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1.6k · Dec 2016
Victor Harvelle Dec 2016
Blue eyes burning into ethereal green
they stare for minutes,
a crisp ocean- pure and strong
battling against an uncontrollable forest
locked together
speaking volumes without making sound
beckoning for the other to hear
unspoken words of love

Their eyes telling a story
a story their voices wont dare speak
too afraid the other might resent it

unspoken attraction
eyes locked in combat
words not coming out but always there.

Blue eyes burning into ethereal green
they stare for minutes,
a crisp ocean- pure and strong
battling against an uncontrollable forest
locked together
speaking volumes without making a sound
beckoning for the other to hear
unspoken words of devotion

Both are too afraid to hear the other
one fearing loss,
the other, rejection

fates always entangling
they are bound-
they share a profound bond
stronger then the strongest metal,
lit up in a flame of hope

Blue eyes burning into ethereal green
they stare for minutes,
a crisp ocean- pure and strong
battling against an uncontrollable forest
locked together
speaking volumes without making a sound
beckoning for the other to hear
unspoken words of promise
794 · Dec 2016
Human and Angel Collide
Victor Harvelle Dec 2016
Pools of enchantment, that is what your eyes hold.
Inept hands, reach to hold, grasping mine like a life line.
All I ask is that, when your pools of green enchantment look into my own seas of blue,
you will never hide from me, and beg me please to stay.
625 · Dec 2016
Victor Harvelle Dec 2016
She is home,
four wheels
initials in the back
the boys call her home
she has always been there
the one thing they've always had
the eldest rebuilds her,
calls her baby
the younger falls asleep in her passenger seat
the impala is his home
she has seen the boys at their best
and their worst
And she will be there when it's over.
The feels.
586 · Dec 2016
Victor Harvelle Dec 2016
Black eyes and no remorse
possessing people
making them their host
they get cut down when the Winchesters are close
545 · May 2017
Superficial vs Unseen
Victor Harvelle May 2017
I'm not like those superficial teens
pretending that they're kings and queens
I'm the one living on dreams
and pretending to be unseen
I just wrote this out of a spur of the moment need, not that good buuut yeah.
465 · Dec 2016
Victor Harvelle Dec 2016
So many empty tears
drowned out in bottles of beer
You kept asking me,
"Dear will I ever see the sunrise again?"
and I didn't know
I told you to try...
You said okay.
you said okay.
You. Said. Okay.

— The End —