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  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
Hannah Richburg
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
‘Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree’

Your lights shine too bright
My eyes
Are sensitive
And so are my ears

Loud voices and bustling shoppers
Make me anxious
Whatever happened to whoville?

I don’t need presents or money
I’m happy with those I love around me

Sometimes I wonder if they feel the same
Or has the holiday season
Driven them insane?
  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
When my friend comes
I don't have to do
anything to make things
happen, shamelessly

we are who we want to be
we let warm breaths
play with happiness
in our blood, and exchange

words for bites
of peace in our belly
- the small world
...of contentment the big world
...of striving -
until we are satisfied
and stop laughing
Collection "More"
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Hello again
It’s me

Tomorrow I’m going to therapy
I’m really nervous

But I’m gonna do really well
I’ll be comfortable
And maybe make new friends?

Help me through this if you can

But either way I will do it
And I will stay strong

I’ve been working on myself
And they will see
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Lemon boy smiles
I don’t dream anymore
But if I did I know you’d be there
You broke through my walls
I hope you know
I’m yours
Are you mine?
To: Lemon Boy
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