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Friends close, enemies closer;
they haunt my nights and days.
As much as I hate to admit it,
there's wisdom in this phrase.
A good person travels undetected,
they do not lie in wait.
They do not leave a mark on you
but leave you to your fate.
An evil person will try to latch onto you
like a parasite;
they bite and sting, they tear your wings
and keep you up at night.
You try to rip them out your chest,
and put the trophy on your shelf,
only to feel like you lost a better version of yourself.
A spiritual war we're in, there is no cure for it;
we're continually attacked and mocked and bit
These forces we can't outwit - only outlast.
Demonic armies with their hoards keep coming back for more
Sending people into our lives that shake us to our core.
When will it end? How will it end?
A question I often ask
What's the point of striving on
Should just wear a mask.
All the pressure on a human being
abused and crushed, to dust we return
from whence we came, crying again.
The tears burn, and yet we learn
there's nothing to do with evil but turn.
Your story is interesting
Unique and brilliant
No need to omit it
Glory is imminent
The people against you
Have all been defeated

You are very much needed
My eyes have seen evil,
But I hoped for the best;
I planted the seed
Of love where I could.
I did not see the extent
of my works manifest;
I did not play the reaper
I inclined to do good.

I did not eat or savour
The fruit of my labour
It was my job to sow
And let the seed grow.
Time is a cruel master
It continues to flow
The difference I made
My heart does not know.

I didn't want glory
nor a large sum of money
but an honourable discharge
and my sins to be waived.
Now I'm nearing the grave
and I'm beginning to see
All the love I gave,
I did it for me!
SleepEasy Feb 5
There’s nothing I can say
Or do to save you.
I’ve been fighting all my life
For what is true.
Now I’m beginning to feel
I’ve made a deal with the devil
Cause I think of your body
More than God.
You got me hooked
You yank the rod
I heave and resist
While you just nod.
You caught me
Release me
Like a bird
The contract I signed
With a four letter word.
I don’t know anymore.
Feelings unnatural
Deep in my core.
One day I’ll be free
And you’ll be in chains
I will be happy
And you’ll feel the rains
Of fire and hate
Yours to keep
Cause you celebrate
While others weep.
SleepEasy Dec 2024
Putting under a microscope things that are simple
Searching for answers in places unreachable
Overcomplicating things to make them exploitable
If it makes money the cup is half full
Science is like wine for which people drool
Yet it has no answers for it is merely a tool
Look at old tech that lost its spirit - it's no longer cool
The truth neither bends nor changes unlike the fool
SleepEasy Dec 2024
"When lawlessness and evil reign
Being a nice person is a rebellion"

I don't believe in disposing people
Even if I don't believe they'll change
I choose to love everyone
Open love goes in all directions
I don't pick and choose who I'm kind to
If I did, that would make me a hypocrite
If they don't reciprocate my kindness
I turn my head elsewhere
The end doesn't justify the means
I don't hurt people to achieve a goal
Mean and rude people are very weak
It's so hard to understand that
I don't love the way money works
It's not an exchange
I expect nothing in return
I love because I am blessed
The day I stop being kind
That's the day my luck runs out
I may appear alone
But I am never lonely
Because He is with me
To keep me company
And though I feel backed in a corner
I have the LORD behind me
To help see me through
God put me here for a reason
Moulding me into a unique being
He takes care of my soul
I trust Him with the future
SleepEasy Dec 2024
Hobbies become routine before long you're addicted
Entertainment requires more input you're distracted
The rich fear the poor so they feed the masses
Until they're too docile to get off their *****
The poor are so many to single one out why bother
The rich are so few they all know each other
They lie to you using words like climate change
While polluting the rivers and pointing a missile within your range
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