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Stone Fox Mar 2016
Half my time is spent bruising my own ego,
as I literally try to command every cell in my body to forget you entirely.

Forget your stupid face, your name, and all the things I can't stand about you.
Or worse.. all those things I'm ashamed to admit I love about you.

In the end, pretending your nonexistence only antagonizes me more.
The absence of you is louder than the endless supply of smart *** remarks you never seem to run out of.

You take the joy out of every day, you rob me of the fun in getting high,
You steal the very colour from my sight!
Forcing me to star in this silent black and white film with horrible lighting.

The other half of my time consumes all the rest of my energy.
As I will the fibers of the Universe into energy that does my simple bidding-
Overdosing your every single thought or impulse with only one yearning desire:
Visions of me, covered in only green lace and liquid codeine.

Oh the things I would do to you!
I would go to such lengths to pretend to please you..

I want to give you the world just so I can take it from you later.
And because you are the fire of my soul, my one and only..
I promise you I will.
Black widows drink white wine.
Magnetic lionesses creep, cold and calculating.
Drunken sobs echo, under locked bedroom doors.
As toppled shot-glasses lay, in scattered pools of ***.
Poolside lounge chairs plummet, making argyle splashes,
Coming to rest with cell phones and wallets.
Frigid lake water, antagonizes moonlit lovers.
Daring glances spread gossamer lies, unlocking elusive touches.
These alabaster halls consume infant minds, yet
Not tonight.
Amy Perry Nov 2013
A person as pure as you
And a child as demented as he
Shows to me, that both in
The same room can create
Magnetic energy.
You're polar opposites
And you're both close
Enough to touch.
He antagonizes me,
And you do nothing to stop it
But extend to me guidance
Like a torch.
A panic attack is no laughing matter.
But to him it doesn't matter.
A trained professional,
But firstly, an *******.
I'm spiraling down,
I'm shaking and sick.
Then I went to your table,
I needed help quick.
With a relaxing voice,
In my mind's eye,
A peaceful place floats
Outside of these walls
And away from these white coats.
The meditation did away
With what the medication couldn't.
A man they call crazy
Made a girl feel calm.
A man they call Nurse
Made it spiral down.
This was one of those poems where I had to wipe my cheeks dry after writing it
The delusional expectancy of arriving to a unified decision under a false, and somewhat mysterious banner leaves the tender footed Neanderthals to drawl and crawl towards their inevitable demise, at the hands of a lesser evil, catering to their cowardice, the ultimate usurper.

Barriers formed and forged in concrete molds left behind by a war mongering ancestry devoured by their ****** progeny.

An enemy approaches…

Throne rooms held in recessed hills, concealed in a shroud of fog, left off by the chilled steam stewing off yesteryears loss.

Heroes transported on expensive tapestry, in banners provoking deeds of old, and the memory of their meaning.

Hold in masses of collected honor.

Catapulted horrors break the line.

Strains of panic retreat in woeful singularity.

Fear infects the herd as arrowheads of cowardice break the chain-mail guard.

Women and children pushed behind a diseased king as he purges his principles in the face of death.

He seals the entrance in stone.

A son, known for his great misdeeds, and vast misfortunes takes step before his small family as the army approaches.

In a hallowed tomb as a mere boy, he heard the tune, uttered from the devil’s lips.

A summoning song.

Here he sings the treacherous tune as the sounds of heavy marching fill the halls.

The last barrier breaks.

Shrieks of terror erupt.

Demise is at hand.

Men lose their valor as they turn and flee, only to be met by a concrete reminder of their inevitable fatality.

The child’s voice grows demonic as the words begin to devour his soul.

There’s an odd presence in the room.

Death is prolonged…momentarily.

A void is opened.

The army begins to flee.

Victory is at hand.

Then the illusion of their invasion lifts, as soldiers, once more than visible, turn to ghosts, and finally fade from battle.

Cheers break out, only for a moment.

A hole opens in the center of the room, at first no larger than the size of a pin, but it expands outward at an alarming pace.

Guards scramble to funnel their people out of the breach.

An evil comes forth, once barred from the walls of this land.

It antagonizes the people with tales of its delusional sorcery.

Then thanks the young boy who brought it forth.

A world is soon devoured.

The end.
brandon nagley May 2015
Such unreasonable false treaties bypass these gated bricks,
Wherein cats roam,
Unseen mobile phones turn everyday fighters to mothers *****!!!

Cross/tempered alleys lighten the communistic terrace where every buehler to every faris antagonizes the badged bringers of fear!!!!

Stignitized stipends are exposed to logged whittled suspense!!!
Weirdness is accompanied by thy ebony tops,
Wherein freedoms lost,
In places unsatisfied by man!!!!

Fire and water are trend,
Visionaries cometh from friends made from newspaper stands!!!!

****** theocratic, overhead sensationally leaks to moderned society!!!
Where choosing priority currupts our fatal flaws!!!

Art thou better or worse after all!??!

Accessing emotions,
Acclaimers fight explosion,
Befuddlers make merry their richeous belated stay!!!!

Tenaciously we compile thine world sent knowledge,
Where cargo is astounding with thou junk we all keep!!!

