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Tears of joy
Tears of anger
Tears of irritation
Tears of frustration
Tears of laughter
Tears of grief
Such emotion in a drop of salty water.

Never be ashamed of those tiny droplets
they reflect all emotion in a single fall.
Sensitivity, frustration, anger and hope.
Never hold back, and never stop crying at someone's behest.
Tears clean your soul and releases all unhappiness in you.
Tears are your pearls, of wisdom and experience.
Tears, hot coming out, cold going down.

The oceans are all the saline tears of our earth.
Tears, are all our actions and words in an action.
They are words our heart breaks at hearing,
images our eyes cannot bare to see.
Feelings our mind cannot fathom.
Tears are the truth of a sensitive soul set free.
01:29  BST

Here lies below a (very) brief list to review, welcome to my nightmares,
I bid you adieu....


Back in the day, when I was a kid
I'd so many nightmares, oh Yes! indeed I did.
There were monsters in my closet and under my bed, gnomes that would hunt me and hags on my chest.
Zombies were mobbing, roaming my street, right out of Thriller, minus the beat.
I would get so scared that I'd tremble at night, restlessly sweating, awaiting the Creeps, I muffled my sobbing under my sheets.

So, now that we've visited those very few, let's look on to my Teens for new mares to review.

Sooo....Nighttime falls, and here we go, where I meet up with sleepers, ghouls, the undead, on stretch of empty highway, I'm deserted with dread, except for the drones swooping down overhead.
I've had my fair share of falling dreams, nighttime terrors, and muffled screams, ones where I'm blind, buried alive or running like molasses while helplessly knowing that something is coming to do me harm, all filled with a chill~guaranteed to alarm.

As I grew older, into my twenties, I'd dream of ex~lovers, back then I'd had plenty.

Some were seductive yet chillingly cold, setting a jealous scene to unfold. Some were so vicious, I would wake up crying, still others were heartless and hauntingly frightening in their callous displays of cheating and lying.

Of course, now in my thirties most of my mares center upon guilt, and regretful dispairs.
Reliving my shame, the losses and tragedies, taunting me with the full scope of all my inadequacies.
I still often get the nighttime paralysis, I can't move a muscle, though lucidly I realize that this time the fight seems to come from inside.


So now that I've shared an abbreviated list of some of my nightmares, well, you get the gist.

I hope you've enjoyed a jolly good read, just don't be afraid when it's your time to sleep.

For a more detailed recollection of any one dream, give me a holler or a blood curdled scream.
:-)) Sweet Dreams :-))
My eyes are probably red
I was crying earlier
Go to sleep, ****, ****, ****.
**** and sleep. Bleed and weep.

Examine yourself.
Am I safe?
If yes, ****.
If no, yes.
Change positions.
Am I safe enough right now?

Check on that thought. Is it ok? Can it live here? Will it **** me?
No? No. No...


Say alive. Say it.
Stay astride giant tantamounts of muse, Icarus flew too soon.

Silence freak. The silence freak.
Science, cheap talk, pseudospirituality.
Shut up that mouth, babbling on and on and off.
Off. Offal in the pig soup broth.

Charm her. Charm her. What else?
Charmed her. What else? Shut up, that's all.
Shut up and enjoy life fully, be abundant, free, intelligent, silent.
Keep it in the pants. Keep inside your ******* pants.

Feel the need to breed. The need to spill obscenities. You breathe in every other scream, to **** in dry, **** and dry, blow out all the seeds.

Aw **** my eye. Right in my eye. 1st contact. Claimed. In the Name.
Oh his Father, His Son, His Holy Zeitgeist.

Bigger words make a happy family. Tipping urns spill the trappings of the elite. Learn from our mistakes. Do not mistake taste. For feeling unafraid.

Goodbye, goodbye, I'm off the **** and sleep. The dose was too high, got right in my eyes, and several bars later the rhythm has faded and no tears are left with which to weep.
With a definite driving and subsiding of rhythm.
  Aug 2014 Wardell Lee Freeman
I won't make promises I can't keep.
I can't promise that I'll love you forever, or that I'll never hurt you
I can't promise to stay forever, or to always be good to you
I can't promise to tell you all my secrets, or to explain what I'm feeling all the time

But there are some things I can promise.
I promise to try my hardest to stay with you.
I promise to push through the doubt and fear, and tell you when I'm scared.
I promise that I love you, right here, right now.

I guess that'll have to do.
We were talking about the future, and I told him I can't make promises of forever, and he actually felt relived, because now if something happens, we aren't going back on our word.
Hi. Hey. What's up, how's it going?
Not much, nothing really, *** it's snowing!
You're so cute, we should meet soon.
Where? What time? I have a meet at noon.
I'll pick you up, I'll be there to cheer you on.
At my school, after my parents are gone.
I can't wait to see you, *** you're cute!
I have to sleep, be up early, phone on mute.

Hi. Hey. What are you doing?
Not much, laying down, just chilling.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Um... I don't know what to say.
It's okay, takes time, sooner or later.
You sure? You know I'm a fierce debater.
***, I love you, you're super funny.
Thank you, let's go, it's kind of sunny.

Hi. Hey. I have something to tell you.
What is it? You okay? Got the flu?
No, last night, I'm sorry I told you a lie.
It's okay, I don't understand, tell me why?
I don't know, it felt right. By the way there's this guy.
It's okay, but this is a break, you didn't have a to tell a lie.
I miss you, please! I'm so sorry...
It's raining, I cant .. Do you hear your story?

Hi. Hey. How was your day?
Wanna come over? I'm bored.
Oh, well, I have something to tell you!
I love you, I love you, I love you!

Just thoughts. Breaking up ***** dude.
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