Almost one-third of my life, I have been an author,
I never think of myself much that way,
Interesting thoughts flow, I print with a pencil in hand,
What, inspires me, I never start with an exact plan.
Writers, deep thinkers, and prophets, always related to the past,
They are among us, some reading this could be, delivering,
Messages, that will forever last.
They would have a special personality, able to mix with,
All types of people, depending on the situation, are capable of,
Delivering the messages, in many different ways, leaving,
Inspiring information, to others, they may use, will repeat,
While pondering about the impression, that was made,
For the rest of this life’s stay.
Society is hanging over a cliff, through ads, and many other ways,
Creating minds, that money, is so much talked about,
Altering how people think, they refuse to listen, or even believe,
Unless a famous rich person or money is in the conversation, some way.
Think about your thoughts, the messages you receive, and hopefully
The answer will come, for the original plan, and
Peace On Earth Will Be.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/7/2022
Life attitude actions future