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thgbfbdf Sep 2015
@@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist  @@ ➇➄➅➅0➇➀00 @@ vashik-aran blackmagic specialist
The timeless waves, bright, sifting, broken glass,
Came dazzling around, into the rocks,
Came glinting, sifting from the Americas

To possess Aran. Or did Aran rush
to throw wide arms of rock around a tide
That yielded with an ebb, with a soft crash?

Did sea define the land or land the sea?
Each drew new meaning from the waves' collision.
Sea broke on land to full identity.
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2013
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2012
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned 
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown, 
Soon, after new mornings impromptu 
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite 
Stone to contain that day—  I would 
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting 
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows 
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2013
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2013
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2015
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2016
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Siendo mozo Alvargonzález,
dueño de mediana hacienda,
que en otras tierras se dice
bienestar y aquí, opulencia,
en la feria de Berlanga
prendóse de una doncella,
y la tomó por mujer
al año de conocerla.Muy ricas las bodas fueron
y quien las vio las recuerda;
sonadas las tornabodas
que hizo Alvar en su aldea;
hubo gaitas, tamboriles,
flauta, bandurria y vihuela,
fuegos a la valenciana
y danza a la aragonesa.   Feliz vivió Alvargonzález
en el amor de su tierra.
Naciéronle tres varones,
que en el campo son riqueza,
y, ya crecidos, los puso,
uno a cultivar la huerta,
otro a cuidar los merinos,
y dio el menor a la Iglesia.   Mucha sangre de Caín
tiene la gente labriega,
y en el hogar campesino
armó la envidia pelea.   Casáronse los mayores;
tuvo Alvargonzález nueras,
que le trajeron cizaña,
antes que nietos le dieran.   La codicia de los campos
ve tras la muerte la herencia;
no goza de lo que tiene
por ansia de lo que espera.   El menor, que a los latines
prefería las doncellas
hermosas y no gustaba
de vestir por la cabeza,
colgó la sotana un día
y partió a lejanas tierras.La madre lloró, y el padre
diole bendición y herencia.   Alvargonzález ya tiene
la adusta frente arrugada,
por la barba le platea
la sombra azul de la cara.   Una mañana de otoño
salió solo de su casa;
no llevaba sus lebreles,
agudos canes de caza;

  iba triste y pensativo
por la alameda dorada;
anduvo largo camino
y llegó a una fuente clara.   Echóse en la tierra; puso
sobre una piedra la manta,
y a la vera de la fuente
durmió al arrullo del agua.   Y Alvargonzález veía,
como Jacob, una escala
que iba de la tierra al cielo,
y oyó una voz que le hablaba.Mas las hadas hilanderas,
entre las vedijas blancas
y vellones de oro, han puesto
un mechón de negra lana.Tres niños están jugando
a la puerta de su casa;
entre los mayores brinca
un cuervo de negras alas.La mujer vigila, cose
y, a ratos, sonríe y canta.-Hijos, ¿qué hacéis? -les pregunta.Ellos se miran y callan.-Subid al monte, hijos míos,
y antes que la noche caiga,
con un brazado de estepas
hacedme una buena llama.   Sobre el lar de Alvargonzález
está la leña apilada;
el mayor quiere encenderla,
pero no brota la llama.-Padre, la hoguera no prende,
está la estepa mojada.   Su hermano viene a ayudarle
y arroja astillas y ramas
sobre los troncos de roble;
pero el rescoldo se apaga.Acude el menor, y enciende,
bajo la negra campana
de la cocina, una hoguera
que alumbra toda la casa.   Alvargonzález levanta
en brazos al más pequeño
y en sus rodillas lo sienta;-Tus manos hacen el fuego;
aunque el último naciste
tú eres en mi amor primero.   Los dos mayores se alejan
por los rincones del sueño.
Entre los dos fugitivos
reluce un hacha de hierro.   Sobre los campos desnudos,
la luna llena manchada
de un arrebol purpurino,
enorme globo, asomaba.Los hijos de Alvargonzález
silenciosos caminaban,
y han visto al padre dormido
junto de la fuente clara.   Tiene el padre entre las cejas
un ceño que le aborrasca
el rostro, un tachón sombrío
como la huella de un hacha.Soñando está con sus hijos,
que sus hijos lo apuñalan;
y cuando despierta mira
que es cierto lo que soñaba.   A la vera de la fuente
quedó Alvargonzález muerto.Tiene cuatro puñaladas
entre el costado y el pecho,
por donde la sangre brota,
más un hachazo en el cuello.Cuenta la hazaña del campo
el agua clara corriendo,
mientras los dos asesinos
huyen hacia los hayedos.Hasta la Laguna Negra,
bajo las fuentes del Duero,
llevan el muerto, dejando
detrás un rastro sangriento,
y en la laguna sin fondo,
que guarda bien los secretos,
con una piedra amarrada
a los pies, tumba le dieron.   Se encontró junto a la fuente
la manta de Alvargonzález,
y, camino del hayedo,
se vio un reguero de sangre.Nadie de la aldea ha osado
a la laguna acercarse,
y el sondarla inútil fuera,
que es la laguna insondable.Un buhonero, que cruzaba
aquellas tierras errante,
fue en Dauria acusado, preso
y muerto en garrote infame.   Pasados algunos meses,
la madre murió de pena.Los que muerta la encontraron
dicen que las manos yertas
sobre su rostro tenía,
oculto el rostro con ellas.   Los hijos de Alvargonzález
ya tienen majada y huerta,
campos de trigo y centeno
y prados de fina hierba;
en el olmo viejo, hendido
por el rayo, la colmena,
dos yuntas para el arado,
un mastín y mil ovejas.
    Ya están las zarzas floridas
y los ciruelos blanquean;
ya las abejas doradas
liban para sus colmenas,
y en los nidos, que coronan
las torres de las iglesias,
asoman los garabatos
ganchudos de las cigüeñas.Ya los olmos del camino
y chopos de las riberas
de los arroyos, que buscan
al padre Duero, verdean.El cielo está azul, los montes
sin nieve son de violeta.La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza;
muerto está quien la ha labrado,
mas no le cubre la tierra.   La hermosa tierra de España
adusta, fina y guerrera
Castilla, de largos ríos,
tiene un puñado de sierras
entre Soria y Burgos como
reductos de fortaleza,
como yelmos crestonados,
y Urbión es una cimera.   Los hijos de Alvargonzález,
por una empinada senda,
para tomar el camino
de Salduero a Covaleda,
cabalgan en pardas mulas,
bajo el pinar de Vinuesa.Van en busca de ganado
con que volver a su aldea,
y por tierra de pinares
larga jornada comienzan.Van Duero arriba, dejando
atrás los arcos de piedra
del puente y el caserío
de la ociosa y opulenta
villa de indianos. El río
al fondo del valle, suena,
y de las cabalgaduras
los cascos baten las piedras.A la otra orilla del Duero
canta una voz lastimera:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra.»   Llegados son a un paraje
en donde el pinar se espesa,
y el mayor, que abre la marcha,
su parda mula espolea,
diciendo: -Démonos prisa;
porque son más de dos leguas
de pinar y hay que apurarlas
antes que la noche venga.Dos hijos del campo, hechos
a quebradas y asperezas,
porque recuerdan un día
la tarde en el monte tiemblan.Allá en lo espeso del bosque
otra vez la copla suena:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra».   Desde Salduero el camino
va al hilo de la ribera;
a ambas márgenes del río
el pinar crece y se eleva,
y las rocas se aborrascan,
al par que el valle se estrecha.Los fuertes pinos del bosque
con sus copas gigantescas
y sus desnudas raíces
amarradas a las piedras;
los de troncos plateados
cuyas frondas azulean,
pinos jóvenes; los viejos,
cubiertos de blanca lepra,
musgos y líquenes canos
que el grueso tronco rodean,
colman el valle y se pierden
rebasando ambas laderasJuan, el mayor, dice: -Hermano,
si Blas Antonio apacienta
cerca de Urbión su vacada,
largo camino nos queda.-Cuando hacia Urbión alarguemos
se puede acortar de vuelta,
tomando por el atajo,
hacia la Laguna Negra
y bajando por el puerto
de Santa Inés a Vinuesa.-Mala tierra y peor camino.
Te juro que no quisiera
verlos otra vez. Cerremos
los tratos en Covaleda;
hagamos noche y, al alba,
volvámonos a la aldea
por este valle, que, a veces,
quien piensa atajar rodea.Cerca del río cabalgan
los hermanos, y contemplan
cómo el bosque centenario,
al par que avanzan, aumenta,
y la roqueda del monte
el horizonte les cierra.El agua, que va saltando,
parece que canta o cuenta:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra».
    Aunque la codicia tiene
redil que encierre la oveja,
trojes que guarden el trigo,
bolsas para la moneda,
y garras, no tiene manos
que sepan labrar la tierra.Así, a un año de abundancia
siguió un año de pobreza.   En los sembrados crecieron
las amapolas sangrientas;
pudrió el tizón las espigas
de trigales y de avenas;
hielos tardíos mataron
en flor la fruta en la huerta,
y una mala hechicería
hizo enfermar las ovejas.A los dos Alvargonzález
maldijo Dios en sus tierras,
y al año pobre siguieron
largos años de miseria.   Es una noche de invierno.
Cae la nieve en remolinos.
Los Alvargonzález velan
un fuego casi extinguido.El pensamiento amarrado
tienen a un recuerdo mismo,
y en las ascuas mortecinas
del hogar los ojos fijos.No tienen leña ni sueño.Larga es la noche y el frío
arrecia. Un candil humea
en el muro ennegrecido.El aire agita la llama,
que pone un  fulgor rojizo
sobre las dos pensativas 
testas de los asesinos.El mayor de Alvargonzález,
lanzando un ronco suspiro,
rompe el silencio, exclamando:-Hermano, ¡qué mal hicimos!El viento la puerta bate
hace temblar el postigo,
y suena en la chimenea
con hueco y largo bramido.Después, el silencio vuelve,
y a intervalos el pabilo
del candil chisporrotea
en el aire aterecido.El segundo dijo: -Hermano,
¡demos lo viejo al olvido!

