold, and when the other person waters them, and cares for them, it turns to the most beautuful thing you could ever imagine. But when its neglected, and abused, the same thing that was beautiful is now poisoned, and like I said the roots run deep. You can feel like a completely different person when you're with someone. Just more confident and happy. But the same person can make us feel so horrible about ourselves. Why do we give this power over our emotions to people? Is it because we feel like we have that same power over them?
As I sat way above the lower valley
I admired the mountain that was there
Down it's sides tall pines grew lower
As if upon a maiden her longest hair

The colors on it's face smiled in sunlight
As clouds passed it gave expressions true
It's soul lived since days of so very old
Yet to this day seduced viewers old and new

Natures seasons had dressed her accordingly
A mountain of deepest thoughts of memory
Silently it had seen generations as they grew
Never telling of what it knew of passed or to be

I sat looking at it in total admiration of view
So beautuful within it's being yet as if also wise
A mountain that diserved credit for it's beauty
A natural pleasure to all soul mind and eyes

I gave it the name of all things naturaly created
I think of my thoughts of it there it surely knew
It danced among it's trees as mountain winds blew

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Your breath is in the fragrance of the rose , whisper in the breeze,
All is Beauty, Splendour: Heaven's surrealist surprise.
When you whistle in the air, I babble to the brook,.
You play the harp with beautuful notes with a celestial look.
All is perfect, all is melody,
Dreams float in ether in their roseate rhapsody.

The swift falling cascades  crooning to the Zephyr,
The pliant plenitude is vibrant with the Divine elixir;
The silent touch soon trembles by the timid leaves,
Rustles are vibrant in distant woodland's solemn outfit.
An asphodel Felicity spreads fast the nectar around,
I am lost in YOU and YOU in ME in the Divine playground;
The earthly life uncertain soon begins to cease,
We are ONE, lost in its profundity in this infinite release.

In Symphony's songs seized with Love's aureate wings,
The dewy dawn walks down to kiss first the Sun-bathed beams;
The Earth is joyful, Bliss-rapt, and golden attire-clad,
The New Creation filled with voluptuous vanity, forever glad.

The flight for the Unknown heights awaiting time,
The far off distant hills sing momentous songs sublime;
The ****** vesper Moon lurks behind stars with her silvery mirth,
To make our Journey a miraculous event in the sacrosanct Vast.

All things are pure, sanguine that bloom in time,.
For, Time waits for none, we must reach its never-ending rhyme;
The Blossoms of the Brown look up to the sky to rise,.
The tiresome tidings of Soil seek solace in an Elysian paradise.

The unique unison is classic, transcending mortal acts,
Triumphant, Supreme unbesieged by any earthly artefacts -
With star-cradled joy and Moon-rapt blithe,
The unbridled mind in Rapture's kingdom does forever cease.

The One Immutable embraces us in His never-ending clasp,.
To make our life Eternal, Omnipresent in His Eternal Vast.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Sri Jagannath Dham, Puri. 9th Nov 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy orofound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart for Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy profound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart to Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
J J Apr 2020
We all have nights we'll take to the grave,
And I love you so much I wish that wasn't the case.

I love you so much as to want to become you,
To coexist in one another's traumas, drawing one from two

But the reality of the situation outweighs my selfishness;
The right to obsession should only be granted with the wish
To respect the person you love so much. Tonight will be questionless,
Tomorrow can be too. As long I'm with you now I'll be in love again with every new kiss.

Skip our pasts, skip the faults that halted us before we made one another better,
And settle on this beautuful happy silence built on years of trial and error.

I love you,
And I no longer have to say it,
I don't need to know every detail that made you,
As long as it is you I am with.

— The End —