Quiet becomes routine,
as he walks across the room;
His eyes aglow in dark,
A child's impending doom.
Beyond the Vail of innocence,
Does evil now embark.
Their hearts no longer trust,
As with their hands they cannot speak;
Silenced in their torture,
By their love;
A love that's now
Becoming bleak.
If I could have one wish,
I'd wish that wish again;
And again,
and again...
As one by one,
their blood would spill,
From each heart I hold
in hand..
Nothing more than cowards,
As they feed upon the weak;
Though now,
I'm turning tables,
So no longer will they eat...
Our society is unaware of how uniformed these parasites are. How their evil us becoming generational.
They should from the first offense be executed.