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Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
Someday we will have DJs at funerals.
I should know. I DJ'd a wedding once.
Well I shan't say I DJ'd the wedding.
I merely pressed play on the tiny boom box (SONY) and here comes the bride.
Twas a beautiful wedding.
A black wedding.
The bride was my first cousin Tamara.
Yes the whole thing was beautiful.
Stop it already.

A scant 4 years later I attended her death.
A rainy morning.
A call.
Awoken early
the morning sun not up.

I have a photograph taken July 27, 2003 maybe!
My brother her sister and I on a Carribean cruise. I'm sticking a tongue out. I was mad at the fine Bahamian wearing fake dreads making money by posing for photos for the non-natives. But if you bypass my tongue in the photograph you can see her. You can see the foursome of us smiling with some random Bahamian fake dread.

If you look slightly left in the photograph you can see her smile.
Her smile.
Her joie de vivre.

A moment if you will allow me. Away from the boat the Bahamian boys would not leave her alone. They would whistle, catcall, stare and menace. But she was my family. She was my cousin. Her protector and her friend. Those boys' eyes would follow us. But when I held her hand down the boardwalk they did not dare come within punching distance.

I will refrain from her beauty.
Her elegance.
Her ability to tell me to 'shut the **** up' with only a glance.

Somewhere buried I have the video of her wedding.
I can't watch it anymore but perhaps I should.
I need to see her happy again.
Beautiful again and
looking forward.

United States
It was breast cancer. She wasn't even 30 yet.
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Iguana of diamonds,
Sand sea and sun,
Little children in sight,
Attractions of light,
Natives of love,
Decorative cities, what night.

Island’s of the Bahamas beauty as can be,
What more fun than playing with dolphins in the sea.
Creative costumes, dancers so bright,
The music dramatized, Feel the rush it’s a site.
Nothing more beautiful than the island themselves,
Well except the people willing to give help.
Pineapples, peas and rice, pink sand, flamingoes, and some conch salad,
Not forgetting the “KALIK,” cause’ “IT’S A BAHAMIAN TING”.
Blue, Black and Aquamarine, was just described to you,
All in the Islands Love.
Come and enjoy the exciting experience too!
My Bahama Land!

© RGN - Nov./3/10

Trying something new...
Cana May 2018
The skies were grey
The rain fell fat
Her smile was wide
Sheets, covered that.
Just another wet ol’ day.
wah Dec 2013
I like to think that I tried.
But at the same time
they used to like to think that the world was flat
and that green eyes meant that you were cursed.
I also like to think that I would go to the end of the galaxy for you,
just so that I could fetch a few stars and bring them back
to show you that not every light is burnt out yet.
I like to think that the scars on both of our wrists
will fade with time and will heal with care.
But so far, the redness has not subsided.
Your voice is still ringing in my ears.
I’m not sure what you are saying, but you’re there.
And you’re here.
For the most part, you are everywhere.
And if I could spend one more restless night
curled in your arms so that I could kiss the inside of your wrist
and hope for magic to appear, I could die tomorrow
and be okay with that.
My tombstone could be painted yellow
and my corpse could grow flowers.
All because I hoped for a little magic
while the howling wind touched the windowpane
and your breath quickened on my shoulder.
I would let the coolness of your eyes
take my memory back to the Bahamian sea.
I would let the flutter of your eyelashes remind me
of the rainbow parrotfish and the fire coral.
I would let the salty softness of your skin sink into mine
so that maybe I won’t be so sharp anymore.
I would let myself drown in you
and this time
I wouldn’t call for help.
I would save my last gasping breath
to let you know how beautiful you are.
Then I would succumb to your sea
and I would sink to the bottom
to let my corpse plant flowers in you.
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I was blistering crimson from
The Bahamian sun
With sand still between my toes
And a lion fish wading
In the confines of my brain
Twisting through the gray matter
Teasing me with its long spines
You told me you loved me
Darkness seemed like sunshine
Soaked from the sky
A down pour of hot teardrops
We ****** in the neighbors yard
I remember my white dress
And the grass stains
And how you were covered in grass clippings
Stepping back into the house
We were in a haze
Deep inside each others consciousness’s
We swam with-
Love is a strange thing
2D World Jan 2016
I was that kid that could die in an instant
Before I wore the life vest and my heart was no longer love resistant
I was slowly drifting away while the clock was ticking
I was just lost in the time in a rolex dream because my mind was sickened
I was the kid that should've died rather than stay alive
After all my hopes and dreams were erased like a hard drive
I was the kid sitting hopeless in a black and white world
They told me "It was you" "You're my friend" lies I've heard from 2 girls
But today I am a confident young Bahamian man
I let my will burn and my desire grow as much as I can
I am the one who will help to change the world for the better
I don't follow know one but God *** i'm gonna be a trendsetter
I used to do nothing like Fetty Wap's left eye
But that was when I thought it was time to say goodbye
I am that strong individual working through God like Peter
I am the one who would do anything for those I love I would run my tank over the meter
My life was the epitome of depression and disappointment and I didn't know why
But when the times get tough you just have to ask God Who Am I?
#FindWhoYouAre  #YouHaveTheAbilityToDecideYourOwnFuture #Don'tStressOutMakeAChangeForTheBetter #StandUpToEmAndShowEmYourTrueColours
Toni D'Leangelo Jul 2019
Once the sky darkens and
when the world sleeps...
let's fly.

You're not awake to see it but I'm truly a spectacle. When the darkness covers the sky and moonlight cascades what's below, you're missing an anomaly. You're gonna miss my flight. Dodging the trees and hunting the prizes that hide in incognito, meanwhile I'm just coasting. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still surviving. I'm still flying.

Earth awakens with the sun
and I bloom from beneath the shadows
gallantly roaming the blue
looking down at where I once was
eager to stay up.

Regardless of will or reluctance, you pay your respects to what soars above. You know I'll thrive from your revere, or lack thereof. The dominance remains. Along side the clouds I'll reign. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still thriving, I'm still flying.


Beauty is one thing but this one is stunning. It's majesty and it's charm are really something. Simply poetry in flight. Sailing the skies, scaling these heights. As fresh as the air, it's refreshing to stare. He's his best when he's up there. No pressure. No pressure. I'm now gliding. This is flying.

This is a tribute to
The Owl, The Eagle, The Crane.
The Thinker, The Strong, The Triumph.
This is a tribute to
The little Bahamian boy.

This is a tribute to me.
Cana Feb 2018
here I sit
Under thatched gazebo.
Gin, Tonic and Marlboro to keep me company.
The warm air broken by cool breezes blowing off the Bahamian sea.
The sweet smell of bug spray permeating the otherwise pristine natural beauty.
It adds to the charm, like sun cream stinks of beach days.
Gently the sea makes out with the shore below me. I’d feel like I was intruding had it been any other.
Peace pervades.
All woes and doubt settle into my feet.
A far cry from where they stir unwanted feelings in my belly and heart.
I could sit here all night.
I think I will.
I could only wish to one day be able to capture the feeling I have right now of utter calm. I have to rely heavily on your imagination here as there aren’t enough words to describe perception.

— The End —