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William A Poppen Nov 2015
Corner curtains close to encircle
souls bearing poems
scratched on manila pads or
formed on computers
to await a reading

amid clangs of ceramic cups
stainless steel utensils
and cream pitchers.
Carlo’s throat cracks while
he recalls running his fingers
over dry scaly skin
tolerating the heat rising in his body
as he befriends  
snakes coexisting in his camp

Mokasiya narrates adventures 

along rock mesas
formed and shaded
red, orange and tan
and how grasses turn brittle and dry
nearly dissapearing
amid enormous grasshopper swarms  .
A young woman sings and plays poetic
lyrics of struggles
lamenting that she should have
given in to the hot rage in her throat
to shoot and **** the *****
who corrupted her father’s marriage

Corner curtains open
as words and phrases
remain to die
among the chairs
mixing with the sawdust
on the hardwood flooring
unlikely to become
reborn, reread or recorded
William A Poppen Nov 2015
Part of her is scarred

and she wraps that spot

with scarves, high collars

or extra mascara.

Remnant traces

ring her shoulder.

Embittered echoes
around her brain.

His self-inflicted torture

spills over onto her

as his crazed lashes
strike her 
bone deep.

Musty smells

from those moments

linger among
her nostril mucus.

She carries on

unable to attain

her forgiveness.
My attempt to empathize with someone who is being abused.
William A Poppen Oct 2015
Bad luck decorates her branches

flashing on and off
 strings of lights
on a holiday tree.

Misfortune glows

as if fueled by noonday sun

under cloudless sky.
Each day she longs

for someone who might notice,

turn some switch
dim the lights
pull a plug
 diminish her pain.
No hero lurks nearby
on prancing steed.

Don’t filaments fray

and bulbs fail to ignite

one more time?
William A Poppen Oct 2015
Gazing at furry paws

smacking white cord pulls

mesmerizes her.

Wooden tassels clunk together,
waving to and fro
like a tetherball
on a playground pole

spanked by busy children.

He left his kitten

his curious kitten.

Outside snowflakes

float downward

like the pieces of paper

she shred from his exit note
and like bits of cotton

the kitten pulls from her pillow.

He left his kitten,

his curious kitten.

Her hands clasp together.

She utters no prayer.

Downcast she cannot face her Lord.

Her red streaked eyes,

accented by ash colored cheeks

study playful kitten.

Her thoughts clink together

as she slaps them around her mind.

He left his kitten,

his curious kitten.

He left.

He left her.
William A Poppen Oct 2015
One side of her face flush
red, like she has been slapped
hard, broadsided

Since the report
her searches on Google
garner extensive lists

of indecipherable medical terms
inciting fear, fuzzy thinking
as despair shrouds her essence
for Carrie
William A Poppen Sep 2015
Everything is measured and sized
Necklaces gaudy and gay,
Rings of different carets
mingle near gold and silver bangles
No scale or ruler
marks distances between them
Templates screen words
of spontaneous bluntness
Turn the apple
toward the worm's
tip peaking through the skin
Cull the fruit  from the basket
Between ardent glances
and shallow breaths-
an awareness of nourishment
beneath peeled skin
All realize
one seldom cuts
delicious melon
without spilling some juice
William A Poppen Aug 2015
A scent of lavender colors the room
as her metal clipped heels
announce her arrival
One thought rolls over and over
in his mind
like a bird pecking on suet
They had reached a tipping point
in their relationship
He knows how to spell commitment
and rejects the mere smell of it

Her arm curls out
reaches around him
as she presses her greeting against him
a greeting that carries
a pressure to decide

As she smiles her hello
her eyes search
every crease in his face
looking for a sign
that he wants them to be real
real enough to step
together on the same path

What she finds  
is a vagueness
pooling in his eyes
a resolute tightness
covering his jutting jaw
a signal that he is sliding
around and away
from a vow, a promise
of a future together
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