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They talk for a new day
But the Sun has already extinguished
And he's lost in an unidentified darkness
Where the Moon is present
But doesn't accompany him at all...

And those twinkling Stars
Seems nothing more than his fading heart
Yet he's crawling along that dark path
In the little hope of a new Moon's ray
But he's unknown that a distance of 3,84,400 Km gapping them apart...

Again in that blank darkness
He sees some rays but this time Red
Unaware of the danger, he continues to step ahead...
They tell him to bridge the gap between him and the Moon
But he's burning down all of the Bridges
And thinks, he's going to build something new...

But it's just a thought, so, he decides to recall, all the things...
Before he prepares himself to see his own downfall..!
miles davis blowing sad
and in the ruins of his room
among the empty beer cans

the room where the floor is tilted
like the fun house floor

he wrote his poems
on the back of over due bills

on paper plates flung out the window
like dying daffodils

on those orphaned buildings
on cookman ave

the click clack
and the sad echo
off his duct taped boots
drifting off empty stores

in the soulless town
he gave a heart

the man
axe in hand
chasing tommy down 5th avenue

too soon the night has found you

too soon you left this earth
.          Au Revoir

   He wished me well

       a bon voyage

     sainte et chance

      and added that

       it was merited

    he noted sadness

shrouded in my eyes

though I'd yet to blink

   the sap of sorrow
A Royal flush or just blue with the cold?

can't keep your knees from knocking
two pairs of socks on to tap in
to some body heat that's surely missing.

oh jeez
I'm shrinking

guessing it's a temporary measure.
on a windy fall day

rain can be beautiful

"Liston caught Patterson with the right
and Floyd kept trying to get up
trying to get up
off the canvas
and that's something


if you have,

and i'm shooting to turn in
great performance
knocked to the canvas
i'm trying to get up

i'm going to punch a hole through the moon
through nightmares and rust
through days shorten
like streets that have no street signs

through memories of you
in that yellow dress
dancing in the lightening, rain and thunder

it takes Heart
to ask to be forgiven

the radio was playing softly
and the space between your 2 front teeth
and your crooked little smile

and then I was holding you
in my arms
delicate and soft and tender
and i'm stealing quarters from the wishing well

what was the name of that song, anyway?"

"Rain Can Be Beautiful," she says.
she had 2 horses
but she was the...long shot
pretty and flawed
edgy like storm clouds
drifting over the sun

that brief moment

of a faltering ray of light
fading in the grass

you belong among mountains
you belong among  the columbines
blue violet
pale blue
that bloom in the high meadows
above tree line

you are a memory
and a walking dream
so run away and find another lover

and on the snow white bed sheet

I write the words

that you longed to hear
We're all being swept to sea in a
riptide of madness in a sinister
world of mad science and trusted
aides with long knives and smiles.
My love is not a page
full of pretty poetry
more like fires of rage
atomic bomb imagery
melted hearts boiled tears
I gave you charred flowers
once in many loveless years
a Pompeii Bouquet of hours.
Things cling.

Violet wait,
Violet move on,
It’s not yours to keep
Was never yours to take.

Violet stay,
Violet run far,
The stars are not aligned
Don’t search for signs, Divines

Violet tears,
Violet you’re tough
With time you’ll have,
No scars on your heart.
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