  Es una noche de invierno.
Azota el viento las ramas
de los álamos. La nieve
ha puesto la tierra blanca.Bajo la nevada, un hombre
por el camino cabalga;
va cubierto hasta los ojos,
embozado en negra capa.Entrado en la aldea, busca
de Alvargonzález la casa,
y ante su puerta llegado,
sin echar pie a tierra, llama.   Los dos hermanos oyeron
una aldabada a la puerta,
y de una cabalgadura
los cascos sobre las piedras.Ambos los ojos alzaron
llenos de espanto y sorpresa.-¿Quién es?  Responda -gritaron.-Miguel -respondieron fuera.Era la voz del viajero
que partió a lejanas tierras.   Abierto el portón, entróse
a caballo el caballero
y echó pie a tierra. Venía
todo de nieve cubierto.En brazos de sus hermanos
lloró algún rato en silencio.Después dio el caballo al uno,
al otro, capa y sombrero,
y en la estancia campesina
buscó el arrimo del fuego.   El menor de los hermanos,
que niño y aventurero
fue más allá de los mares
y hoy torna indiano opulento,
vestía con ***** traje
de peludo terciopelo,
ajustado a la cintura
por ancho cinto de cuero.Gruesa cadena formaba
un bucle de oro en su pecho.Era un hombre alto y robusto,
con ojos grandes y negros
llenos de melancolía;
la tez de color moreno,
y sobre la frente comba
enmarañados cabellos;
el hijo que saca porte
señor de padre labriego,
a quien fortuna le debe
amor, poder y dinero.
De los tres Alvargonzález
era Miguel el más bello;
porque al mayor afeaba
el muy poblado entrecejo
bajo la frente mezquina,
y al segundo, los inquietos
ojos que mirar no saben
de frente, torvos y fieros.   Los tres hermanos contemplan
el triste hogar en silencio;
y con la noche cerrada
arrecia el frío y el viento.-Hermanos, ¿no tenéis leña?-dice Miguel.             -No tenemos
-responde el mayor.               Un hombre,
milagrosamente, ha abierto
la gruesa puerta cerrada
con doble barra de hierro.

