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 Aug 2015 uncountablue
You know that feeling
mind is reeling
you are everywhere but
faces, voices, eyes alluding
to the "one over there"
the one intruding
and you check your palms
sweaty lines
tell the signs
this is not your home
but you enter anyway
we all do

enter houses that feel like itchy wool sweaters
and it's uncomfortable and you're not even sure you like it
but you tell others you've never been better
i dunno i hadn't written in a while so heres a quick jot
 Aug 2015 uncountablue
the best poet on hello poetry
they keep to themself
they hardly communicate with others
they're writing stays on the shelf

the best poet on hello poetry
writes down what's in their head
no poetry sisters and brothers
they are the one who is never read
 Jul 2015 uncountablue
I don't love you
I don't love your flaws
I hate them
you tore me to pieces
I hate so many things about you
you are like nicotine
worse than the hits I take
I crave so many pieces of you
but only pieces
I can never love you fully
as a whole
I love the sections of you I handpicked
and re arranged
into who I want
I don't love you anymore
I love feeling loved.
 Jul 2015 uncountablue
 Jul 2015 uncountablue
"salvation and damnation are the same thing."
oh stephen king, you are quite right.
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