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Our world it is so beautiful
You can see it in the trees
But just like a lovely garden
We need to remove those weeds.

We know there are many rivers
Along with flowing streams
But with all of earths pollution
It's a nightmare instead of a dream.

And there is the animal kingdom
With creatures of every kind
But the way we treat our animals
It's disturbing to the mind.

What about the Human race
We  only have one mother earth
We all should join together
For we all are of equal worth.

So just like that beautiful garden
And when all those weeds have gone
This world will be a perfect place
For everyone to live on.
Up in the backwoods
Of Michigan, lives the
Traveling man name of Tim.
He's in a band, with a million fans, and I think it is a sin, that he's in better shape than I am, and I'm ******* younger than him.
Ever since he got bit by that possum, he will never be the same again.
I had a great conversation with Traveling Man the other day, he's a great dude, and this ode practically wrote itself. Long may he live
Who will cherish me
When withering autumn leaves
Are stripped of their golden gallantry
By the biting winter winds

Writer and reader alike
Chasing currents of contradictions
Like our will to death, fighting for life
Am I here at all if I am not here to stay

Points of purpose, in shallow moments
Ripped by tides and dragged away
We mind the depths, so to never dig up our dead
A fading remember when

Time and tide, forever outpacing the lives of men
Unearthed and submerged
In the instant between
The angel opening his eyes, and the tired who resign to dream

it was working towards me
in tiny increments with this
unusually adamant

loop-scooting itself across a
hot gravel desert populated
by abrasively inert killers

scraping off bits of itself
in detail along the way

i gave it a lift—

it rolled into a tight ball,
relaxed and then died
in my hand

its last act, a lamenting as if
i had denied it some chosen
final resting place

leaving me holding
this barometer

for measuring the spaces
between those less than
lofty of goals in the better
part of my years...

s jones

Counting my blessing
While I count the star's
Close my eyes
Making a wish as one falls apart
Shooting across the night sky
I feel you inside me
though you are not with me
No one can find you
but I can see you next to me!

You aren't far away from me
You are in my heartsore
You aren't behind my eyes
but always in my tears!

I can't forget you; it's difficult for me
I still love you as I did before.
I'm not asking you to come back to me
but you could love me some more!

You still come in my dreams
and make me smile
I still read your love poems
and follow your style.

Your moon shines in my sky
It will never depart away.
You'll remember me when I die
Just forgive me that day!
My books
wet lines slice the dry summer
storm rages; sun rests
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