Clean thy face,
Wipe thy feet,
For you are generation number one!!!!

You liberated statue ,
You image to gods son!!!!!!!!!
She sits on the toilet seat,
in her washroom crying.
Holding a razor so sharp,
It could tear her flesh,

Until it causes her veins,
To slowly drain,
the unbearable pain
That stains...
just as the blood would.....
leaving a puddle,
Symbolizing her troubles
That she could no longer try to struggle with.

So as she sits on the toilet,
Hoping to cut herself,
Just like the knives did
when her friends stabbed her in the back.
She antagonizes herself,
to instigate and encourage,
What she sees as courage
To end an existence,
she feels Is worthless.
So on purpose,
She Forces out the memories,

The memories of all the love she gave.....
Never returned.
All the family who's backs turned,
All the people she loved,
Now lost, left in an urn.

She thinks of all the attention
She got from being fat,
And all the attention she did not get
because of that.

She thinks of all the times,
she was left to pick up the pieces
of her broken heart.

She thinks of all the lonely nights
She cried herself to sleep.
All the faded dreams
The insecurities that scream,
And the empty, broken promises.
She thinks of all the debt,
Being broke,
working a dead end job,
She busts her *** at,  
For a boss who constantly
degrades her.
Just so her parents can give her
a look of disappointment,
at every Holiday,
And family gathering,
That speaks in silence saying:

"Why did you drop out of college"
"Why can't you be more like your sister"

She thinks of all her friends,
Who got married,
and had kids,
And how she now stopped wondering
why no one loves her....
How could they?

So she accepts,
What she feels, as true.
Feeling like she has nothing to offer.
Feeling like a constant failure who's
Only progression,
she stands possessing
Is waking up and not feeling the depression...
So she cuts,
Now Bleeding,
Frustrated with herself,
knowing it isn't deep enough.
Only to leave a scar,
Just like the other countless attempts that failed in the past,
When she sat,
on her toilet Wanting to die....
Til all that crosses her mind,
is the nauseating,
annoying, question:

"Can't I do anything right?"....
...all she wants is for the pain to stop.
All she wants,
Is to be free of the panic attacks.
Free of feeling like a burden
to those around her.
Free of the perpetual
pessimistic thoughts,
that now plague her,
As hopes of the manifestation
Of happiness,
Are gone,
and have only left her bitter.
So as she cuts again,
using more force,
She prays to a god
she no longer Believes in,
For the strength,
to be weak enough...
to end it...

Still crying,
And still denying,
That anything but dying
Will ever bring her
a piece of peace....
Eyes met
Magnetism drawing them near.
The first touch, first kiss, sparking a desire
Kisses soft at first then turn to devour
Wrapped in each others arms
Clothing soon becomes no obstacle
Unmercifully he antagonizes her beast  
Unbenownst to both the temptest he'd release  
He enters her domain
Rightfully making his claim
Backs arch,  moans ensue
Two beings trying hard to become one
Trying to merge both body and mind
Claim after claim he takes
Spent they lay in the others embrace
Continuance of soft caress
Knowing they gave the other their best
A mesmerizing song brought this one.
"See What I've Become" Zack Hemesy
ooznozz Aug 2017
Wormy gorgon of the fugly garbage gorgon's has a very sad an' lowly life indeed. She curses an' antagonizes a cancer fighter instead of sending her sincere good wishes an' a heartfelt expressed Godspeed.

On her best day, she exemplifies all the characteristics of a mean spirited, moronic jag off misanthrope whose only desire is to plant a very bad weedy seed. Her angry tongue splinters an' then bullies.
My wish is t’have fingers of tumultuous jostle you – attempting to throw you hard toward kingdom-come…

Human suffering,
“Can this drama, the supreme embodiment of the human condition, possibly be okay?”
My stomach knots.
Often not much has changed in our actual life –
Yes, I get into the same bed each night trying to go to sleep,
Thinking that if I look away,
You might be gone by the time I look back.

(This has been) a Creeping ode to the aftereffects of a small minded twerp…

by "ooznozz"
Sekhar Sep 2019
Build upon these tattered pieces
Sew together what's left and sane
Exhale that which antagonizes
Pour out what's amber and abstain
- note to self
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
It has been awhile
Since the last clash
I used to be just a child
And now that I can stop them
I choose to let the brash battles,
Like the ones at the bulge, push on

I'm not going to babysit adults
She stands and yells, he sits and antagonizes
It's aggravating and agonizing
They like to drop bombs
It's getting agitating to see such polar opposites
Especially over small things
Like the computer chair
Sorry I haven't been posting lately
B Mar 2018
Anger antagonizes and attacks again
Bravery boldly bounds bout brilliance
Compassion casts careful, calculated calm
Disappointment detaches, disconnects, driving defiance
Enthusiasm's exuberance exhausts envy's edge
Fear fleetly fades fury's fated face
Guilt greedily goads gullible grief-stricken
Hope humbles hesitancy, heals heartbroken
Insecurity impatiently imparts invisible ignorance
Joyful jumps jaded jinxed jealousy
Keen kindness keeps kindred known
Loneliness lingers longer lately
Like a vocal warm-up, but more pretentious

— The End —