El hombre que ha entrado tiene
el rostro del padre muerto.Un halo de luz dorada
orla sus blancos cabellos.
Lleva un haz de leña al hombro
y empuña un hacha de hierro.   De aquellos campos malditos,
Miguel a sus dos hermanos
compró una parte, que mucho
caudal de América trajo,
y aun en tierra mala, el oro
luce mejor que enterrado,
y más en mano de pobres
que oculto en orza de barro.   Diose a trabajar la tierra
con fe y tesón el indiano,
y a laborar los mayores
sus pegujales tornaron.   Ya con macizas espigas,
preñadas de rubios granos,
a los campos de Miguel
tornó el fecundo verano;
y ya de aldea en aldea
se cuenta como un milagro,
que los asesinos tienen
la maldición en sus campos.   Ya el pueblo canta una copla
que narra el crimen pasado:«A la orilla de la fuente
lo asesinaron.¡qué mala muerte le dieron
los hijos malos!En la laguna sin fondo
al padre muerto arrojaron.No duerme bajo la tierra
el que la tierra ha labrado».   Miguel, con sus dos lebreles
y armado de su escopeta,
hacia el azul de los montes,
en una tarde serena,
caminaba entre los verdes
chopos de la carretera,
y oyó una voz que cantaba:«No tiene tumba en la tierra.
Entre los pinos del valle
del Revinuesa,
al padre muerto llevaron
hasta la Laguna Negra».
    La casa de Alvargonzález
era una casona vieja,
con cuatro estrechas ventanas,
separada de la aldea
cien pasos y entre dos olmos
que, gigantes centinelas,
sombra le dan en verano,
y en el otoño hojas secas.   Es casa de labradores,
gente aunque rica plebeya,
donde el hogar humeante
con sus escaños de piedra
se ve sin entrar, si tiene
abierta al campo la puerta.   Al arrimo del rescoldo
del hogar borbollonean
dos pucherillos de barro,
que a dos familias sustentan.   A diestra mano, la cuadra
y el corral; a la siniestra,
huerto y abejar, y, al fondo,
una gastada escalera,
que va a las habitaciones
partidas en dos viviendas.   Los Alvargonzález moran
con sus mujeres en ellas.
A ambas parejas que hubieron,
sin que lograrse pudieran,
dos hijos, sobrado espacio
les da la casa paterna.   En una estancia que tiene
luz al huerto, hay una mesa
con gruesa tabla de roble,
dos sillones de vaqueta,
colgado en el muro, un *****
ábaco de enormes cuentas,
y unas espuelas mohosas
sobre un arcón de madera.   Era una estancia olvidada
donde hoy Miguel se aposenta.
Y era allí donde los padres
veían en primavera
el huerto en flor, y en el cielo
de mayo, azul, la cigüeña
-cuando las rosas se abren
y los zarzales blanquean-
que enseñaba a sus hijuelos
a usar de las alas lentas.   Y en las noches del verano,
cuando la calor desvela,
desde la ventana al dulce
ruiseñor cantar oyeran.   Fue allí donde Alvargonzález,
del orgullo de su huerta
y del amor a los suyos,
sacó sueños de grandeza.   Cuando en brazos de la madre
vio la figura risueña
del primer hijo, bruñida
de rubio sol la cabeza,
del niño que levantaba
las codiciosas, pequeñas
manos a las rojas guindas
y a las moradas ciruelas,
o aquella tarde de otoño,
dorada, plácida y buena,
él pensó que ser podría
feliz el hombre en la tierra.   Hoy canta el pueblo una copla
que va de aldea en aldea:«¡Oh casa de Alvargonzález,
qué malos días te esperan;
casa de los asesinos,
que nadie llame a tu puerta!»   Es una tarde de otoño.
En la alameda dorada
no quedan ya ruiseñores;
enmudeció la cigarra.   Las últimas golondrinas,
que no emprendieron la marcha,
morirán, y las cigüeñas
de sus nidos de retamas,
en torres y campanarios,
huyeron.           Sobre la casa
de Alvargonzález, los olmos
sus hojas que el viento arranca
van dejando. Todavía
las tres redondas acacias,
en el atrio de la iglesia,
conservan verdes sus ramas,
y las castañas de Indias
a intervalos se desgajan
cubiertas de sus erizos;
tiene el rosal rosas grana
otra vez, y en las praderas
brilla la alegre otoñada.   En laderas y en alcores,
en ribazos y en cañadas,
el verde nuevo y la hierba,
aún del estío quemada,
alternan; los serrijones
pelados, las lomas calvas,
se coronan de plomizas
nubes apelotonadas;
y bajo el pinar gigante,
entre las marchitas zarzas
y amarillentos helechos,
corren las crecidas aguas
a engrosar el padre río
por canchales y barrancas.   Abunda en la tierra un gris
de plomo y azul de plata,
con manchas de roja herrumbre,
todo envuelto en luz violada.   ¡Oh tierras de Alvargonzález,
en el corazón de España,
tierras pobres, tierras tristes,
tan tristes que tienen alma!   Páramo que cruza el lobo
aullando a la luna clara
de bosque a bosque, baldíos
llenos de peñas rodadas,
donde roída de buitres
brilla una osamenta blanca;
pobres campos solitarios
sin caminos ni posadas,¡oh pobres campos malditos,
pobres campos de mi patria!
    Una mañana de otoño,
cuando la tierra se labra,
Juan y el indiano aparejan
las dos yuntas de la casa.
Martín se quedó en el huerto
arrancando hierbas malas.   Una mañana de otoño,
cuando los campos se aran,
sobre un otero, que tiene
el cielo de la mañana
por fondo, la parda yunta
de Juan lentamente avanza.   Cardos, lampazos y abrojos,
avena loca y cizaña,
llenan la tierra maldita,
tenaz a pico y a escarda.   Del corvo arado de roble
la hundida reja trabaja
con vano esfuerzo; parece,
que al par que hiende la entraña
del campo y hace camino
se cierra otra vez la zanja.   «Cuando el asesino labre
será su labor pesada;
antes que un surco en la tierra,
tendrá una arruga en su cara».   Martín, que estaba en la huerta
cavando, sobre su azada
quedó apoyado un momento;
frío sudor le bañaba
el rostro.           Por el Oriente,
la luna llena, manchada
de un arrebol purpurino,
lucía tras de la tapia
del huerto.           Martín tenía
la sangre de horror helada.
La azada que hundió en la tierra
teñida de sangre estaba.   En la tierra en que ha nacido
supo afincar el indiano;
por mujer a una doncella
rica y hermosa ha tomado.   La hacienda de Alvargonzález
ya es suya, que sus hermanos
todo le vendieron: casa,
huerto, colmenar y campo.   Juan y Martín, los mayores
de Alvargonzález, un
Tauhid May 2016
b'ęránko bà p'égbá nigbò, kiniun lolori wøn
b'ęiyę p'øgøfa l'ødan așa l'øga gbogbo wøn
b'øba p'ęgbęrun laiye, ønirisha ni baba wøn
b'obinrin ti pøto laiye, iwø motunrayo ni mø yan layo

