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I sit here,
under the night sky.
Gazing up with a sigh.
To try and imply,
What the stars signify?

Are they a storehouse
of mystery?
Trying to hide
their history.
Just too shy,
to entail their glory.

I sit here,
under the night sky.
Striving to comply.
To deduce what they say.
Waiting for a reply.
 Dec 2017 Valerie
to hang around is hard you know
to face today when you know you have to face tomorrow too
every day the same
every set of eyes seem to see it all the same way
i don't need to be better than anyone else
i just want to be better than myself
the wasted days and disappointments pile up
the tomorrows always behind the todays always behind the yesterdays
never better
never new
me? i'm never going to catch a clue.
you? you're probably stuck in it too.
 Dec 2017 Valerie
 Dec 2017 Valerie
Sugar, flour milk and eggs
to start the greatest thing I made.
Butter, cinnamon and vanilla,
to make them smile with delight.

A little bit of this and that,
and its ready to bite.
From the humble kitchen I made
to the hearts of those who would taste.

I am sweet like my cupcakes,
But I am shy to say them by myself.
But I tell them by my craft,
And they know my love is soft at last.
Abondoned WIP
 Dec 2017 Valerie
 Dec 2017 Valerie
White and Fluffy,
Cold, but embracing

The dream,
The nuisance,
The beauty

Yet, I can't find it here.

It's cold
Trying out a experimental poem style. It *****
 Dec 2017 Valerie
Lior Gavra
Am I just a wheel?
Consuming meals?
A speck in blue sea?
Bound by what I see?
Life amongst trees?
Breathing means free?

Am I my beliefs?
The truth I seek?
Flag of a country?
Defined by currency?
A liability?
Part of society?

Am I what you see?
The way you judge me?
The values you pick?
First impressions stick?
Norm defined by you?
Do I dare to be rude?


I am who I choose.
I fill my own shoes.
I win when I lose.
I create my own views.
I see black beyond blue.
I pick me over you.

Who are we?
I am me.
Who are we?
Depends on you.
 Dec 2017 Valerie
 Dec 2017 Valerie
In goes my heart,

Here I turn the ****-


Out goes your love,
Enveloping me with your warmth
Definitely not made during breakfast.

— The End —