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The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,
  The maddest noise that grows,—
The birds, they make it in the spring,
  At night’s delicious close.

Between the March and April line—
  That magical frontier
Beyond which summer hesitates,
  Almost too heavenly near.

It makes us think of all the dead
  That sauntered with us here,
By separation’s sorcery
  Made cruelly more dear.

It makes us think of what we had,
  And what we now deplore.
We almost wish those siren throats
  Would go and sing no more.

An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near.
So easily swayed by your words.
Like a leaf against a gush of wind.
I’ll ride your words wherever they take me.

So firmly rooted in your thoughts.
Like the grip of an elder-tree to the ground.
Your thoughts are all that the world is perceived by me.

Soaring high in your creativity.
Like a bird out of view up in the wandering blue.
You’ll design my world in all its glory and gore.

So painfully hurt by your silence.
Like no feeling that can be described.
You’ll **** me beautifully with just your silence.
 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
I will always feel your presence
Through these quantum
Ethereal waves
These strings they bind
Through our time lines
Beyond the conscious states

Countless questions
Reasoning why
Staggeringly suspect
Those subtle lies

It seems quite complicated
Yet it's as simplistic as can be
Along came a wind of change
And blew two spirits free
Traveler Tim
Hay folks thanks for stopping by
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 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
have you heard the wind
the trees rustle
the wings fly by
the sea roar
watched the mountain
and wonder
sink down
on your knees
knowing this is life
the end the beginning
we are no more
than a bird a mountain a tree a leaf
a wave crash on the shore
a shell
maybe a sunrise
or a moon on the horizon
but nothing more
 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
It's ok
 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
When the world seems to crumble...
hold on
wrap yourself in the warm hands of your loved ones
learn new things
know there will be more to come
just be
and then one day you will be able to take those photos out
play those songs again
eat at that restaurant
drive down that road
one day
but that's ok if today isn't that day
your ok
you will be ok
I promise
You know those Chinese tea cups? And how if they chip or crack they fix them, by using gold to glue them back together. They highlight the mistake. Illuminate it.
 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
Courtney O
It does not span too long
Just a night or two or so
But it swallowed us whole, I see it clear

It lasts only so long as a night
Catch it while you can
But don’t cry when it’s over
It was meant to be like this
You have to learn to let go…

It’s ephemeral love
Springs and withers so quickly
Fades away as it burns and stings but just tonight
Don’t be sad, because he really loved you
Even though just once in his life…

This sip of life I never had
I’m drinking it up
Beds and love, love, love
that will die soon…

Hot feeling, heavy breathing
but not only that
It was when you held my hand
It was so much stuff
It shone, so bright, that only night.

It’s ephemeral love
The universe knows it
And you’ve been waiting ever for this
The stars conspire above
You gotta learn to let go…

And it could be anything
You could have been playing with me
but I don’t think so… I know
I want a life of quiet wildness.
A soul roaming free
in a forest
made for me.
The steady
of rain landing on each leaf.

Ive been running through the green in my mind,
while walking through the day to day.

A safe haven of feral peace where I listen to a loud world through the ears of a quiet spirit is what I require.

The world seems to be getting noisier,
but the untamed parts seem to be vanishing.

Like entropy,  
is the beautiful chaos seeping out of the world...

...or out of me?
 Mar 2017 Vhey Casison
Little Bit
They said my lines were weak
So I learned not to speak
     I decided not to speak

Now the lines are stuck in my mind
Driving me insane
Stay in your lane

I'm a girl who loves to dance
Yet too afraid to give it a chance
Utterly bored with myself
Wishing to purely connect

Aching for
the courage
the tools
the words
To get out of this rut

All my ideas swirl into gray lines
That fill my mind
And fuel the emptiness
That keeps me from feeling alive
Left only with a penchant for pleasing

I just laugh it off
Then cry dry tears at night
Where did I go?
Can you see me?
I'm lost in the monotony
Can you save me?
Can I save me?
written 1/23/17
Hello god forsaken wasteland
of post-apocalyptic twigs for trees
as thirsty as buffalo chips
Dry as the wind
Dry as straw
crunching under my boots

Copper topped mountains
sighing without stamina
I **** blue from the nitrogen horizon
marching with the Spring to be reborn
Born of germ to graze
Born of energy that saves

on trails decidedly leading
toward a corridor of resignation
and inconspicuous succession

Written by Sara Fielder © Mar 2017
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