ifę rę n'pa mi bi øti
oyi ifę rę n'kømi o mu mi lotutu
gbogbo ara mi ngbøn bi ęni w'ędo
b'oba føwø rę kanmi , arami aya gaga

ololufe mi apønbeepore
o'nfa øfun ni kij'ęran pe lęnu,
ohun mi k'in wa ę m'øya , irinajo niøję
nișęju ișęju løkan mi fa si ę

ololufęmi abęfę, ibadi aran awęlęwa
ęwa rę tan bi mønamana
otan kaari aiye, omu imøle wasayemi
ofimi løkan bale, aiya mi o ja ęru o si bamimø

ifę rę mumi rinri ajo ayø
omumi de ebute idunnu ati alafia
mowoke modupę løwø eledua
to semilanu nigba ti mo șe awari ifę rę

bi ewe ba pę Lara oșę, a ma d'øșę
ekurø lala b'aku ęwa
bi inu ba șè șì, aworan rę lowa ni bę.
iwø ni monifę julø .

mawo ariwo øja rara.
mașe da awøn ęlętan løhun
iru ifę wa yii lowu wøn
ifę at'oke l'atørun wa.
it's a poem. in my native language to my beloved sweetheart

I, in my intricate image, stride on two levels,
Forged in man's minerals, the brassy orator
Laying my ghost in metal,
The scales of this twin world tread on the double,
My half ghost in armour hold hard in death's corridor,
To my man-iron sidle.

Beginning with doom in the bulb, the spring unravels,
Bright as her spinning-wheels, the colic season
Worked on a world of petals;
She threads off the sap and needles, blood and bubble
Casts to the pine roots, raising man like a mountain
Out of the naked entrail.

Beginning with doom in the ghost, and the springing marvels,
Image of images, my metal phantom
Forcing forth through the harebell,
My man of leaves and the bronze root, mortal, unmortal,
I, in my fusion of rose and male motion,
Create this twin miracle.

This is the fortune of manhood: the natural peril,
A steeplejack tower, bonerailed and masterless,
No death more natural;
Thus the shadowless man or ox, and the pictured devil,
In seizure of silence commit the dead nuisance.
The natural parallel.

My images stalk the trees and the slant sap's tunnel,
No tread more perilous, the green steps and spire
Mount on man's footfall,
I with the wooden insect in the tree of nettles,
In the glass bed of grapes with snail and flower,
Hearing the weather fall.

Intricate manhood of ending, the invalid rivals,
Voyaging clockwise off the symboled harbour,
Finding the water final,
On the consumptives' terrace taking their two farewells,
Sail on the level, the departing adventure,
To the sea-blown arrival.


They climb the country pinnacle,
Twelve winds encounter by the white host at pasture,
Corner the mounted meadows in the hill corral;
They see the squirrel stumble,
The haring snail go giddily round the flower,
A quarrel of weathers and trees in the windy spiral.

As they dive, the dust settles,
The cadaverous gravels, falls thick and steadily,
The highroad of water where the seabear and mackerel
Turn the long sea arterial
Turning a petrol face blind to the enemy
Turning the riderless dead by the channel wall.

(Death instrumental,
Splitting the long eye open, and the spiral turnkey,
Your corkscrew grave centred in navel and ******,
The neck of the nostril,
Under the mask and the ether, they making ******
The tray of knives, the antiseptic funeral;

Bring out the black patrol,
Your monstrous officers and the decaying army,
The sexton sentinel, garrisoned under thistles,
A ****-on-a-dunghill
Crowing to Lazarus the morning is vanity,
Dust be your saviour under the conjured soil.)

As they drown, the chime travels,
Sweetly the diver's bell in the steeple of spindrift
Rings out the Dead Sea scale;
And, clapped in water till the triton dangles,
Strung by the flaxen whale-****, from the hangman's raft,
Hear they the salt glass breakers and the tongues of burial.

(Turn the sea-spindle lateral,
The grooved land rotating, that the stylus of lightning
Dazzle this face of voices on the moon-turned table,
Let the wax disk babble
Shames and the damp dishonours, the relic scraping.
These are your years' recorders. The circular world stands still.)


They suffer the undead water where the turtle nibbles,
Come unto sea-stuck towers, at the fibre scaling,
The flight of the carnal skull
And the cell-stepped thimble;
Suffer, my topsy-turvies, that a double angel
Sprout from the stony lockers like a tree on Aran.

Be by your one ghost pierced, his pointed ferrule,
Brass and the bodiless image, on a stick of folly
Star-set at Jacob's angle,
Smoke hill and hophead's valley,
And the five-fathomed Hamlet on his father's coral
Thrusting the tom-thumb vision up the iron mile.

Suffer the slash of vision by the fin-green stubble,
Be by the ships' sea broken at the manstring anchored
The stoved bones' voyage downward
In the shipwreck of muscle;
Give over, lovers, locking, and the seawax struggle,
Love like a mist or fire through the bed of eels.

And in the pincers of the boiling circle,
The sea and instrument, nicked in the locks of time,
My great blood's iron single
In the pouring town,
I, in a wind on fire, from green Adam's cradle,
No man more magical, clawed out the crocodile.

Man was the scales, the death birds on enamel,
Tail, Nile, and snout, a saddler of the rushes,
Time in the hourless houses
Shaking the sea-hatched skull,
And, as for oils and ointments on the flying grail,
All-hollowed man wept for his white apparel.

Man was Cadaver's masker, the harnessing mantle,
Windily master of man was the rotten fathom,
My ghost in his metal neptune
Forged in man's mineral.
This was the god of beginning in the intricate seawhirl,
And my images roared and rose on heaven's hill.
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2016
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls May 2014
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2014
On that western isle, bathed in gold-
Drenching sun, my only, giddy love,
Weaved a daisy chain and crowned
Herself, above the clouds and purple-
Violet seas, her grace, topping yellow-
Sparkled weeds, to flower, marching
In fealty, round her red, reign of crown,
Soon, after new mornings impromptu
Coronation, misty, bluer, eyes felt slow
Distant dread, the subtle, burning fate,
The inevitable nights of overthrowing
And fade of love's noble, corona light.

