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 Jul 2015 uncountablue
You were the only thing in the Universe shining brighter than any star above us in the sky; the night I realized I loved you.
The stories that you tell me,
Oh how they mix my mind
And when I search for answers
They seem too hard to find

And when I get tired of soul searching
And feel like I'm loosing time
I cannot help but wonder
If this story is really mine
 Jul 2015 uncountablue
I saw you
On the train
You were immersed in the Sunday Times
Headline reading: Girl Missing for 17 years, Finally Found
I think to myself you are the dream come alive
This is the moment they promise in rom-coms
The outlandish answer to "how did you meet?"
I promise this time I will tap your striped-sweatered shoulder

Who am I kidding.
We were on a crowded bus, my hair
Plastered by the neighboring sweat
Nearly next to me, preoccupied, with your
Tiny little screen
As you stuff your hand in your low slung jeans
Pull out a stick of gum which you proceed to chew so loudly

Who am I kidding.
I gave you a sideways glance
June 7th
I find that sometimes it just seems like the right guy is so hard to find. Truly, romance is so, well... romanticized, these days. I wish there were simply more realistic expectations.
 Jul 2015 uncountablue
what is this all for?
if i'm human and you're human
do you have the same scars?
the same stars? behind your eyes i mean

and can we share our stories and find where they intersect?

(what i'd like to ask every being i've ever met)
thinking out loud here
I can't help thinking
That my legs are the size
Of wide ravines
Carrying ***** blood
Through its tributaries
I can't help thinking
That my stomach holds
Toxic waste
Ruining me from
The inside
I can't help thinking
That the darkness outside
Has stretched inwards
Corrupting the light
I once held in my eyes
I can't help thinking
That I'll always think the same

— The End —