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From a distance, the heart knew,
   I was her guy.
Up close, the heart beating,
   made me, to shy.
Looking back, the heart
  I walked by.
Align, insert.
      In and again,
              Till squirt.
I think I could have loved you,
O, how you stoked passion's fire!
Or was it just the madness of Spring
That kindled such wild desire?

Was my lantern's glow too faint
As our ships passed in the night?
Or perhaps Fate extinguished the flame
Before you could see its light

We may well have been lovers
If given the proper chance;
But why did the music stop playing
Before we finished our dance?
Your voice giving a green palm
The pigeon,
Bringing branches from your heaven
Bringing from your trees and blossoms
I weave your branches
You will be my drees
You will be the sun and your leaves
Be a butterfly...
Take the shape of a butterfly...
Angels sing you a lullaby to sleep...
Hayat liked to collect tree branches and play with them. Yesterday morning, quite by chance, a pigeon left a branch in front of me to make a nest.
And as if hayat has transformed into a bird from heaven...
he tried to bring me a gift branch again... 🌱
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
David Chin
I wander aimlessly in my mind
Trying to get my life back on track.
I see my future, my goal, up ahead
But I’m pulled in a million directions.

Darkness creeps in every second,
And I’m drowned with words of
Like “can’t,” “won’t,” and “impossible.”

These words become my demons and
They push my friends and family away
As I sink deeper into the dark abyss
That I like to call my mind.

“You can’t do it!”
“You’re not good enough!”
That’s all I hear every day and night
As my demons take control of my life.

I can’t do it!
I’m not good enough!
That’s what I begin to tell myself
As my demons take control of my life.

I’m crashing and burning every second
As I listen to my demons more and more.
What’s in your past is in the past but my
Demons always bring my past to present.

“You always fail!”
“Why can’t you be more like …?”
My demons taunt and haunt me by bringing
The bad experiences of my past to present.

My mind begins to spin uncontrollably
As I become overwhelmed by my demons.
I believe their every word and every action
And I begin to disengage myself from reality.

I’m a failure!
I can never be like …!
I believe that my demons’ every word is true.
They’re controlling my life and I can’t escape!

Crashing and burning, I’ll always fail!
Escaping my demons, I cannot and never will!
I fall and I crash and I burn, at least in my mind.
This is my life, my demons’ life!
It’s what I don’t focus on
I got my dark thoughts too
Evil, twisted
Childhood traumas
I somehow fetishize
When I focus on that side
But my brain gives me a choice
I get to hear the other voice
All the joys stay with me too
I get the yellow with the blue
Maybe it’s luck, maybe it’s skill
The ability not to dwell
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