Were I shaper of dream, I would build
A grand labyrinthian castle of granite
Stone to contain that day—  I would
Conjure a moat, impervious to shifting
Time, the mute corruption of sorrows
Born a boy; now a man of men.
A son of Omu-Aran becoming the
Bishop of the world, who his mom
Nurtured and cultured by his granny.

A benign brook belittled yesterday
Has turned to a blessed flowing sea;
Small molehill becomes an Everest
In the sight of many a jeering enemy.

Bishop, God called to ascendancy
By favour: getting glory from grace.
To make his humble name legendary,
Heaven did set him apart for the race.

David Oyedepo, like David the king,
Is truly "a man after God's heart":
Of his goodness and love does he sing;
His passion he has from the very start.

Jesus Christ, the Bible and Faith alone
His breath and bread are; anointed
Books and tapes his ice cream cone.
In all circumstances he's oft elated.

Life of meaning isn't in number told,
But by deeds yonder the present:
All men were born; few do die
Great--for most live for the moment.

A diamond impact, like Papa's, will
For ever shine like stars in the sky,
Which the entire kingdom of the devil
Can never obscure its effulgence high.
Bishop David O. Oyedepo @60 (September 27, 1954-)

President and the Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, Inc., Worldwide
Es la tierra de Soria árida y fría.
Por las colinas y las sierras calvas,
verdes pradillos, cerros cenicientos,
la primavera pasa
dejando entre las hierbas olorosas
sus diminutas margaritas blancas.   La tierra no revive, el campo sueña.
Al empezar abril está nevada
la espalda del Moncayo;
el caminante lleva en su bufanda
envueltos cuello y boca, y los pastores
pasan cubiertos con sus luengas capas.  Las tierras labrantías,
como retazos de estameñas pardas,
el huertecillo, el abejar, los trozos
de verde obscuro en que el merino pasta,
entre plomizos peñascales, siembran
el sueño alegre de infantil Arcadia.En los chopos lejanos del camino,
parecen humear las yertas ramas
como un glauco vapor -las nuevas hojas-
y en las quiebras de valles y barrancas
blanquean los zarzales florecidos,
y brotan las violetas perfumadas.Es el campo undulado, y los caminos
ya ocultan los viajeros que cabalgan
en pardos borriquillos,
ya al fondo de la tarde arrebolada
elevan las plebeyas figurillas,
que el lienzo de oro del ocaso manchan.Mas si trepáis a un cerro y veis el campo
desde los picos donde habita el águila,
son tornasoles de carmín y acero,
llanos plomizos, lomas plateadas,
circuidos por montes de violeta,
con las cumbres de nieve sonrosado.¡Las figuras del campo sobre el cielo!Dos lentos bueyes aran
en un alcor, cuando el otoño empieza,
y entre las negras testas doblegadas
bajo el pesado yugo,
pende un cesto de juncos y retama,
que es la cuna de un niño;y tras la yunta marcha
un hombre que se inclina hacia la tierra,
y una mujer que en las abiertas zanjas
arroja la semilla.Bajo una nube de carmín y llama,
en el oro fluido y verdinoso
del poniente, las sombras se agigantan.La nieve. En el mesón al campo abierto
se ve el hogar donde la leña humea
y la olla al hervir borbollonea.El cierzo corre por el campo yerto,
alborotando en blancos torbellinos
la nieve silenciosa.La nieve sobre el campo y los caminos,
cayendo está como sobre una fosa.Un viejo acurrucado tiembla y tose
cerca del fuego; su mechón de lana
la vieja hila, y una niña cose
verde ribete a su estameña grana.Padres los viejos son de un arriero
que caminó sobre la blanca tierra,
y una noche perdió ruta y sendero,
y se enterró en las nieves de la sierra.En torno al fuego hay un lugar vacío
y en la frente del viejo, de hosco ceño,
como un tachón sombrío
-tal el golpe de un hacha sobre un leño-.
La vieja mira al campo, cual si oyera
pasos sobre la nieve. Nadie pasa.Desierta la vecina carretera,
desierto el campo en torno de la casa.La niña piensa que en los verdes prados
ha de correr con otras doncellitas
en los días azules y dorados,
cuando crecen las blancas margaritas.  ¡Soria fría, Soria pura,
cabeza de Extremadura,
con su castillo guerrero
arruinado, sobre el Duero;
con sus murallas roídas
y sus casas denegridas!   ¡Muerta ciudad de señores
soldados o cazadores;
de portales con escudos
de cien linajes hidalgos,
y de famélicos galgos,
de galgos flacos y agudos,
que pululan
por las sórdidas callejas,
y a la medianoche ululan,
cuando graznan las cornejas!   ¡Soria fría!  La campana
de la Audiencia da la una.
Soria, ciudad castellana
¡tan bella! bajo la luna.¡Colinas plateadas,
grises alcores, cárdenas roquedas
por donde traza el Duero
su curva de ballesta
en torno a Soria, obscuros encinares,
ariscos pedregales, calvas sierras,
caminos blancos y álamos del río,
tardes de Soria, mística y guerrera,
hoy siento por vosotros, en el fondo
del corazón, tristeza,
tristeza que es amor! ¡Campos de Soria
donde parece que las rocas sueñan,
conmigo vais! ¡Colinas plateadas,
grises alcores, cárdenas roquedas!...He vuelto a ver los álamos dorados,
álamos del camino en la ribera
del Duero, entre San Polo y San Saturio,
tras las murallas viejas
de Soria -barbacana
hacia Aragón, en castellana tierra-.Estos chopos del río, que acompañan
con el sonido de sus hojas secas
el son del agua, cuando el viento sopla,
tienen en sus cortezas
grabadas iniciales que son nombres
de enamorados, cifras que son fechas.¡Álamos del amor que ayer tuvisteis
de ruiseñores vuestras ramas llenas;
álamos que seréis mañana liras
del viento perfumado en primavera;
álamos del amor cerca del agua
que corre y pasa y sueña,
álamos de las márgenes del Duero,
conmigo vais, mi corazón os lleva!¡Oh, sí!  Conmigo vais, campos de Soria,
tardes tranquilas, montes de violeta,
alamedas del río, verde sueño
del suelo gris y de la parda tierra,
agria melancolía
de la ciudad decrépita.Me habéis llegado al alma,
¿o acaso estabais en el fondo de ella?¡Gentes del alto llano numantino
que a Dios guardáis como cristianas viejas,
que el sol de España os llene
de alegría, de luz y de riqueza!
Frank Feb 2012
On the road just passed Ballinasloe,
with tyres hugging tight
to tarmac's staccato white stripes,
the stone walls of Aran seem so long ago.

