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Ayush Panigrahi Sep 2019
The green grass glazed in sunlight
And the leaves seemed yellowish bright
When the dark clouds began to fight
Raindrops were accompanied by thunder and light

When the Peacock spreads its colourful wings
Then my mood blithes when the cuckoo sings
The rain falls with much many drops
And satisfies a million of hopes

The cold wind just soothed my soul
And forced me on the earth to fall
Then there when i opened my eyes
A beautiful rainbow was in the skies

By that time I was completely wet
And it was the time for the sun to set
All those tiny drops of rain
Had washed away all my sorrows and pain

In the night cold, the nature was alive
And the disturbed bees were buzzing in their hive
The clouds had gone and the moon had come
Alongwith the insects had just started their song

It was so peaceful in the dark to listen 
Still unknown to the words they sing
These all were due to the blessings of nature 
Whose moves gave me intense pleasure
That day was like no day before
What my heart says to pass it once more!
The True Feeling Of a Rainy Day
Sep 2019 · 337
The Dawn Of Joy
Ayush Panigrahi Sep 2019
The Sparrows chirping during the dawn
And the light rays were falling from the sun
The way a wind blew on me 
I just observed I was under a tree 

I felt if I was a part of nature
Wealthier and wealthier than the costliest treasure
I wished I could sit there forever 
And stare the crow which is so much clever

A squirell than came near me to sit
And I gave some apricots for to eat
All these things changed the day for me 
And gave much pleasure to enjoy being free
The Best Natural Feeling Occurs In Dawn
Sep 2019 · 480
The Smoky Site
Ayush Panigrahi Sep 2019
The World talks about pollution 
But still there is no solution 
The world behind is so green 
But the fire and smoke make it grim
Oh! there was a beautiful linden
But the hazy smoke made it hidden

Presuming the world will end one day
And there would be no body even to say 
The smoke was so much pernicious
Which turned into distress and was serious 
Tis our obligation not to feel ignominy 
But to look forward to make the earth greeny

This smoke will make us one day motionless
If we do pollution and remain being careless 
Let me warn you it is a slow poison
Even more dangerous than the nuclear fusion!!!
At night the fire became so intense 
That gave a scene of joy and tense

In pale moonlight it looked so grey
Which was due to the burning of ******* and hay
The smoke arose and arose so high 
That covered the stars in the sky 
Oh! God I wish it should go to space 
And save some years for the earth to face
Everyone is Requested to Forward this and Stop Pollution

— The End —