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Will Justus Mar 2013
I write these poems that no one reads
They are the outlet that I need.
This world would make the most fiery romantic doubt 
And forces the happiest optimist to pout.
I cling to my verse against the storms of the age
At least some sincerity will be preserved in this page.
It is the floating bark
That saves my broken heart
From those who have done it harm 
And against them I am armed.
In my loss I will not lose hope
As long as I can rhyme, I cope.
Will Justus Mar 2013
If there was a woman with integrity
She would be the one for me
If there was a woman with wit
She's the one I wouldn't quit
If there was a woman with fire
She's the one that I'd require

But much to my dismay
It is not too presumptuous to say
That such a girl it seems,
Exists only in the confines of my dreams

Perhaps my hope was blind
And perfection is only in my mind
No real girl could have met
The impossible bar that I have set 

Or maybe there is that perfect girl 
Around who my thoughts now swirl
But I am not the one she chose
because I am not the one she knows

Or she knew me well enough
But found me lacking in the stuff
That makes the heartbeat flutter
And causes her to stutter

The latter case is the worse
To think I have some sort of curse
A frog denied the saving kiss
The prince of unrequited love will not be missed
Will Justus Mar 2013
Childhood memories linger
Teenage distance was closing
Stealing away together
for secret hours of rapture
Suppressing smiles in the halls
Furtive glancing around friends
Too slow, too sacred for others
Unspoken love oft brings pain
Oh why did I not tell her?
For that fateful day she was snatched away
Frozen wings brought icy death
My angel plummeted down
So, too, my heart fell that day
I mourned, but not completely
We had only been good friends
That lie is all I could believe
I could not stomach the truth
I pushed the pain down deep, deep
Locked up ‘till a brighter day
A day when I was stronger, and could cope
That day has come and with fire
for my world is burning now
A departed friend is missed
but my love? I cannot live!
Yet somehow I rise each morn
I find joy in life’s great tale
and hope to write but a line
On that day when I’m called home
I’ll find the fairest angel
Hand-in-hand, we’ll walk to His open arms
Will Justus Mar 2013
Can be very frightening
All that time 
spent searching in the darkness 
Full of hope
That you will find her someday
You can't help
But still feel lonely today
Will Justus Mar 2013
One of these days we'll get up and go
And where we have gone no one will know.
They'll wonder and ponder and all scratch their heads.
They'll search our whole rooms and under the beds.
 But we won't be there, oh no, we're long gone.
We'll go to the place where we'll see the new dawn.
We'll laugh and kiss and dance oh so slow.
 Great fun will be had but the sun will sink low.
 We'll walk slowly back to our lives, hands intertwined
And treasure that day in a vault in our minds
Will Justus Mar 2013
Hello world don’t you look fine
Spinning along on your crazy line
And all the smiles are as big as mine
Today’s the day I’ll get up and go
I’ll meet people I would never know
We’ll share so fast and dance so slow
Today I want to laugh until I cry
I want to steal a kiss on the sly
We’ll watch the stars shoot through the sky
Today nothing will be done
The only goal is to have some fun
Today we will rest from the race we run
And in that rest, We’ve won
Will Justus Mar 2013
Ah! What good is this fire?
Yes, I held it aloft,
Gazed into the depths of its beauty,
Displayed its brilliance.
My soul danced in the flames.
I was so taken I did not feel the burns.
The betrayal of your gift!
The sword has no bite as deep.
My shallow soul has no substance to sacrifice.
I am consumed by it and softened as the strongest steel.
Everyone leaves their mark.
This is no salvation if I cannot bear it!
I would gladly let the eagles at my breast
If you would take this torch from me.
For I cannot abandon it myself,
My soul has been claimed.
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