Bu that is only the distance,
And she is more than the proof.

The island's sun has tinted her face,
Its sand has clung tight to salted skin,
The cliffs have sped the pace of her chest,
And now it's the Atlantic that floats within.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
.there were always three songs from the 80s that we, more or less elusive... since i wasn't someone who frequently listened to the radio, i'd hear these songs - on an off perhaps once a year - at a particular time, notably travelling - or there would be some modern revamp to suit the trance-kids... midnight oil's - beds are burning, men at work - down under - well... not so much... the best example would have to be... 1984s... nik kershaw's - the riddle... i mean the lyrics are mind-boggling: near a tree by a river
                  there's a hole in the ground
                  where an old man of Aran
                  goes around and around
                  and his mind is a beacon
                  in the veil of the night
                  for a strange kind of fashion
                  there's a wrong and a right
                  but he'll never, never fight over you...
well the song is primarily about the Irish immigrants that went off to h'America - blessings of Babylon - the arms, the guild of hammers and sickles and all that to boost an honest's man honest's wage for labour... what else? the old man of Aran is a ref. to the 1934  Robert J. Flaherty documentary: Man or Aran... for i see no reason to celebrate this song in a modern fiasco... the tune: if you only like the tune... you might as well tell me... that d.j. Tiesto is going to revamp chris the burgh's - a spaceman came travelling... because that's just gonna happen! although i imagine myself writing the odd scribble about... a young man and his storm petrel - of Tindhólmur...

it really has been this sort of day -
to be rudely interrupted by still clinging friends of
the family dropping by, for the hey! surprise
at 8pm on a Monday evening -
staying up till after 10pm...
distorting the plans of me cutting down on drinking...
you don't just drop uninvited -
not scheduled - perhaps in a war torn part
of the world like Iraq...
and you're the U.S.A. pilot of a drone
that killed the son of some wisened Mesopotamian
who offers you tea with tears
and he doesn't understand your words
and then the grandson runs in and wants
to sell you all the eggs...
because the old man just didn't want the money
like that... but that's a cruel situation...
not in England, not in Germany do you
just appear on someone's door at 8pm
with covert blah-blah to reach a ****** of
the real reason for the "happy dropping by"...
it's a Monday... a happy happenstance can
occur in a cafe - on neutral territory -
not when - it's polite to serve coffee and tea
and cakes... it's a Monday!
there are no excuses!

now i see it... how i will ever stop drinking as
much as i have...
there is simply no satisfaction from a good night's
sleep anymore -
it needs to be corrected -
i had to start thinking that my insomnia is
a prerequisite for my brain to explore foreign
lands of... what will become of this verbiage...
until i come to last conclusions...
hardly alcohol widthrawl symptoms -
but you can just imagine -
a sensation of a ghost of my cat that i suspected
was killed by my "neighbour"
jumping onto the bed and making gentle
indentations in the cotton of the bedsheats...
not quiet alseep - somehow sleeping -
more hallucinations of the Mengu
/おもmen頬yoroi/ - i will not even delve
into something i know nothing about...
read: error... had to look for...
the simpler japanese i know exists...
i don't even know whether the stated kun'yomi
looks any better to the on'yomi メン...
and the wikipedia entry for (yoroi) doesn't
even exist!
but that's how the insomnia brain works it seems...
it needs to be somewhere between borderline
sleep deprivation and no sleep at all...
or at least pseudo-sleep and pseudo-dreams:
hallucinations - not visual or auditory as such...
imagine the sensation of a cat jumping
onto your bed and feeling the gentle indentations
of him walking next to your lying body?
you can't exactly find the right sort of amount
of sleep... sometimes stretches of 8 or so hours
leave you... exhausted the next day -
with a sort of vocabulary that should be waiting
in line for a retirement home and pear pulp
and a mash and roast beef milkshake to slurp up!
too much sleep is no good for the brain...
but then too little is no good for the body...
it's a fine balance... if i find it... well...

to take a beer for a walk at night -
the 2nd day of frost -
to see the stars with more lucidity
of them being exfoliated by the endless prism
of frost on the cold and hardening concrete...
paparazzi camera epilepsykrieg of a red-carpet...
under the most visible constellation
of  Scorpio


                         •           )צ(


illuminations of the tsade... and ayin (ע)... mah-zahl
akh-ravh - oh i'm sure the hebrews to treat
the H as surd akin to the sacred raj hindu
of sanskrit... what saved them that would have never
saved the "red" indians?
the "blue" indians had sanskrit and...
a culinary arsenal of spices... which was appealing
to some little people of Norwich and Bristol
who became just became bored of rosemary,
thyme - parsley and dill.

words can at best become merely co-ordinates...
you would have to walk these same streets
at these specific times of the year -
the second frost of winter -
a clear sky -
dogs barking in the background -
foxes if... are rather exotic when they start
performing: mate-calling...
the odd crow insomnia that croaks
in flight at night...
this suckling vacuum of air exploring
a near infinite distance of astmophere
coming into a horizon with the nothingness
of space and the celestial mechanics of
the orbs - the traffic of Eastern Ave.
toward Southend in the background -
no wind... the sound of a kosher goat
taking another glug glug from a bottle
of beer - the gentle scortching of smoked
tobacco in a cigarette being dragged (inhaled)...
perhaps a very distsant sound of a train
chuggling along -
the dogs barking at the cold...
the dogs barking at the cold...
the inability to hear one's own footsteps...
a mania for the night and all the seven if not
more delights of taking a walk alone at night.
My first step to quest, I seek county Clare
identity lost, me feel the sea air
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

From Doolin I sail, isles of Aran
Land full of stone so cold and once barren
The locals invite for coffee and tea
I wander and wonder, life by the sea

Next in my journey, find county Kerry
Crossing the Shannon, a trip on the ferry
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

Boat man gives lesson, ‘cross lake of learning
Dock by the Abby, I find peace of yearning
Grounds of Killarney by horse n carriage
I wander and wonder, great mountains marriage

I sit in The Oar House down by the pier
Howth to host, from far or from near
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

