And so it is, how it starts, for once forever to be one in four,
Instead of two in three. Nothing
To prove the wise and learned
That knows the books but knows
Not me. Has answers without ever asking. Tell them they are told: 'wait and see.' But the ones
Simple in heart to rejoice: 'your sins are forgiven." Because his love is great. Greater than the world. Tell it: 'you were saved.' So fear never more again worry, because of the man as it was the day before for the yesterday to come, by man's i love, love is yours. You were saved of the night, so from now on and from on forever more dress in white, for you are dressing up for heavens. Dare to believe as if knew, since i know you are going to. Turn your face to the sun in soon to tell, in words be kind yet true, that is all i am asking for me to be in you delighted: i am.