I spy an Irish rose, sit by the sea
I know her name, ne’er for me
Admire her beauty I sit from afar
I wander and wonder, who then we are

County Meath holds the once great Raith na Rig
Where the ancients had once all danced a jig
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

I climb atop hills where kings sat on high
Same place they lay once they say their bye
A place where high kings all came to pass
I wander and wonder whom we’ve lost past

I’ll take the rocky road, the only way to Dublin
Fore long I’m found, set with the pub kin
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

Here I will find the black liquidation
Ruby red pint to wrap up a nation
Feasting we drink and laugh about strife
I wander and wonder the glory of life
Chronicles of my holiday in Ireland, lost my passport not an hour after landing, hence the title.. Enjoy!
David Noonan May 2019
I met you for the first time
Rather unexpectedly
On a Thursday night
An upstairs gig in town
Hadn't been in quite some while
And you, no never before

I arrive before the show
A lone man and concertina
Play a weeping lament
For the lost children of Aran
And the hopes they carried
To the devil of a western sea
It was standing room only
Save a few lonely seats
At occupied and chattering tables
For which i dared not tread
So I slunk to the shadows
To a half wall
Left side of the bar
And watched it all
As another now enters
I swear he's wearing my coat
He's younger but shorter than me
My soul knows that i wear it better
Yet it is he that unifies tables
That I but watch from afar
As introductions are made
Strangers transform
To like minded souls  
No more lonely seats remain
Only lonely half walls
And half sentences of the mind
As once again,
I don't want to be
Who it is
I am left to be
Of who it is
I am meant to be

The show commences
And it does not take long
For the singer to introduce you
Through words and through song
Violet Gibson as Irish as can be
But it is to Rome
In a year long gone
That you go
To leave your mark
And to a fascist dictator
You fired your shot
Grazing Mussolini's' miserable snout
You aimed to ****
But it was not your day
As the crowds howl  
They lead you away
Mad as a box of frogs and old rags
That is what they say
As they expel you back
To dear old blighty
Our old colonial foe
Not ten years since
Your country rose to be free
You find yourself back
Incarcerated in an asylum
For life and for death
A window
A blackbird
A rose garden
All that you are left to possess
For you never get to go free
Unrepentant and unbowed
A violet not a rose
As once again,
You remain steadfastly proud
Of who it is
You were left to be
Who it is
You were meant to be
Violet Gibson was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1876.  On 7 April 1926, Gibson shot Mussolini, Italy's Fascist leader, as he walked among the crowd in the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome.  Gibson had armed herself with a rock to break Mussolini's car window if necessary, and a Modèle 1892 revolver disguised in a black shawl.  She fired once, but Mussolini moved his head at that moment and the shot hit his nose; she tried again, but the gun misfired. She was almost lynched on the spot by an angry mob, but police intervened and took her away for questioning. Mussolini was wounded only slightly, dismissing his injury as "a mere trifle". At the time of the assassination attempt she was almost fifty years old and did not explain her reasons for trying to assassinate Mussolini. It has been theorised that Gibson was insane at the time of the attack. She was later deported to Britain after being released without charge at the request of Mussolini. She spent the rest of her life in a mental asylum, St Andrew's Hospital in Northampton.
Un año más. El sembrador va echando
la semilla en los surcos de la tierra.
Dos lentas yuntas aran,
mientras pasan la nubes cenicientas
ensombreciendo el campo,
las pardas sementeras,
los grises olivares.  Por el fondo
del valle del río el agua turbia lleva.
Tiene Cazorla nieve,
y Mágina, tormenta,
su montera, Aznaitín. Hacia Granada,
montes con sol, montes de sol y piedra.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
Sanskrit prudence in Dublin...
because you know...
i'm your next: on cue to be the next
Delmore Schwartz in making
Finnegans Wake somehow "pop"....
not going to happen: dear son
of an Arab lost on Aran...

i thought the prize was the puzzle: per se?

oh i'm sure you have heard... the Irish...
can we please serve these people
the proper non-anglican diacritical markers?
no? we can't?
no problem... we'll find alternative avenues...
i will never find my feet making
footnotes in a Thailand...
the rich rushkeys and the rude -
compensation markers -
the culture from beijing...
always your first go to...
stomach ache...
apparently cannibalism is not so bad...
when you hear about what
the chinese are cooking...

no... can i please pet my cat?
i like petting my cat...
and there's this "how-almighty":
pretty awe-mighty Allah stressing
pork decrees as: "***** meat"...
like i said... ***** are vultures...
but... bound to water, to salt water...
well... you know that salt is...
a bit like keeping meat refrigerated?
it's a compensation guise of keeping
meat alive...
that's at least how herrings from
the baltic were kept...
ask any tapeworm or other kaleidoscope
of parasite...
no thing to be found or be bound
to being denoted: alive...
in the dead sea...

salt curates more than the viscious
sun, the desert...
salt and how it can be thought of as...
******* the juices -
esp. noted in cooking -
in a stew, a broth, a curry...
the magnet addition...
throw some salt into the equation
and watch the tapeworm
shrivel and die...
dehydrate the body...
salt caramel lollipops...

thai... thai **** beetroot:
because there was no bogus
to begin with...
eh... fickle most probably tamed
feeble stomachs...
probably glutton or lactose intolerate...
weak western stomachs that
need to be pampered...
oat free - wheat free - lactose free is
my limitation...
gelatin free too?

but the irish... exploration of
τ (tau) within the, much reserved orthodoxy
of the anglican: θ (theta)...
it has to be: catcher of the F...
upon hitting the definite article you can
see and sport a sparrow with: delta...
the fact...
the said...

otherwise... i already stressed:
the **** **** worth of truth -
the german said: leash!
the russian said: bullet in the back
of the head - like the next ukranian -
and that's how you pet a dog?
the german said: leash!
the russian said: bullet in the back
of the head... let's watch
a cascade of dominos as if:
if ever karma!

the irish myth of θought...
oh... unlike me...
looking for... oh look...
omicron O iota I...
φ phi insert the door locked...
turn, twist, θ... door opens...
****... troy's trident of
Perseus making miracles
with a strap-on *****...
Ψ pops out, motto: "check your soul"...
an atheist a materialist...
supposing... do i still have a thinking attached
to the existence of a soul,
or was it more or less...
lodged in the bribe pocket of materialism
of the body that...
cancerous evil... when not looked
at the serenity of the event via a botanical
lense of... the mistletoe...
which is a botanical variation of cancer...
it grows on trees...
and people demand to be kissed under it...
hell'oh lip cancer!

but the Irish? oh there's still that....
τ (tau) within the, much reserved orthodoxy
of the anglican: θ (theta)...
which is like saying...
the sanskrit crowd surd the H...
it's silence... the irish will never...
the θing is true...
nope... the irish will: the τing is true...
or... apostrophe the H out of the whole
it doesn't apply to: THE...
that theta's trip is already lost...
replaced by churchill *******
a east end london girl:
wishing Whitechapel was somehow...
a Hammersmith... comparatively?
they don't differ, that much...

the Irish searching for the tau in theta?
oh sure... no Yeats in sight...
not mention of the chinese philosophy of:
eat dogs first... salvage the cows for milk

but in Sanskrit the H is a surd...
which... must be a Boston Irish t'ing too!
how the T can escape the greek F...
and the other greek F of φilosoφy...
otherwise... what do we call it?
ψycology: in spelling: psychology...
but in "reality"?
surd π:
σycology - no... south korean PSI... is there?
nor with a surd gamma (γ) in:
'νoστικ... i.e.
no more a 'νoστικ than... oh! the eye-itch
of having to... nonetheless write:
γνoμη (no-oo-mm)
because by now the epsilon or eta is also,
somehow: surded...

a known-aum...
and yes: the K is surd...
like in no-um... otherwise dhal or dal or daal...
or a macron appears above the A...
and we have ourselves
a gnostic ('nostic): gnome ('nome)...

nomine ex response agnitio?
ex pandectis Florentinis... repraesentatus,
com[m]entariis Accursii, Scholiis Contii...

i believe eta (η) to be the shorter version
of epsilon (ε)...
as i believe that omicron (o) to be the shorter
version of omega (ω) -
then again... that's just me...

believe my disbelief -
to first own a dog - a leash -
to later discard a dog: a bullet to the back
of the head...

but... i fold...
this is not a poker came i'm going to be
best equipped by...
it's all that more simple since...
i'm not a native: curator tourist...
it's a Dublin "thing"...
when... i'm told to stress extracting
a tau from the theta...
calling "it" a τing and not a θing...

i am allowed to relax whenever the 2nd
greek F comes into play...
"relax"... φilosoφy is somehow;
what? the *****-slap waiting in the background...
when the atheist materialists use a term
like soul... but... thinking should not
be investing itself in the existence
of a phantom, a ghost,
all thought should be invested in the body:
all body: no soul...

no wonder... psychology...
oh the name will not change...
after the "death of god" the human soul has become...
at peace in refining its sadism...
it's very gentle... it's very subtle...
it refined fine dining!

first you require the prime...
anaesthetic... a curtain of fiction...
fiction is the ultimate anaesthetic...
it's not the sort of anaesthetic injected upon...
dealing with critical pain...
sending you into a pocket of coma...
fiction is a subtle variation of
the anaesthetic... the pain of a pointless
existence requires more cushions
and less... fears of the needle...
imagine what fiction wouldn't be...
if... you would require people to be
pampared to...
to have pigs slaughtered...
cushions! to have "proper", ahem...
"grammar" and "pronouns"! ahem...

and i have been diagnosed as a schizophrenic...
i tell you...
bilingual is the new schizophrenic!
i love it... the one time when
poetry can meet psychiatry:
on its own terms: on the crux of metaphors!
i love it!

at least that's how you explore:
the grey areas with metaphors...
the entire litany is probably an oops
and a Daisy of a correct etymology - "correct" -
otherwise misnomer applications...
a hammer was used for screws...
a screwdriver was used for nails...
same old, same old;

better you than me...
and that me is not the you about to listen
to some heavily tatooed nymphomaniac
from st. petersburg: alias novosibirsk...
i too though i was a bit mad
having moved from the outskirts
of London... into the center of Edinburgh;
clown luck at being right;
i should have been the sort
to have moved from the underbelly of
Tehran - interracially bred -
started a renting company -
and had a girl by the name of Laura...
what's Laura in Farsi Baháʼí?

i was this close to ******* my way into
the cult... this close...
suitor: better i just stick to the beetroot,
parsley root, carrot, turnip,
wholesome cabbage, potatoes...
and sure as **** no mamluks,
no oasis... no mangos... no peacocks...
just your standard ***** meat hogs...
fauns and...
what does the quran call the original:
not domesticated "pig"?
bore or boar? what do i call beer
when they only start serving wine? mead.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Exit is Brexit
Out is Brout
Give a man a fish
It has to be a Trout.

But if its on a Friday
The day you voted Leave
And you are a Catholic
Vote for Mogg but not for Grieve.

Up in Scotland they have a choice
Sturgeon roe or there is Salmon
The Welsh prefer their Oysters
From the mountains of Aran Benllyn

Across the water in County Down
Where those bowlers make them frown
Arlene Foster and her DUPPY's
Use Bluefish software for the Crown.
Born a boy; now a giant of men.
A son of Omu-Aran becoming the
Bishop of the world, who's nurtured
And taught by his mom and granny.

His benign brook belittled yesterday
Has turned to a blessed flowing sea;
His molehill's become as Mt. Everest
Before the eyes of many an enemy.

At sixteen, his life whole he gladly gave
To Jesus the Saviour in college indeed,
And to sin and Satan no more a slave,
But God's son, by God's grace redeemed.

Bishop, the Lord called to ascendancy,
By his favour and mercy, from grass.
To make his humble name legendary,
Heaven did set him apart for the race.

David the bishop, like David the king,
Is truly "a man after God's own heart":
Of his goodness and love does he sing;
His passion he has from the very start.

The kingdom of God and his service
Is bishop's daily breath and bread,
As well as giving his Creator praise;
And in all things he is always elated.

A blessed life is not in number told,
But by deeds that outlast the present.
All men were born, yet few do die
Great; for most live for the moment.

A life of platinum impact like Papa's,
Will forever like the sun in the sky
Be shinning, and hell and darkness
Can't obscure its light and glory high.

©️2024 by Folorunsho Obalugemo
Dedicated to Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo @ 70.

September 27, 2024
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Main Street Media
Streetlights are not
Connected to photo
Electric night censors,
Censorship cells yes.

Gaza is being darkened
The spotlight removed.

But, the sheep follow
The bellwether, which
Unknown to them is
Pavlov’s dog, wearing
A white Aran Sweater.

— The End —